烤南瓜濃郁花生沙拉 Creamy Peanut Salad with Pumpkin (Vegan)

濃郁的花生醬不僅能融入早餐、甜點裡,也能做成濃郁美味的花生沙拉醬! 這次要分享的是這由不同蔬果、穀物、豆類,當然,還有花生醬調配的美味花生沙拉醬,全部組合出的美味豐富 烤南瓜濃郁花生沙拉

Peanut butter is not limited to breakfast or sweet. It could also be used to make amazing peanut salad dressing. This Creamy Peanut Salad is one of the amazing examples with different beans, grains, and roasted peanut.

Salad with Peanut Butter Dressing

Creamy Peanut Salad with Pumpkin

如果你了解我,應該知道我是個非常大的花生醬控,有空的時候我喜歡 自製花生醬,簡單的 全素花生餅乾 是我最愛的點心之一,而花生醬濃郁的滋味不僅與甜味搭,與鹹味也很搭,這次要分享的烤南瓜濃郁花生沙拉就是以我愛的花生醬調成的沙拉醬,搭配上豐富的配料。

Salad with Peanut Butter Dressing

最近雖然入秋了,但自從我前陣子開始深深愛上自製的沙拉醬,也迷上製作搭配不同的沙拉,這次的 烤南瓜濃郁花生沙拉 就是我近期的心頭愛之一!

Salad with Peanut Butter Dressing

豐富滋味的結合 ─ 蔬果, 穀物, 豆類, 當然還有…. 花生醬!
Rich Flavor with Veggies, Grains, Beans, and … Peanut Butter for Sure!



Salad with Peanut Butter Dressing


Salad with Peanut Butter Dressing


Let’s do this!

濃郁泰式花生沙拉 Creamy Thai Salad with Peanut Dressing (Vegan)

濃郁的花生醬不僅能融入早餐、甜點裡,也能做成濃郁美味的花生沙拉醬! 這次要分享的是這由不同蔬果、穀物、豆類,當然,還有花生醬調配的美味花生沙拉醬,全部組合出的美味豐富 烤南瓜濃郁花生沙拉
Peanut butter is not limited to breakfast or sweet. It could also be used to make amazing peanut salad dressing. This Creamy Peanut Salad is one of the amazing examples with different beans, grains, and roasted peanut.
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
料理25 minutes
總共35 minutes
哪道菜: Appetizer, Salad
料理別: 亞洲
Keyword: Asian, dairy-free, salad dressing, summer recipe, vegan
份量: -1


For the Creamy Peanut Dressing

  • 1 Tbsp peanut butter 花生醬, See note for Homemade Peanut Butter 自製花生醬食譜見註
  • ½ Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • 2 tsp lime juice 萊姆汁, or more to taste 可依個人口味加更多
  • 1-2 Tbsp water , to thin to your ideal consistency 稀釋用, 濃度依個人喜好調整
  • ground black pepper 黑胡椒粉, to taste
  • salt 鹽, to taste
  • 1 garlic cloves 蒜瓣, or ½ tsp garlic powder 或大蒜粉

For the Colorful Salad

  • 240 ml leafy green 綠葉蔬菜, 1 cup, chopped into bite site 切成適口大小 我用青江菜和油菜
  • 1 small carrot 胡蘿蔔, ~60 ml (¼ cup) cubed 切丁
  • ¼ white onion 洋蔥, chopped 切丁片
  • 1 small small cucumber 小黃瓜, ~80 ml (⅓cup) cubed 切丁
  • 60 ml cooked chickpeas 煮熟鷹嘴豆, ¼ cup
  • 60 ml cooked quinoa 煮熟藜麥, ¼ cup
  • 80 ml roasted pumpkin chunks 烤南瓜塊, ⅓ cup
  • A sprinkle salted cashews 鹽烤腰果, chopped 略切
  • cherry belle radish 櫻桃蘿蔔, sliced 切片


  • Make the roasted pumpkin chunks ahead: Preheat the oven at  175 C / 350 Chop the pumpkin into small chunks and transfer them into a mixing bowl. Add some salt and black pepper and toast the pumpkin chunks for a few times. Place the pumpkins onto a lined baking sheet, spaced. Bake for 25 - 35 minutes until they are soft.
  • To make the peanut salad dressing: Mix all ingredients for the dressing in a bowl until all combined.
  • To make the colorful salad: Prepare all the veggies. I personally like to stir-fry the chopped onions and carrots in the non-stick frying pan ahead. Let the onions and carrots cool before adding them along with the rest ingredients EXCEPT the cashews and radishes in a big mixing bowl.
  • Add the peanut salad dressing to the veggies and pumpkin chunks bowl and mix all together. Taste to adjust the flavor by adding more salt, black pepper, or lime juice if you feel like it.
  • Place the salad in your favorite salad bowl. Sprinkle the chopped cashews and place the radish slices on top. Then DIVE IN.


  • 先製作烤南瓜:以  175 C / 350 F 預熱烤箱;將南瓜切成小丁塊,放入攪拌碗中,加點鹽與黑胡椒,混合攪拌均勻,再間格放於鋪烤墊的烤盤上,放入烤箱烘烤約 25 - 35 分鐘至軟透
  • 製作花生沙拉醬:將花生醬所有食材於一碗中攪拌混合均勻
  • 組合繽紛沙拉碗:將蔬果全準備好,我個人喜歡將洋蔥與紅蘿蔔丁用不沾鍋稍微炒香一下,待它們放涼之後,再與除了腰果與櫻桃蘿蔔的其它食材放入一個大的攪拌碗中
  • 加入調好的花生沙拉醬,攪拌混合均勻,試味道後依個人喜歡增添鹽、粗粒黑胡椒或檸檬汁
  • 盛入享用碗中,最後灑上腰果碎、擺上櫻桃蘿蔔,即可享用



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Salad with Peanut Butter Dressing

Bon appétit!

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我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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