嗯,又要來做甜點了。這次要來做的是 全素榛果巧克力冰淇淋蛋糕。這也算是健康版甜點,因為它無蛋、全素、無精緻糖,也沒有麵粉。但一樣有著讓我愛不釋口的濃郁巧克力榛果滋味。
Yes, dessert again. These are Vegan Hazelnut Chocolate Ice Cream Cakes, healthier version. They are vegan, refined-sugar-free, and gluten-free. Even without those common ingredients in making desserts, they still have the rich, dense, creamy, and chocolatey taste that I do not want to stop eating them if I could keep my shape. (lol)

Vegan Hazelnut Chocolate Ice Cream Cups (No-Bake)
這次會做這個全素榛果巧克力冰淇淋蛋糕,是在瀏覽食譜時,看到 The Kitchen Mccabe 很美的照片。讓深愛巧克力的我也動心想來試試。但還是有依自己的喜好稍微調整,其中一個就是沒有用單純一種奶 杏仁奶 或椰奶,而是用無糖豆漿搭配椰奶,因為我覺得這食譜裡頭已經有夠多的堅果滋味了。
The idea of making this vegan hazelnut chocolate ice cream cake is derived from The Kitchen Mccabe. The gorgeous pictures just got my heart once I saw them. What’s more, I’m a serious chocolate lover. Still, I adapted a little to make these desserts best work for me. I use soy milk along with coconut milk instead of using one kind of milk because I thing I will get enough nutty flavor from hazelnut and cashews.
For the toppings, I use the chocolate ganache from the sweet potato recipe instead of Nutella spread and add some halved hazel and fleur de sel.
這次是用矽膠杯子蛋糕模來做。做這種冰凍的小甜點,我很喜歡用矽膠杯子蛋糕模,因為很容易脫模,不用噴槍或是熱毛巾上場,而且這樣做出來的一個份量也剛好,雖然有時候我會不小心吃超過一個~ : 9
I use silicone cups to make these sweet little things. I really like to use these cups for frozen desserts. It makes removing much easier than using a regular metal mold, no need for a gas torch or a hot towel. And each of them just suits one person, even though I’ll eat more than one sometimes. : 9
名為冰淇淋蛋糕,就是要冷凍! 大約要冰個 3 – 4 小時讓它完全凝固。但我不喜歡太硬的口感,所以從冷凍取出後,會讓它再稍微解凍約 5 分鐘,這樣嚐起來味道更濃郁,口感也較為綿潤。
As the “ice cream” suggest, they need to stay in the freezer for a while, 3 – 4 hours will do the work. However, I personally do not like stone-like texture, so I usually defrost them in room temperature for about 5 minutes before enjoying the first bite. After defrosting, the cake will become more rich in flavor and creamier in texture.
這次這個巧克力冰淇淋蛋糕裡還加了一樣比較少見的東西:可可脂(Cocoa butter)。可可脂其實就是製作巧克力的原料之一,它算是可可膏的下一個加工產物,把可可粉從可可膏抽出來,剩下的就是可可脂,單純來說就是純可可脂肪,顏色呈現乳白色;好的白巧克力就會使用可可脂來製作,而非植物油。有關可可脂更詳細的介紹可以參考此篇或是參拜Google大神。
一般是在烘焙食品材料行會找的到,我是前陣子在網路上看到有人出清買的,這也是我第一次使用可可脂,一開始收到就有種相見恨晚的感覺,因為一打開就聞到它迷人的可可香氣,那香氣真的是其它任何食品都無可取代的!這次也因為有它的加入,讓這個巧克力冰淇淋蛋糕有著更濃郁的可可香。可可脂現在納入我的食品儲藏櫃必備品清單了! 好了,來動手作吧!
This chocolate ice cream cake has one thing that is not so common as the rest of the ingredients: Cocoa butter. The cocoa butter, in fact, is one of the ingredients in making chocolate. It is a sub-product of cocoa mass. If you take cacao powder out of cocoa mass, then you got cocoa butter. Simply put, it is the butter of the cacao. Cocoa butter has a milk look. It’s the main ingredient in making good-quality white chocolate, not any other plant oil. You can google “cocoa butter” for more information if you are interested.
Usually, you can find cocoa butter in some bakery shops. I bought from a person online. This is my first time buying cocoa butter and using it. Once I opened the bag, I got a feeling that I should have bought it earlier in my life. It has the rich yet mild cacao flavor that no other thing can replace, in my opinion. And it really brings the chocolate ice cream cake to another level. Now I have pinned cocoa butter on my stable food list. OK, let’s do this!
