【食譜】全素烤蘋果酥派 (無麵粉) Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)

前一陣子深深愛上烤過的蘋果滋味,又想要做一些烤蘋果甜點,想到先前有做過的全素烤蘋果派 和全素烤蘋果奶酥,於是就想來做個全素烤蘋果酥派吧!這個烤蘋果酥派,一樣的,是全素,無蛋、無牛奶、無動物性製品 的,但沒擔心,它絕對有不輸傳統蘋果派的美味!

前一陣子深深愛上烤過的蘋果滋味,又想要做一些烤蘋果甜點,想到先前有做過的 全素烤蘋果派全素烤蘋果奶酥,於是就想… 來做個 全素烤蘋果酥派 吧!

全素烤蘋果酥派 Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)

全素烤蘋果酥派 (無麵粉)
Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)

我現在已經進入全植物性飲食人生,所以這個烤蘋果酥派,一樣的,是全素無蛋無牛奶無動物性製品 的,但沒擔心,它絕對有不輸傳統蘋果派的美味!

全素烤蘋果酥派 Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)

同時我也想讓更多人都能享用這一道美味的烤蘋果酥派,這次也沒有使用麵粉 (因為有些人是對麩質過敏的),取而代之的是我常用的燕麥粉,與近期才接觸的白米粉。

全素烤蘋果酥派 Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)

Covered with Delicious Crumbles!

看看這全素烤蘋果酥派,是不是非常誘人呢! 我是個非常喜歡酥脆口感的人,所以蘋果派再加上滿滿的烤酥塊絕對是 100 分再加 100 分!

全素烤蘋果酥派 Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)


全素烤蘋果酥派 Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)

Warm Hearty Baked Apple Filling


全素烤蘋果酥派 Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)

吃這種蘋果派,我喜歡把蘋果堆得高高、厚厚的,這樣挖取出一切塊享用感覺更滿足! 我喜歡把蘋果加點椰糖和肉桂粉炒出香氣、釋放它的輕甜汁液,之後再烤過,更增加味道上的層次。


全素烤蘋果酥派 Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)

天氣慢慢轉涼,在冷天吃上一塊暖心的烤蘋果酥派真的讓人覺得很幸福! 除了可以當下午茶或飯後甜點享用,我也喜歡切下一大塊作為早餐。

Let’s do this!

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全素烤蘋果酥派 (無麵粉)
Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)

  • 食材  ( 一個  6 吋派 )
    • 派皮 / 表面酥塊
    • 烤蘋果餡
      • 蘋果, 去核切成丁塊 480 ml (2 cups) ~1.5 大顆蘋果
      • 鹽 1 小撮
      • 椰子油 1 Tbsp
      • 椰糖 (粉粒狀) 1 Tbsp
      • 肉桂粉 1/4 tsp
      • 丁香粉 1/8 tsp
      • 肉荳蔻粉 少許
      • 葡萄乾 4 Tbsp (1/4 cup)
      • 萊姆汁 或 檸檬汁 1 Tbsp
      • 葛根粉 或 樹薯粉 1/4 tsp
  • Ingredients:(Yield: A 6″ pie)

  • 準備工作 Preparation:
    • 食材秤量好
    • Measure all ingredients.

