全素免烤香蕉太妃派 Vegan No-Bake Banoffee Pie

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由堅果底層、自然蜜甜焦糖餡,還有綿潤的椰奶鮮奶油組成,這個全素香蕉太妃派是我目前吃過最棒的甜點之一! 而且它不需烘烤,無蛋奶的它也僅需 10 樣食材。

全素免烤香蕉太妃派 Vegan No-Bake Banoffee Pie

Vegan No-Bake Banoffee Pie

香蕉太妃派 (Banoffee Pie) 是一道經典的英式甜派,在國外還滿流行的,有趣的是在台灣這香蕉生產大國卻似乎很少見,至少住在北部的我是這麼覺得。

喜歡甜點的我,覺得當然不能錯過這一道傳統英國甜點,不過傳統的香蕉太妃派有含動物性製品 (動物性鮮奶油或奶油),當然這裡不會出現,就要來把它製作成 Vegan 版本啦。想先說,它真的很美味!

全素免烤香蕉太妃派 Vegan No-Bake Banoffee Pie


香蕉太妃派主要分成三層:底層派皮 + 太妃焦糖層 + 香蕉 + 表層鮮奶油。傳統的食譜中有使用常見的糕點食材:雞蛋、奶油、麵粉、鮮奶油製作,但這次不是要做普通的,而是要做都沒有以上提到的食材所製作的全素香蕉太妃派。它不僅沒有動物性食材,而且也沒有麵粉、無糖、不用烘烤!


全素免烤香蕉太妃派 Vegan No-Bake Banoffee Pie

「椰奶鮮奶油」 Coconut Cream

最上層是使用椰奶製成的「椰奶鮮奶油」(Coconut Cream),綿潤的程度與口感可不輸一般的動物性鮮奶油。

「無糖焦糖層」 “Sugar-Free” Caramel

經典的英國香蕉太妃派中間的焦糖層是利用煉乳製作,這次製作的是「無糖焦糖層」,完全沒有加糖,是利用椰棗的天然蜜甜味加上濃郁的杏仁醬 (食譜:自製杏仁醬)來完成;



全素免烤香蕉太妃派 Vegan No-Bake Banoffee Pie



全素免烤香蕉太妃派 Vegan No-Bake Banoffee Pie

步驟 1:用食物處理機製作底層


椰棗製作的太妃焦糖層上頭鋪滿滿的香蕉切片,放好放滿! 接著就送進冰庫約 15 分鐘。

步驟 2:製作焦糖層


焦糖層會偏水液狀態,送進凍庫 15 分鐘,讓它凝固一些。

步驟 3:把香蕉切片,放到焦糖層上


步驟 4:打椰奶鮮奶油


你可以用手持攪拌器、鮮奶油發泡器,或是食物處理機有打發配件的。我過去是用電動手持攪拌器,但在我買了新的食物處理機 Magimix 後,我就都用它打了,也讓整個速度更快、流程更簡單。


全素免烤香蕉太妃派 Vegan No-Bake Banoffee Pie

這是其中一個很好厲害台灣美味的水果:香蕉的食譜,如果你對更多香蕉食譜興趣,可以試試我的 全素香蕉瑪芬全素香蕉核蛋糕,還有 巧克力香蕉冰淇淋。這個純素香蕉太妃派我真的真的很愛! 動手做做看吧! Let’s do this!

全素香蕉太妃派 (免烤) Vegan Banoffee Pie (No-Bake)

Made of a nutty base, naturally sweetened caramel filling, and rich coconut whipped cream, this Vegan Banoffee Pie is one of the best things I ever have! Plus, it's doesn't require baking and only needs 10 ingredients.
作者: Nora Hsu
準備20 minutes
Freezing30 minutes
總共50 minutes
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: 英式
Keyword: dairy-free, dessert, gluten-free, natural sweetned, no-bake, sweets, vegan
份量: 6 people


