全素免烤巧克力慕斯絲滑派 Vegan No-bake Chocolate Silk Pie (8 ingredients)

Want something to satiate the cacao craving? This Vegan No-bake Chocolate Silk Pie got your back! It’s creamy and super delicious with the lovely cacao flavor. And it requires only 8 ingredients to make!

有著如絲稠的絲滑綿潤口感,這個全素巧克力慕斯絲滑派能滿足我這超大巧克力控的「可可慾」! 而且製作方法簡單,免烤、無麩質、無蛋奶,而且裡頭還有一樣於甜點中不常見的秘密食材,讓它有著令人滿足的口感,你猜到是哪樣食材了嗎 …?

全素免烤巧克力慕斯絲滑派 Vegan No-bake Chocolate Silk Pie (8 ingredients)

Vegan Chocolate Silk Pie

I love chocolate, which you probably could tell by the number of chocolate-related recipes I’ve shared. And this Vegan Chocolate Silk Pie is one of my favs that make me feel so satisfied and blessed.

If you’ve followed my Instagram, you might know that I’ve been a little down lately. Tons of insecurity makes me feel depressed and worries. One of that is my father’s healthy, another one is the finactial pressure I’m facing.

I’m not here to say anything pathetic but that’s the truth. I was born in a normal family without any fancy background. My father and mother divorced about 10 years ago. There was something happening throughout these years, which made me who I am today.

I do feel blessed to have everything I have right now, but I’m human. I got worried, I got insecure, and even sometimes I feel lost, pondering on what and why I’m doing, things like that.

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我非常愛巧克力,你應該知道的 … 吧? (笑) 而這個全素巧克力慕斯絲滑派,是讓我近期吃了非常滿足的甜點之一。

如果你有 Follow 我的 Instagram,可能會發現我這陣子心情有點 down,自己覺得是因為生活各方面的壓力與擔心,其中一個是葉爸前陣子因為心臟問題住院、動了手術,另一個算是實際上常見的收入壓力。



全素巧克力慕斯絲滑派 Vegan Chocolate Silk Pie (No-Bake)

濃郁的巧克力滋味 Intense Chocolaty Flavor

Anyway, sorry for that rant. Let’s go back to our heavenly chocolate pie, which is actually one of my saviors these few weeks. It’s rich in chocolatey flavor and so creamy and silky that, as a chocoholic, that’s my food.

Anyway … 一不小心又打了太多,這篇重點是這個天堂美味的巧克力派。而它會成為我最近的 blues 解贖之一,就是因為它有著濃郁的可可、巧克力滋味,身為一個巧克力控,這絕對是個 “Must” 必要重點,至少 對我來說啦, haha.

全素巧克力慕斯絲滑派 Vegan Chocolate Silk Pie (No-Bake)

No-Bake, Vegan, Dairy-Free, Super Easy To Make!

當然是使用全植物性食材製作,無蛋奶,而且它也不用烤,製作方法簡單快速,雖然可能沒有像可可能量球這麼快啦,但… You know.

全素巧克力慕斯絲滑派 Vegan Chocolate Silk Pie (No-Bake)

絲滑綿潤的口感 Silky & Creamy Texture

如同它的名字,它有著如同絲稠的滑潤的口感,加上生可可粉達成的濃郁滋味,吃一口就覺得好像在巧克力天堂 The heavenly flavor!


全素巧克力慕斯絲滑派 Vegan Chocolate Silk Pie (No-Bake)

藏著一樣秘密食材 Made with A Secret Ingredient …


但其實我有一種感覺,就是 … 當我一說「秘密食材」,熟悉我的你們可能已經猜到了,對吧? (笑)

是的,那樣食材就是豆腐! 如果你是新朋友,別緊張,你嚐不到豆腐的,至少我吃的時候完全沒感覺,完全就是綿潤濃郁的巧克力天堂派。

如果你有做過先前分享過的 全素豆腐巧克力慕斯,我想你看到這個食譜應該不意外吧。

豆腐真的是我非常愛的食材之一,熱量低是其次,主要是因為我非常愛它的滑嫩口感,簡單淋點醬油膏搭配,就非常美味了! 如果你有看過 我一天的全植飲食紀錄影片,從我的口氣可能能了解我有多愛這麼吃。

豆腐出現在甜點裡似乎不尋常,但不尋常不代表”不正常”,因為它能產出的滑潤口感在甜點中真的算無可取代,對我來說是個寶! 像是全素酪梨綠檸檬派裡頭也藏著它。

全素巧克力慕斯絲滑派 Vegan Chocolate Silk Pie (No-Bake)

So… 巧克力控,來動手吧!
Let’s do this!

