全素巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 (免烤) Vegan Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars (No-Bake)

前陣子突然一直想吃南瓜,就做了一連串的南瓜甜點,除了 全素巧克力南瓜乳酪蛋糕椰香南瓜派,還有這個 巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 !

巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars

全素巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 (免烤)
Vegan Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars (No-Bake)

巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars

全素, 不用麵粉, 免烤
Vegan + Gluten-Free  No-Bake



巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars


巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars


  • 黑巧克力
  • 香料南瓜層
  • 焦糖層
  • 可可燕麥餅層

巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars



巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars


巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars

為了讓它嚐起來不要太過甜膩,最上頭的黑巧克力層我是使用可可塊 (100%可可含量)去平衡,你可以使用任何你喜歡的黑巧克力。

巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars

因為中間的南瓜層是偏泥餡口感,所以我喜歡事先切分成小塊、冷凍保存,要吃前約 1 小時再將要吃的份量拿到冷藏解凍。

巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars


巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars


巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars


Let’s do this!


(※ 可延伸食譜但請勿直接複製內文,並請註明出處與原文網址 ※)

全素巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 (免烤)
Vegan Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars (No-Bake)

  • 準備工作 Preparation:
    • 食材秤量好
    • 模具內鋪烘焙紙或保鮮膜
    • Measure all ingredients.
    • Line the pan with parchment paper or plastic wrap.

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 先製作底層:將燕麥片放入食物處理機中攪打細碎,再放入底層其它食材攪打混合均勻,至混合物可用手指捏成團,視情況可添加少飲用水幫助成團
    2. 將底層混合物填壓入模具中,冷凍備用
    3. 製作焦糖層:將焦糖層所有食材放入食物處理機中攪打混合,中間不時停下來做刮杯的動作確保食材混合均勻
    4. 取出冷凍的模具,將焦糖層混合物鋪於底層上,再放回冷凍庫冷凍至少 20 分鐘
    5. 製作香料南瓜層:將所有食材放入食物處理機中打混合均勻,若見食材沒混合到停下來做刮杯的動作
    6. 取出置於冷凍的模具,將香料南瓜層混合物小心得鋪於焦糖層上,再放回冷凍庫冰 30 分鐘,或至南瓜泥層大致凝固、不流動
    7. 製作巧克力表層:將黑巧克力與椰子油用隔水加熱或是微波的方式融化混合均勻
    8. 取出置於冷凍的模具,將融化的黑巧克力倒入模具中,快速輕晃模具使巧克力均勻分佈,表面灑上碎核桃,即可切塊享用
  • Directions:
    1. To make the base: Ground the rolled oats in a food processor first, then other ingredients for the base and continue to the processor until the mixture can stick together when pressed between your fingers. If you find the mixture is too dry, add some water to help binding.
    2. Press the base mixture into the lined pan. Place in the freezer while we move on.
    3. To make the caramel layer: Blend all ingredients for the caramel in a food processor until all are combined. Stop and scrape down the side if needed.
    4. Take out the pan from the freezer. Spread the caramel mixture onto the base and return to the freezer for at least 20 minutes.
    5. To make the spiced pumpkin layer: Add all ingredients for the pumpkin layer to a food processor and process until smooth. Stop and scrape down the sides if needed.
    6. Remove the pan from the freezer. Carefully spread the pumpkin mixture onto the caramel layer. Return the pan to the freezer for another 30 minutes or until the pumpkin layer is not runny.
    7. To make the chocolate topping: Melt the chocolate and coconut oil together by using a double boiler or a microwave.
    8. Take the pan out from the freezer. Pour the melted chocolate on top and quickly wiggle the pan to let the chocolate spread out evenly. Sprinkle the walnuts on top, chopped and enjoy!

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巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars

Bon appétit!


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全素巧克力香料南瓜焦糖條 (免烤) Vegan Chocolate Spiced Pumpkin Caramel Bars (No-Bake)


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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