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 將烤箱以 175 C / 350 F 預熱
    2. 製作派皮:將奇亞籽與水於一小碗中混合,靜置 5  – 10 分鐘,它會變得有點稠
    3. 靜置等待的時間,將燕麥粉、白米粉、鹽、椰糖、燕麥片、小蘇打粉置於一大攪拌盆中混合
    4. 將凝固軟化的椰子油、蘋果醬、香草精,與奇亞籽夜加入乾粉盆中,一開始先用叉子攪拌混合均勻,之後再用手將捏成團
    5. 派盤內層抹上一層油 (我用椰子油,建議不要抹太少,否則很難取出) 取約 2/3 的派皮團,置於兩張烘焙紙中擀開,再鋪入派盤裡,剩下的派皮團先置於小盒中,放入冰箱冷藏備用
    6. 派皮底用叉子戳幾個洞,放入烤箱,以 175 C / 350 F 烘烤 15 – 20 分鐘,至派皮內層烤熟不軟。若烤好取出,置於一旁備用,烤箱溫度調降至 165 C / 329 F 開著備用
    7. 烘烤派皮時來製作蘋果餡:醬料鍋置於中小火上,鍋內放入椰子油、蘋果丁塊、鹽,拌炒至蘋果丁塊釋放出汁液,再加入椰糖、肉桂粉、丁香粉、肉荳蔻粉、葡萄乾、檸檬汁,拌炒至蘋果丁塊軟,視情況可添加少許水幫助拌炒,再加入葛根粉快速混合,再煮約 20 – 30 秒,之後熄火,備用
    8. 將置於冷藏的 1/3 派皮麵團取出,用手指捏散派皮團,拌入核桃碎,這就是我們的表層酥塊!
    9. 先烤過的派皮取出,將蘋果餡倒於派皮上、鋪平,再加上表層酥塊派皮團
    10. 放回烤箱,烘烤約 35 – 40 分鐘,至表面酥塊金黃、酥硬,你也會聞到非常迷人的烤蘋果香甜氣息
    11. 取出稍微放 5 分鐘,再切一大塊給你自己享用。建議熱熱得吃才美味喔! 🙂
  • Directions:
    1. Preheat the oven at  175 C / 350 F.
    2. To make the pie crust: Mix the chia seed and water in a small bowl. Let it seat for 5 – 10 minutes until it becomes a chia “gel.”
    3. In the meantime, add the oat flour, white rice flour, salt, coconut sugar, rolled oats, and baking soda in a big mixing bowl, and mix well.
    4. Thereafter, add the soft coconut oil, applesauce, vanilla extract, and the chia gel to the dry ingredients. Use a fork to mix all together, then use your hand to form a dough.
    5. Grease you pie pan generously (I use coconut oil. I say generously because the crust might stick to the pie pan if you didn’t.) Take about 2/3 of the dough. Roll the dough out between two parchment paper, then transfer it to line your pie pan. Place the left 1/3 dough in a small container and place it in the fridge for later use.
    6. Use a fork to poke a few holes on the bottom of the pie crust. Bake it at 175 C / 350 F for 15 – 20 minutes until the crust is baked, not soft to the touch. Once finish baking, take it out and set aside. Keep your oven on and lower down the oven temperature to 165 C / 329 F.
    7. While the crust in the oven, let make the apple filling: Place a saucepan over a medium-low heat, add the coconut oil, chopped apples, and salt. Cook them until the apples start to release their juices, stir frequently. Then add the coconut sugar, cinnamon, ground clove, nutmeg, raisins, and lime juice. Cook until the apples are soft. Add a dash of water to help cooking if  the pan is too dry. Then add the arrowroot starch and stir for another 15 – 20 seconds then turn off the heat.
    8. Remove the left 1/3 dough from the fridge. Crumble the dough with your fingers and mix in the chopped walnuts. This is our crumbles for the topping.
    9. Transfer the cooked apple filling onto the baked crust. Then sprinkle the crumbles on top.
    10. Bake it at 165 C / 329 F for 35 – 40 minutes until the crumbles are golden brown and crispy. You should smell the sweet aroma from the baked apple filling too
    11. Take out and let it seat for about 5 minutes before cut a generous piece for yourself! Enjoy it warm, at least that’s how I love it. 🙂

  • Notes
    • *Oat flour: I often make my own by using my grinder to ground the rolled oats. You can use store-bought ones. If you are sensitive to gluten, make sure you choose the ones marked “gluten-free”, like this gluten-free oat flour.
    • **I haven’t use other flour for this recipe, so I am not sure whether other flour works. But if you have success with other flour, welcome to let me know in the comment section down below! 🙂
    • Storage: Store the leftover in an air-tight container in the fridge for 1 week or 2 weeks in the freezer. Reheat them in the oven for serving.
    • Other Pie recipes: Vegan Banoffee Pie, Vegan Avocado Key Lime PieNo Bake Vegan Lemon Pie
    • More Dessert recipes: HERE
    • More Vegan recipes: HERE
    • My Tools, Equipment & Ingredient List: HERE
    • This page contains affiliate links, which supports me with a small commission to produce more great content on this site at no additional cost to you. Thank you for reading and supporting Barrel Leaf.

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全素烤蘋果酥派 Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)

Bon appétit!

*此篇為桂冠窩廚房邀稿合作,圖文皆為本人 Nora / Barrel Leaf 自由創作發想
● 桂冠窩廚房 – Facebook

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【食譜】全素烤蘋果酥派 (無麵粉) Vegan Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten-Free)

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我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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