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Vegan Hazelnut Chocolate Ice Cream Cake
參考改自:The Kitchen Mccabe
- 特別器具 Special equipment:
- 蛋糕模 (我用 10 個杯子蛋糕矽膠模)
- 一台食物處理機
- 一台高速食物調理機
- ————————————-
- cake pan (I use 10 silicone baking cups)
- A food processor
- A high-speed blender
食材 :(約 10 人份)
- 底層
- 去籽椰棗乾 4 個 (約 25 g)
- 椰奶 2 Tbs
- 杏仁粉 (1/2 + 1/4 cup) 73 g
- 1 小撮鹽
- 生可可粉 0.5 Tbs
- 榛果 (1/8 cup) 20 g
- 內餡
- 榛果 (1/2 + 1/2 cup) 95 g, 秤量後泡於飲用水中 4 – 6 小時
- 生腰果 (1/3 cup) 45 g, 秤量後泡於飲用水中 4 – 6 小時
- 椰奶 (1/4 cup) 60 ml
- 豆漿 (1/4 cup) 60 ml
- 椰糖漿 或 楓糖漿 2 Tbs + 2 tsp
- 生可可粉 2 Tbs
- 食用級可可脂, 融化 2 Tbs
- 椰子油, 融化 2 Tbs
- 天然香草精 1 tsp
- 1 小撮鹽
- 表面巧克力甘那許
- 椰子油 2 Tbs
- 杏仁醬 2 Tbs
- 椰糖漿 或 楓糖漿 1 Tbs
- 生可可粉 2 Tbs
- 榛果, 稍烤過 切半 適量
- 鹽之花, 少許
- 底層
- Ingredients: (Serves: 10)
- For the crust
- 4 pitted dates, about 25 g (Deglet Noor)
- 2 Tbs coconut milk
- 73 g (1/2 + 1/4 cup) almond meal
- pinch of salt
- 0.5 Tbs cacao powder
- 20 g (1/8 cup) hazelnut, toasted
- For the filling
- 95 g (1/2 + 1/8 cup) hazelnut, soaked
- 45 g (1/3 cup) raw cashews, soaked
- 60 ml (1/4 cup) full-fat coconut milk
- 60 ml (1/4 cup) unsweetened soy milk
- 2 Tbs + 2 tsp maple or palm coconut palm syrup
- 2 Tbs cacao powder
- 2 Tbs food-grade cocoa butter, melted
- 2 Tbs coconut oil, melted
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- pinch of salt
- For the ganache toppings
- 2 Tbs coconut oil
- 2 Tbs almond butter
- 1 Tbs maple or coconut palm syrup
- 2 Tbs cacao powder
- some hazelnut, lightly toasted and halved
- some fleur de sel
- For the crust
- 準備工作 Preparation:
- 食材秤量好
- 內餡的堅果泡水 4 – 6 小時後濾乾,用飲用水稍微沖一下
- 將底層食材中的椰棗泡於椰奶中至少10分鐘
- ———————-
- Measure all ingredients.
- Drain out the water from the soaked nuts and slight rinse them.
- For the base: soak the pitted dates in the coconut milk for at least 10 minutes.
- 作法/步驟:
- 製作底層:將所有食材放入食物處理機中,攪打至成團
- 將成團的底層食材均分放入模具中,壓平壓實,置於冷凍備用
- 製作內餡:將內餡所有食材放入調理機機攪打,看情況中間停下來做刮杯的動作,攪打至整體滑順
- 將置於冷凍的底層取出,將內餡平均倒入模具中,將模具提起放下,稍微輕敲桌面,讓裡頭不要有氣泡,再放到冷凍 3 – 4 小時,至完全凝固
- 製作表層甘那許:將甘那許部份除了榛果與鹽之花的食材攪拌混合均勻
- 取出於冷凍的蛋糕,將表層甘那許用湯匙抹上,再放上切半榛果與少許鹽之花即可享用
- Directions:
- To make the base: Blend all ingredients in a food processor until they stick together and become a dough.
- Divide the dough into the cups, press down with your fingers or a spoon. Then place them into the freezer while we make the filling.
- To make the filling: Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until creamy and smooth. Stop and scrape down the sides if needed.
- Remove the cups from the freezer. Pour the filling mixture into the cups. Drop the cups on the counter to remove air bubble. Return to the freezer for 3 – 4 hours until the cakes are completely set.
- To make the topping: Mix the ingredients except for the hazelnuts and fleur de sel together until fully combined.
- Take the frozen cakes out from the freezer and remove from the mold. Spread the ganache on each cakes and add some halved hazelnuts and fleur de sel. Serve and enjoy!
- 註
- 剩下的蛋糕冷凍保存,約可放 1 個月
- 其它巧克力慕斯食譜:全素豆腐巧克力慕斯 (無加糖), 全素巧克力慕斯 (三樣食材, 無酪梨 無椰奶), 全素椰奶巧克力慕斯
- 更多純素食譜:點我
- 更多甜點食譜:點我
- 我的器具與食材:點我
- Notes
- Store the leftover in the freezer for about 1 month.
- Other Chocolate Mousse recipes: Vegan Tofu Chocolate Mousse (No Sugar Added) , 3-Ingredient Vegan Chocolate Mousse With Aquafaba, Vegan Coconut Chocolate Mousse
- More Vegan recipes: HERE
- More Dessert recipes: HERE
- My Tools, Equipment & Ingredient List: HERE
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