杏仁蔓越莓穀片(7 樣食材) Almond Cranberry Granola

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杏仁蔓越莓穀片 Almond Cranberry Granola (7 Ingredients)

Almond Cranberry Granola

從最近我分享的穀片 (Granola) 食譜數量,應該不難發現我深愛早餐穀片,尤其是最近這幾個月。我不確定為什麼,但或許是因為它們真的太美味了,讓我不停的製作它們。(這聽起來很合理,對吧?)

3 道秋季甜點:杏仁蔓越莓穀片、南瓜甜甜圈、橙香幕斯巧克力蛋糕
杏仁蔓越莓穀片 Almond Cranberry Granola (7 Ingredients)


一如往常,它的作法很簡單,而且也僅需幾樣食材而已,明確來說,是 7 樣。而且這些食材都算滿常見的,包含:燕麥片、杏仁、蔓越莓乾、楓糖漿、杏仁醬 (我用 自製的)、純香草精、奇亞籽。

杏仁蔓越莓穀片 Almond Cranberry Granola (7 Ingredients)

這 7 樣食材算是這個杏仁蔓越莓穀片的極簡版本,我通常還會再加一些配料讓它有更豐富的滋味與營養,像是肉桂粉 (我深愛這個肉桂粉)、南瓜籽、椰子乾片、鹽。

杏仁蔓越莓穀片 Almond Cranberry Granola (7 Ingredients)


杏仁蔓越莓穀片 Almond Cranberry Granola (7 Ingredients)

這個杏仁蔓越莓穀片剛好也沒有使用油,這並不是特意的,但因為楓糖漿已讓它有著十足的酥脆、滿足的口感。 (要用當然也是可以,我也常用椰子油,就是個有趣的發現 😉)

杏仁蔓越莓穀片 Almond Cranberry Granola (7 Ingredients)

如果你像我一樣深愛穀片,那麼我也推薦你可以試試我最近深深著迷的 巧克力花生醬夏威夷豆穀片。或是你想找更多的早餐選擇,那麼你可以到 這裡 瀏覽看看我其它的早餐食譜。

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杏仁蔓越莓穀片(7 樣食材) Almond Cranberry Granola

杏仁蔓越莓穀片 Almond Cranberry Granola (7 Ingredients)

This Almond Cranberry Granola is full of the maple sweetness and the crunchy texture from the nuts. It also proves that you don't need oil to make crunchy delicious granola.
作者: Nora Hsu
準備5 minutes
料理20 minutes
總共25 minutes
哪道菜: Breakfast
料理別: American
Keyword: 10 ingredients or less, 30 minutes or less, breakfast, dairy-free, gluten-free, sweets, vegan
份量: 4 people


  • 2 Tbsp almond butter 杏仁醬, see note for homemade recipe
  • 3 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract 純香草精
  • 90 g rolled oats 傳統燕麥片, ½ cup
  • 60 g almonds 整粒杏仁, ¼ cup, roughly chopped 略切
  • 1 Tbsp ground chia seeds 奇亞籽粉
  • 4 Tbsp dried cranberries 蔓越莓乾
  • 4 Tbsp pumpkin seeds 南瓜籽, optional
  • 2 Tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes 無加糖椰子乾片, optional
  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon 肉桂粉, optional
  • A pinch salt, optional


  • Preheat the oven at 170 C / 340 F.
  • In a bowl, add almond butter, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Mix to combine.
  • Then add the rest ingredients EXCEPT for the dried cranberries. Mix all together.
  • Line a baking sheet with a baking mat or parchment paper. Spread the mixture evenly onto the sheet.
  • Bake for 15 minutes first. Then take out and give it a stir. Return to bake for another 5-10 minutes until it's golden and your kitchen smell amazing.
  • Place the baking sheet onto a wire rack. Stir in the cranberries.
  • Let it cool down completely before transferring the granola to jars. Serve with plant milk, yogurt, or just enjoy as it is.


  • 將烤箱以 170 C 預熱
  • 於一大碗中放入杏仁醬、楓糖漿、香草精,混合均勻
  • 放入除了蔓越莓乾外的其它食材,混拌均勻
  • 烤盤上鋪烘焙紙或烤墊,將混合物平鋪於烤盤上
  • 烘烤 15 分鐘,之後取出稍微翻拌,再繼續烤 5-10 分鐘,至表面金黃
  • 取出置於網架上,拌入蔓越莓乾
  • 讓它完全放涼後再放入密封罐保存。可搭配植物奶、優格享用,或是單吃也可以





我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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