全素蘋果派 (無麵粉) Vegan Apple Pie (Gluten-Free)

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從秋天的時候就一直想做純素、無蛋奶、無麵粉的蘋果派想好久,先前其實有做過幾次,但做出來的滋味與口感實在不令我滿意,直到 12 月才終於做出讓我覺得滋味很棒的 全素蘋果派 !

純素蘋果派 Vegan Apple Pie

全素蘋果派 (無麵粉)
Vegan Apple Pie (Gluten-Free)



純素蘋果派 Vegan Apple Pie

這個蘋果派食譜是參考我很喜歡的 The Happy Pear,但還是有依手邊的食材與製作時的情況稍微調整。無麵粉的派皮主要是由杏仁粉與燕麥粉組成,再加上椰子油與自製蘋果醬結合出來的滋味與香氣,讓我覺得完全不輸一般的蘋果派!


純素蘋果派 Vegan Apple Pie


純素蘋果派 Vegan Apple Pie


純素蘋果派 Vegan Apple Pie

最後面上我有再加上一些我最愛的堅果 ㄧ核桃點綴,也增加口感。

純素蘋果派 Vegan Apple Pie


純素蘋果派 Vegan Apple Pie

像我這次使用的是「粉紅佳人」(品種名:Pink Lady),澳洲的品種,它的口感相較起常見的富士蘋果是較為鬆脆的,雖然是紅蘋果的它還是帶著天然的微酸滋味,是我覺得很適合拿來做蘋果派的蘋果品種之一。


純素蘋果派 Vegan Apple Pie


純素蘋果派 Vegan Apple Pie


純素蘋果派 Vegan Apple Pie

進口的蘋果一年四季都有,烤過的蘋果是我最愛的食物之一。如果你也像我一樣愛煮過的蘋果的話,也可以試試我為聖誕節製作的 開放蘋果派,還有 蘋果肉桂烤燕麥全素烤蘋果奶酥。那麼 …. 來動手吧!

Let’s do this!

全素蘋果派 (無麵粉) Vegan Apple Pie (Gluten-Free)

作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
料理40 minutes
Resting Time10 minutes
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: American
Keyword: autumn recipe, dairy-free, gluten-free, sweets, vegan
份量: 6 people


For the Apple Sauce 蘋果醬

For the Crust 派皮

  • 70 g ground almond 杏仁粉
  • 100 g rolled oats 傳統燕麥片, ground into flour*
  • 50 g coconut oil 椰子油, melted if solid
  • 2-3 Tbsp applesauce 蘋果醬, depending on the situation
  • A pinch of salt 鹽

For the Apple Filling 蘋果餡

  • 350 – 400 g apples 蘋果, I use 2 “pink lady”, cored and sliced
  • 3 Tbsp orange juice 柳橙汁
  • A pinch of salt 鹽

For the Maple Glaze 楓糖醬

For the Toppings

  • 1 Tbsp walnuts 核桃, roughly chopped 略切


  • 派盤抹少許椰子油備用


  • 將蘋果醬部份的所有食材放入鍋中,煮至蘋果軟化並收汁變稠,放於一旁冷卻備用


  • 將烤箱以 175°C / 350°F 預熱
  • 將派皮所有食材放入一大碗中混合均勻,應該可捏成團類似一般糕點派皮的質地
  • 將派皮食材鋪入派盤中,放入預熱好的烤箱,以 175°C 烘烤約 15 分鐘,烘烤好後置於網架上放涼備用,烤箱不要關


  • 等待派皮烘烤時製作蘋果餡:將蘋果餡的食材放入一鍋中,煮約 3 – 4 分鐘至蘋果軟化,置於一旁放涼備用


  • 將所有食材放入醬料鍋攪拌混合均勻後煮滾,轉小火慢慢煮至理想濃稠度


  • 派皮上頭抹一層楓糖醬,再由外向內堆疊蘋果切片最後再將剩下的楓糖漿淋於蘋果片上,表面撒上碎核桃
  • 放回烤箱以 175°C 烘烤約 15 分鐘,至派皮金黃並聞到香氣即可
  • 取出,讓蘋果派在派盤內靜置約 10 分鐘再取出切塊享用

English Version

  • Slightly grease the pan with coconut oil.

To make the applesauce

  • Add all ingredients to a saucepan and cook until the apple is soft and thicken. set it aside to let it cool down.

To make the pie crust:

  • Preheat the oven at 175°C / 350°F.
  • Combine all ingredients in a bowl. They should stick together and like a pastry dough.
  • Press the crust mixture into the pie pan and bake at 175°C for 15 minutes. Let it sit on a wire rack to cool down. Keep the oven ON.

To make the apple pie filling:

  • While the crust is in the oven, make the apple pie filling: Place all ingredients in a saucepan and cook for 3 – 4 minutes until the apple is soft. Set it aside to cool down a bit.

To make the maple glaze:

  • Add all ingredients to a saucepan. Stir to combine and bring the mixture to boil. Once it boils, turn down the heat and cook to the ideal consistency.


  • Spread some maple glaze onto the crust, then layer the apple slices from outside inwards. Drizzle the left maple glaze on top. Sprinkle the chopped walnuts on top.
  • Return the pie pan to oven and bake for another 15 minutes until the crust is golden brown and your kitchen smells amazing!
  • Once finishing baking, let it sit for 10 minutes before removing from the pan. EAT!


  • *燕麥粉:我常使用研磨機將傳統燕麥片磨成粉自製,也可用市售的,若對麩質敏感,可特別選標示無麩質的,像是這款無麩質燕麥粉
  • 保存:放入密封盒中冷藏保存,約可放 1 星期,或冷凍 2 週
  • *Oat flour: I often make my own by using my grinder to ground the rolled oats. You can use store-bought ones. If you are sensitive to gluten, make sure you choose the ones marked “gluten-free”, like this gluten-free oat flour.
  • Storage: Store the leftover in an air-tight container in the fridge for 1 week or 2 weeks in the freezer.
  • Adapted from The Happy Pear.


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

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