免烤全素花生派 (含秘密食材) No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Pie

如果你了解我,應該知道我是個很大的「花生醬控」,就算先前不知道,現在應該也知道了啦 (笑) 所以這次要來分享這 免烤全素花生派 應該算天經地義,對吧 ?

If you know me, you should probably know that I’m a big fan of Peanut Butter, one of the most delicious things in the world, in my opinion. If you do not know before, now you do. lol So, it’s no need to explain why I made this No-bake Peanut Butter Pie, and of course, it’s vegan.

Vegan Peanut Butter Pie

免烤全素花生派 – 全植物、無蛋、無牛奶
No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Pie – Plant-based, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free

這個免烤全素花生派 無蛋、無牛奶無任何動物性製品,中間的餡有著濃郁的花生滋味,但裡頭有一樣秘密食材,讓它嚐起來濃郁但又不會覺得膩口,有點類似先前分享的 全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 的上層,如果你看過那篇,那你應該猜的到那樣我很愛、也很常用的食材了!

This No-Bake Peanut Butter Pie is vegan, which means there is no egg, dairy, or any animal product inside. It’s full of rich peanut-y flavor but not so dense thanks to a secret ingredient. It’s similar to the upper layer to my Vegan Snicker Cups. If you’ve read that post, you probably already know what the secret ingredient is.

Vegan Peanut Butter Pie

A Secret, Low-calorie Ingredient!

那一樣食材就是:豆腐! 別擔心,因為豆腐本身並沒有明顯的味道,加上花生醬有的濃郁強烈性格風味,品嚐享用時是吃不出來的。

That is … Tofu! Don’t panic. Since the tofu tastes really plain and the peanut butter has a quite standout character, you won’t know there is tofu in this peanut butter pie if I had not told you.

Vegan Peanut Butter Pie

濃郁綿潤花生內餡 + 堅果底層
Creamy Peanut Butter Filling + Nutty Base

這次是參考我很喜歡的 Blogger 之一 Minimalist Baker 的食譜,她的派皮層是使用現成的餅乾,但因為我現在手邊並沒有任何市售、或是現成適合的餅乾,所以還是採用、自製我最喜歡的堅果底層來搭配。最後表面我是加了一點 可可碎豆 點綴。

This recipe is inspired by one of my favorite bloggers ─ Minimalist Baker. In her recipe, she used crackers to make the crust. But since I don’t have any crackers at hand, I adapted it to use my beloved nuts to create the base. I sprinkle a small handful of cacao nibs on top for decoration.

Vegan Peanut Butter Pie

No-Bake, Easy, and Quick to Make!

美味是一個重點,另一個重點是這個用全植物性食材的花生派製作過程很簡單,不需要烘烤,只要把食材丟到食物處理機裡、攪打混合,需要的食材也不多,只要 7 樣;如果你常做我的食譜,那麼這些食材可能都在你的冰箱、櫥櫃裡了。最困難的部份應該是… 等待! 它也是需要一些時間冷藏凝固的。

Besides tastes, another great think about this vegan peanut butter pie is that it’s simple and super easy to make. You just blend some ingredients in a food processor in two times and place it in the fridge to set. Done. No baking is required. And you only need 7 ingredients to make it. If you often make my recipes, then those ingredients are probably already in your fridge and cabinet.

Vegan Peanut Butter Pie

這個花生派的內餡和先前分享的放到冷凍的 全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 口感不太一樣,它的內餡是偏軟潤、類似 “pudding” 的滑潤口感,不變的是一樣有濃濃的花生醬滋味!

The texture of this No-bake Peanut Butter Pie is slightly different from the one of Vegan Snicker Cups. It’s more soft and creamy, almost like a “pudding” texture. But what stays the same is the rich peanut-y flavor that I cannot live without.

BTW, if you love peanut butter as I do, then you probably don’t want to miss these recipes too
Vegan Peanut Butter Pie


You can totally taste the peanut butter in this peanut butter pie. The tofu drags down the heaviness to make it more light and creamy. Combined with the nut base, I love it so much that I ate a big chunk of it while taking photos.

Vegan Peanut Butter Pie

OK, enough talking. Let’s do this!


No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Pie (7 ingredients) 免烤全素花生派

Creamy, full of peanut-y flavor, and made with only 7 ingredients, this Vegan Peanut Butter Pie is perfect for peanut butter lovers to dive in!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
Refrigeration6 hours
總共6 hours 10 minutes
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: American, vegan
Keyword: 10 ingredients or less, dairy-free, gluten-free, no-bake, peanut butter, vegan
份量: 4 people


For the base 底層

  • 40 g almonds 杏仁
  • 20 g sunflower seeds 葵花籽
  • 25  g pitted dates 去籽椰棗乾

For the filling 內餡

  • 2 Tbsp peanut butter 花生醬, see note for Homemade Recipe 自製食譜見註
  • 85 g silken tofu 嫩豆腐, drained 壓出水份
  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • 4 Tbsp  coconut cream 椰子奶油, from a canned refrigerated full-fat coconut milk 從冷藏椰奶取出上部


  • 製作底層:將去籽椰棗乾放入食物處理機中切碎,再放入其它食材,攪打混合至整體細碎,混合物用手指捏時可黏成團的質地,若偏乾,可加一點點水再攪打一下,幫助成團
  • 將底層混合物填入 1 個 4 吋模具底層與邊圍,放入冷凍備用
  • 製作內餡:取冷藏過後椰奶的上層 60 ml,與其它食材放入食物調理機裡 (我沒有清我的調理杯,你要清也可以,但…我就是這樣 // 笑),攪打混合至滑順,視情況停下來做刮杯的動作
  • 取出置於冷凍的模具,將內餡混合物填入模具中,輕晃使混合物均勻分佈
  • 將模具封蓋好,放入冰箱冷藏至少 6 小時或至整體凝固
  • 取出脫模(或不用),即可切塊或挖取享用!

English Version

  • Add the pitted dates to a food processor to chop them. Then add other base ingredients, continue to process until all are finely chopped. The mixture should stick together if you press them between your fingers. If the mixture is too dry, add a dash of water to help binding.
  • Press the base mixture into the bottom and the sides of the lined pan. Place the pan in the freezer while we make the filling.
  • To make the filling: Scoop out 60 ml from the refrigerated coconut milk. Add it along with other ingredients to the food processor (I didn't mind to wash the processing cup after making the base. Clean it if you want, but…  that's just me. // laugh)
  • Remove the pan from the freezer. Transfer the filling to the pan. Gently wiggle the pan to let the mixture even out.
  • Cover and place it in the fridge for at least 6 hours or until it’s set.
  • Remove from the pan (or not). Slice or use a spoon to enjoy!





我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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