For the Base 底層

  • 25 g whole almonds 杏仁
  • 35 g walnuts 核桃
  • 25 g rolled oats 傳統燕麥片
  • 30 g pitted dates 去籽椰棗乾
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 純香草精
  • A pinch of salt 鹽
  • drinking water 飲用水, add if needed 適量

For the Toffee Caramel Layer 太妃焦糖層

  • 2 Tbsp full-fat coconut milk 全脂椰奶
  • 70 g pitted dates 去籽椰棗乾
  • 25 g almond butter 杏仁醬
  • 2 Tbsp drinking water 飲用水
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 純香草精
  • A pinch of salt 鹽
  • 1 large banana 香蕉

For the Whipped Coconut Cream 椰奶鮮奶油層

  • 1 can (400 ml) full-fat coconut milk 全脂椰奶, refrigerated overnight and scoop out the "coconut cream" on top (about 200 ml) to use* 1 罐 400 ml, 冷藏後取上層凝固部份 約 200 ml*
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 純香草精
  • A handful of cacao nibs 可可碎豆, to decorate


  • Refrigerate the full-fat coconut milk overnight.
  • Line the bottom of a 6″ pie pan or cake pan.

To make the Base:

  • Blitz the pitted dates in a food processor, then add almonds, walnuts, rolled oats, vanilla, and salt. Continue to process until you get a crumbly texture. Add a dash of water to bring them together if needed.
  • Press the base mixture into the bottom of the pan. Use a spoon press it down firmly. Put it into the freezer while we make the toffee layer.

To make the Toffee Caramel layer:

  • Chop the pitted dates in a food processor, then add other ingredients and blend until smooth. Stop and scrape down the sides if needed.
  • Spread the caramel onto the base. Return to the freezer for another 15 minutes to let the caramel set a little.
  • Peel and cut the banana into “coins.” Place the banana slices onto the caramel layer, from the outside inwards. Return to the freezer while we make the coconut cream.

To make the Whipped Coconut Cream:

  • Use a and mixer to whip the coconut cream and vanilla extract until it becomes stiff. Use an ice-bath if it's a hot day.
  • Transfer the whipped coconut cream to a pastry bag with a decorating tip. Starting from outside inwards, pipe the cream onto the banana slices layer. Then freezer for another 15-20 minutes to let the coconut cream set.
  • Remove from the mold, slice, and enjoy. Sprinkle some cacao nibs or chopped chocolate as you like.


  • 將全脂椰奶冷藏一晚
  • 取一 6 吋圓模或派盤,模具底層鋪烘焙紙


  • 將去籽椰棗乾先放入食物處理機中攪打分解,再放入杏仁、核桃、燕麥片、香草精、鹽,攪打均勻,視情況加入適量飲用水,攪打至可捏成團
  • 將攪打好的底層鋪入模具底層,用刮刀壓實壓緊,放入冰箱冷凍備用


  • 先將去籽椰棗乾放入食物處理機中攪打細碎,再放入其它食材一同攪打混合均勻,若空轉,停下來做刮杯的動作
  • 將攪打滑順的焦糖鋪於先前置於冷凍的底層上,鋪平後再放入冰箱冷凍 15 分鐘,讓焦糖層稍凝固
  • 將新鮮香蕉剝皮、切片 (像錢幣形狀),由外圈向內圈,將香蕉切片鋪於焦糖層上擺滿一層,再放回冷凍庫備用


  • 將椰奶奶脂與香草精用電動打蛋器打至硬挺 (若天氣熱,在下頭墊冰塊)
  • 將打發的椰奶鮮奶油放入裝花嘴的擠花袋中,由外圈向內圈,擠於香蕉切片上,再冷凍 15 – 20 分鐘讓它定型
  • 取出脫模切塊即可享用,最後表面可以再加些巧克力碎仁點綴



  • 椰奶罐中剩下的主要是椰子水,可以直接飲用,也可以用果昔碗或其它食譜
  • 剩下的派密封冷凍保存,約可放 3 – 4 個星期
  • The leftover in the coconut can is mainly coconut water. You can drink it or use it in your smoothie or other recipes.
  • Store the leftover in the freezer for 3 – 4 weeks.


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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