3 樣食材! 藍莓奇亞籽果醬 3-Ingredient Blueberry Chia Jam (No Sugar, Flour-less)

在認識奇亞籽不久後,就有查到不少人利用這個超級食物製作果醬,我也一直很做做看,前陣子終於打算要做,才發現冷凍藍莓快用完,去大賣場補貨後,終於也讓我動手來做這個 藍莓奇亞籽果醬 了。

After learning chia seeds, I find that one of the popular recipes of this superfood is chia jam and that I keep these ideas in mind for a long time. When I just determined to take the action, I find that I was running out of frozen blueberries, so here followed a run to the hyper mall. OK, I’m ready to make this Blueberry Chia Jam.

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一般市售的果醬為了迎合市場與解決保存上問題,糖量真的很多,另外也有許多食譜是有加玉米粉或是其它粉類才增加果醬的稠濃度。這次就做了這個完全沒有加糖、也沒有添加任何粉的藍莓果醬! 食材只要 3 或 4 樣。

Many jams on the market add tons of sugar and even some preservatives in order to tailor to popular taste as well as to make them last longer.

Common jam recipes have corn flour of other types of flour to thicken the jam. This recipe has none of the things mentioned above. Yes, this blueberry chia jam is sugarfree, gluten-free, and no addictive, and it only needs 3 or 4 ingredients.

全素藍莓奇亞籽果醬 Blueberry Chia Jam


雖然台灣有很多水果,但比較沒有莓果類,想吃酸甜莓果的我就是到大賣場買冷凍莓果 (我會到 Costco 買或是網購)。買來的冷凍莓果我最常拿來加到優格裡吃,冷凍莓果也是最適合拿來做果醬的選擇!

For the past year, my diet has gradually changed. I start to realize that the foods are already delicious on their own, especially fruits. They are like natural candies.

Even though Taiwan is known as the “Fruit Kingdom,” we don’t have many berries. Fresh berries are too expensive for me to make them one of my stables, but frozen ones could be. I often buy berries online or from Costco.

Frozen blueberries are my top choice because they are sweet on its own (to me) and can be very versatile. I often add them into my homemade yogurt or overnight oats.  What’s more, frozen berries are the top choice to make jam.

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As I mentioned, blueberries are sweet on its own, at least the ones that I bought are. If you find your blueberries are on the sour side, you could add some natural sugar or syrup to balance the sourness. I find maple syrup goes very well with blueberries.

As the picture shows, this sugar-free, gluten-free blueberry chia jam is thick without any flour. That is the magic of chia seeds, thanks to their absorbent nature. I add a little lime juice to enhance the flavor as well as make the jam look more bright and beautiful.


This healthy jam is quick to make. I make them in less than 20 minutes.

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藍莓果醬除了搭配 吐司,也可以用來搭配 司康無糖優格。無糖,更能吃到食材本身的滋味。自製藍莓果醬真的很簡單,來動手做吧!

You can use many companies for this blueberry chia jam, bread, scones, or yogurt, your call. Without sugar, you can get the real flavor and taste of the foods. This homemade blueberry chia jam is really simple. Give it a try!

Let’s do this!


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藍莓奇亞籽果醬 (無糖,無粉)
Blueberry Chia Jam (No Sugar, Flour-less)

  • 參考改自 Adapted from:oh she glows
  • 食材 :(約 2 – 4 人份)
    • 冷凍藍莓 200 g
    • 鹽 1 小撮 (非必要)
    • 奇亞籽 1 Tbs + 1 tsp
    • 檸檬汁 or 萊姆汁 1 tsp
  • Ingredients:(Serves: 2 – 4)
    • 200 g frozen blueberries
    • 1 tiny pinch of salt (optional)
    • 1 Tbs + 1 tsp chia seeds
    • 1 tsp lemon or lime juice

*This recipe is on the sour side. You can add some maple syrup to add some additional sweetness if you want.

  • 準備工作 Preparation:
    • 食材秤量好
    • Measure all ingredients.

【實作影片 Watch How To】

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 將冷凍藍莓與鹽放入鍋中(若要加楓糖也在這時一起加,攪拌均勻),以中火煮,不時攪拌
    2. 藍莓開始解凍約一半時就轉中小火,繼續煮,要顧爐、時常攪拌,煮的過程約 5 – 10 分鐘
    3. 待藍莓中的汁液釋放出來後,再加入奇亞籽,攪拌均勻,再繼續用小火煮至汁液收得差不多後就熄火
    4. 移離爐上,加入檸檬汁,攪拌均勻
    5. 倒入密封罐中,蓋上蓋子。待放涼後再放入冰箱冷藏保存。最長可放至 2 星期
  • Directions:
    1. Place the frozen blueberries along with salt (and syrup if added, stir first to combine) into a pot over medium heat. Stir occasionally.
    2. When most of the blueberries have defrosted, low the heat to medium-low. Do not leave the stove and stir frequently. It will take about 5 – 10 minutes.
    3. After the blueberries have released their juice, add chia seeds and keep stirring until all mix well. Keep cooking over low heat until most of the cooks off and the mixture gets thicken.
    4. Remove from the heat and add the lemon juice. Stir to combine.
    5. Pour into an air-tight container. Secure the lid and let it cool down before moving into the fridge for storage. It can last up to 2 weeks in the fridge.

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Bon appétit!

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3 樣食材! 藍莓奇亞籽果醬 3-Ingredient Blueberry Chia Jam (No Sugar, Flour-less)

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我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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