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全素免烤巧克力慕斯絲滑派 Vegan No-bake Chocolate Silk Pie (8 ingredients)

Vegan No-bake Chocolate Silk Pie (8 ingredients)

Want something to satiate the cacao craving? This Vegan No-bake Chocolate Silk Pie got your back! It's creamy and super delicious with the lovely cacao flavor. And it requires only 8 ingredients to make!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備20 minutes
Refrigeration3 hours
總共20 minutes
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: vegan, 無麩質
Keyword: 10 ingredients or less, 30 minutes or less, chocolate, dessert, gluten-free, no-bake, oil-free, sweets, vegan
份量: 4 people


Base 底層

  • 25 g walnuts 核桃
  • 25 g rolled oats 傳統燕麥片
  • 25 g pitted dates 去籽椰棗乾
  • A pinch salt 1 小撮 鹽, optional 非必要

Chocolate silky filling 巧克力絲滑內餡

  • 200 g regular firm tofu, pressed 家常豆腐, 壓 10 分鐘, 讓它出水
  • 60 ml coconut cream 椰子奶油, 或是冰過的椰奶上層部份
  • 4 Tbsp cacao powder 生可可粉
  • 1/2 tbsp vanilla extract 純香草精
  • A pinch salt 1 小撮 鹽, optional 非必要
  • 2-3 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿



  • 將椰棗放入食物處理機中,攪打細碎
  • 接著放入核桃、燕麥片與 1 小撮鹽,繼續用食物處理機攪打混合,至混合物質地可用手指捏成團。中間視情況停下來做 1-2 刮杯的動作,可添加少許飲用水幫助食材黏在一起
  • 將底層混合物填壓入模具底層 (我是用兩個4吋派模,也可以用1個6吋派模),放入冷凍備用


  • 將內餡所有食材,包含豆腐、椰子奶油生可可粉、楓糖漿、香草精、鹽,全放入食物調理機食物處理機中,攪打混合均勻。因為要把內餡打得滑順,若食物處理機無法打很細,建議改使用食物調理機
  • 取出冷凍的派盤,將巧克力內餡倒於底層上,均勻平鋪
  • 放入密封容器中或加蓋,冷藏至少 3-4 小時,至內餡完全凝固
  • 取出脫模,可以再加自己喜歡的點綴物,我有灑上一些可可粉、加了點可可碎豆,即可拿叉子進入巧克力天堂享用!

To make the base

  • Add the pitted dates to a food processor and chop them into small chunks.
  • Add the walnuts, oats, and salt. Continue to processor to mix all until the mixture can stick together when you press them between your finger. Stop and scrape down the sides as needed. If the mixture is too dry, add a dash of water to help binding.
  • Press the mixture into the bottom of the pan (I use two 4" tart mold, you can also use 1 6" pan. Place them into freezer while we make the filling.

To make the filling

  • Blend all ingredient in a blender of a food processor until smooth. Use a tamper if you have one to help blend. Stop and scrape down the side as needed.
  • Remove the pan from the freezer. Pour the mixture into the pan. Spread out the mixture evenly.
  • Place them into the fridge for 3-4 hours or until the mixture is completely set.
  • Remove from the pan. Add anything you like as the toppings. I sprinkle some cacao powder and cacao nibs on top. And take your fork to dive in the chocolate heaven!



  • 保存:放入密封容器中,冷藏保存,約可放 3 – 4 天;或冷凍 2 週,要享用前再取出解凍。
  • Storage: Store the cake in an air-tight container in the fridge for 3-4 days or 2 weeks in the freezer. Let it defrost before serving if taken from the freezer.
  • Recipe adapted from Half Baked Harvest


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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