1 樣食材 自製杏仁醬
Homemade Almond Butter
名中的「杏仁」並不是我們常聯想到的中國南北杏(apricot kernel),而是常用在烘焙食譜中的美國杏仁果(almond)(如圖)。
我自己烤杏仁果的方式,是將生杏仁果鋪於有鋪烤墊的烤盤上,用 150 C / 300 F 旋風烘烤約 15-20 分鐘;若無旋夕,每 10 分鐘打開烤箱,稍微翻拌一下杏仁。烘烤完成後取出放涼後使用,或是密封保存。
冷藏保存的堅果醬我是覺得可以放滿久的,但當然最好趁新鮮食用完,我是建議最好在 1 個月內。
完整食譜 Watch How To
1 樣食材 自製杏仁醬 (無油 無糖) Homemade Almond Butter (Oil-Free + Sugar-Free)
- 2 cup raw almonds 生杏仁果, 500 ml
- 將杏仁果放入烤箱以 150℃ / 300°F 烘烤 15 - 20 分鐘,至聞到堅果香氣;也可以用平底鍋以小火煎烤,記得不時翻拌、搖晃鍋子,使杏仁果烘烤均勻
- 將杏仁果取出,放涼
- 將烤熟冷卻的杏仁果放入小調理杯中 (我是用 32oz Vitamix 小溼杯,若是用大調理杯,請見註解),用調理機,由低速慢慢調整高度,搭配調理棒推壓調理杯四個角,讓杏仁果自行出油,打成醬。中途若有聽到空轉的狀況,停下來做刮杯的動作
- 將杏仁醬打至滑順即可裝入密封罐,待冷卻後冷藏保存
English Version
- Toast the almonds in the oven at 150℃ / 300°F for 15-20 minutes until they smell nutty. You can toast them in a frying pan over low heat as well, just make sure you stir them occasionally to let them get toasted evenly.
- Let the almonds cool down a bit before we move on.
- Add the cooled almonds to a blender. (I use a small 32oz container of the Vitamix for this recipe. See note for the larger container.) Blend the toasted almonds with a tamper pushing down the four corners of the container until smooth. If you notice it becomes a paste and the blade doesn't get to blend the almonds, stop and scrape down the sides as needed.
- Once your almond butter is done, pour into an air-tight jar. Let it cool down and store in the fridge.
- 若是用 64 oz 大容杯 (原本調理機搭配的大容杯) ,請將食材乘 2 製作,否則容易打不成醬
- 保存:剩下放入密封罐中冷藏保存,約可放 1-2 個月
- If you're using the 64 oz container, double the recipe for the ideal result; otherwise, you probably will get a paste instead of almond butter.
- Storage: Store in an air-tight jar in the fridge for 1-2 months.
- 註
- 其它醬料食譜:純素濃郁酪梨抹醬, 藍莓奇亞籽果醬 (無糖,無粉), 花生醬 (無油、無糖)
- 更多純素食譜:點我
- 適合搭配的食譜:全素椰奶隔夜燕麥杯、草莓奇亞醬杏仁甜塔 (全素,無麵粉,無精緻糖)、免烤穀片莓果乳酪條 (無油)
- 我的器具與食材:點我
- 此頁面含贊助連結,透過連結購買能透過第三方間接贊助此站,提供更豐富優質食譜與內容,您的購買並不會有任何多的附加費用
- Notes
- Other Sauce & Butter recipes: Vegan Creamy Avocado Spread, Blueberry Chia Jam (No Sugar, No Flour), Peanut Butter (Sugar-Free + Oil-Free)
- More Vegan recipes: HERE
- Recipes to go along with: Vegan Coconut Overnight Oats, Strawberry Chia Jam Almond Butter Tart (Vegan, GF, Refined-Sugar-Free), No-Bake Granola Berry Cheesecake Bars (Oil-Free)
- My Tools, Equipment & Ingredient List: HERE
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