【食譜】無麵粉漢堡麵包 (免揉,免發酵) Gluten-Free Hamburger Buns (No-Knead + Yeast-Free)

前陣子做了 素黑豆漢堡排,熊熊想到沒有重要的漢堡麵包。原本有想說就用一般吐司就好,又覺得漢堡就是要用漢堡麵包才是,不然就是三明治了 (笑)

因為也不想要直接去買市售的,想要自己做健康一點的漢堡麵包,於是又開始 Google 找無麩質無麵粉的食譜,看了很多發現都是用美國常見市售調好的無麩質麵粉(台灣沒有),最後終於找到這個用我剛好有的食材製作的 無麵粉漢堡麵包

gluten-free-keto-burger-bun (5)

gluten-free-keto-burger-bun (6)

gluten-free-keto-burger-bun (7)

vegan-black-bean-burger (5)

2018.11 更新:我已轉為全植飲食(Plant-based),過往食記文為想留下與家人/朋友之回憶與紀錄,有關我的轉變,請閱讀:關於我。I’ve become vegan since July 2018. My “food diary” in the pass will be just the memories with my friends/families that I wanna keep. About my transformation, please read: About Me.


vegan-black-bean-burger (7)
裡頭夾著低油的 素黑豆漢堡排,再加上一顆水波蛋與我愛的蕃茄醬,這樣看起來就好豐富了!


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gluten-free-keto-burger-bun (2)
這個食譜真的很簡單,因為沒有酵母,不需要發酵,也不需要揉麵團,只要秤量好食材、混合攪拌、成型、烘烤,就 OK 了!

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我大部份一次不會吃很大一個,所以是用這次列出的食材做出 3 個中小型的漢堡麵包。這樣的大小對我來說剛剛好,因為我喜歡自己加上豐富的配料嘿! 如果你喜歡吃大一點的漢堡,可以做成 2 個。

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這個漢堡沒有酵母,是利用泡打粉和雞蛋來產生膨鬆感,入烤箱後就會慢慢長大,看著它們長大真的有種莫名的療癒感~ (笑) 來動手做吧! Let’s do this!


(※ 引用食譜煩請註明出處與原文網址.勿拿此食譜行商業行為 ※)

Gluten-Free Hamburger Buns

  • 食材 :(約 4 人份)
    • 杏仁粉 37.5 g (3/8 cup)
    • 椰子細粉 2 Tbs
    • 亞麻籽粉 2 Tbs
    • 洋車前子殼粉 10 g
    • 泡打粉 1/2 tsp
    • 乾燥洋蔥粉 1/2 tsp
    • 鹽 1/4 tsp
    • 雞蛋 1 顆 or 亞麻蛋 (1 Tbs 亞麻籽粉 + 3 Tbsp 水)
    • 蘋果醋 1/2 tsp
    • 溫水 120 ml (1/2 cup)
    • 黑芝麻、白芝麻 適量 (灑於麵包上)
  • Ingredients:(Serves: 4)
    • 37.5 g (3/8 cup) almond meal or almond flour
    • 2 Tbs coconut flour
    • 2 Tbs ground flaxseed
    • 10 g psyllium husk powder
    • 1/2 tsp baking powder
    • 1/2 tsp onion powder
    • 1/4 tsp salt
    • 1 egg or “flax egg” (1 Tbs ground flaxseed + 3 Tbsp water)
    • 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
    • 120 ml (1/2 cup) lukewarm water
    • Black & white sesame seeds (to sprinkle on top)

  • 準備工作 Preparation:
    • 食材秤量好
    • Measure all ingredients.

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 將除了芝麻外的乾粉類食材至於一盆中,混合均勻
    2. 於另一碗中將雞蛋/亞麻蛋和蘋果醋攪拌混合
    3. 將蛋醋液加入乾粉盆中,大略混合一下
    4. 再加入溫水,先用打蛋器大略混合,再改用刮刀混合拌勻成團
    5. 烤箱以 175°C 預熱
    6. 將混合好的麵團分成 2 – 3 個,塑成略扁圓型,上頭灑上適量芝麻
    7. 放入烤箱,以 175°C 烘烤 40 – 50 分鐘,至膨起且表面明顯偏乾,取出烤箱後用手指輕敲麵包底部會有空洞聲
    8. 取出置於網架上放涼。食用前再對切、用烤箱烤熱夾入配料即可
  • Directions:
    1. Mix all dry ingredients except the sesame seeds in a mixing bowl.
    2. In another bowl, mix the egg and apple cider vinegar together.
    3. Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients. Then just roughly mix.
    4. Add the lukewarm water to the bowl. First use a whisk to roughly combine, then change to a spatula to incorporate and make a dough.
    5. Preheat the oven at 175°C.
    6. Divide the dough into 2 or 3. Shape them into a bun-like, flat round shape and sprinkle some sesame seeds on top.
    7. Bake them at 175°C for 40 – 50 minutes until they puff up and are dry on the outside. You should hear a hollow sound if you flip them with your finger on their bottom.
    8. Cool them on a wire rack. When you are about to serve, cut them in half and fill in anything you want. Enjoy.

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Bon appétit!


原製作日期:2017.08.22 / Last update: 2019.04.28

小額贊助 (NT.25) 支持未來持續創作更多優質內容 : )

Nora 街口

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【食譜】無麵粉漢堡麵包 (免揉,免發酵) Gluten-Free Hamburger Buns (No-Knead + Yeast-Free)


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

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