全素胡桃豆腐慕斯派 Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Pie

對,你沒看錯,這款全素、無蛋奶的胡桃慕斯蛋糕有豆腐! 特別的是,它嚐起來沒有豆腐的味道,反倒帶點偏像芋頭的滋味,我想你會想試試這個全素胡桃豆腐慕斯蛋糕的!

No, you didn’t read wrong. This vegan, eggless, dairy-free pecan mousse cake contains tofu! What’s more interesting is that it doesn’t taste like tofu, but more like a taro-y flavor. I think you would want to try this Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake!

全素胡桃豆腐慕斯蛋糕 Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake

Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Pie

先前大部份我不會在一開頭就先把我愛的秘密食材「豆腐」給說出來,但這次我這麼做了,因為我就是想用豆腐來吸引你第一眼的注意! 因為一般人不的把豆腐加進蛋糕裡,對吧?

但如果你已經有看過我一些食譜或文章,我想你在某種程度上對我已有些了解,因為我喜歡創造「非凡」的東西,所以 … 就有這全素胡桃豆腐慕斯蛋糕啦!

Normally I don’t spill “tofu” out at the beginning of the article. But this time I did because I really want to use tofu to grab the attention “at first sight.” Since normally people don’t add tofu to their cake, right?

Well, if you have read some of my recipes or articles before, you probably already know me to a certain degree. I like to make things “extraordinary.” So … Voila!

全素胡桃豆腐慕斯蛋糕 Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake

但老實說,如果我不先告訴你,這個美麗的蛋糕裡頭有豆腐,你會猜的到嗎? 我想應該不會。而且即使我自己知道,在品嚐的時候,我也不覺得有吃到豆腐,它就是一個綿潤、入口即化、充滿滿足口感的美味慕斯蛋糕。

But honestly, could you tell that there’s tofu in this beautiful cake if I didn’t tell you first? I guess not. And even though I know, I don’t taste tofu either. It’s just a creamy, melt-in-your-mouth, satisfying mousse cake.

全素胡桃豆腐慕斯蛋糕 Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake

自從我轉變成全植物飲食者 (Vegan) 約一年,我愈來愈對全素/全植物甜點世界充滿信心與信念,裡頭不需要雞蛋、奶油,或是任何動物性製品來創造美味。


Since I’ve become a vegan for around 1 year, I’ve grown more and more faith in the vegan dessert world where eggs, butter, or any animal product don’t exist or need to cut in.

This Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake is a living example. It takes the creamy, soft texture from the tofu and the nutty, caramel flavor from the pecans to exhibit itself, in a delicious way.

全素胡桃豆腐慕斯蛋糕 Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake



I actually improvised this cake when I was in the kitchen. In fact, I was about to make a vegan black sesame flavored cake. But when I kept taste-testing in the process, my taste bud suggested that the flavor would not go well with black sesame. So I changed my mind.

Instead of using black sesame, I add in the toasted pecans. Why? Simple. Because I felt that pecans would go well with the flavor. The result is a little surprising to me because it carries a subtle taro flavor, which I’ve never tasted before and surely haven’t expected. But it’s good and I like it!

全素胡桃豆腐慕斯蛋糕 Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake


最近這幾天真的很熱,我也就都想吃特冰涼的東西,包含蛋糕。我最愛享用它的方式之一,是把它切塊後放到冷凍凝固,之後在享用前 1 小時放到冷藏解凍,這樣吃的時候,中間還是有點冷凍狀態,但一咬下時,它就在口感綿潤化散開來,就像是冰淇淋那樣!

Texture-wise, I think you could (or probably have) image by seeing the photos. It’s really creamy and silken-smooth.

It’s been really hot these few days, so I like to eat things extra-cold, including this cake. My favorite way to enjoy this Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake is to freeze it until firm, then let it defrost in the fridge for 1 hour. So the middle is still a little frozen but it really melts in your mouth when you bite in, like ice cream!

全素胡桃豆腐慕斯蛋糕 Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake

如果你還沒有注意到我常把豆腐藏進甜點食譜裡,那麼你也可以試試 全素黑芝麻起司條全素巧克力慕斯派,還有 免烤全素花生派

我希望你製作後,也會像我一樣,發現豆腐與其它植物性食材所能創造出的無限可能,如果你不太想信豆腐的話,我想說 … 相信我吧,或是至少嚐試看看!

If you haven’t noticed other desserts that I sneak in tofu, you could try my Vegan Black Sesame Cheesecake Bars, Vegan Creamy Chocolate Mousse Pie, and Vegan Peanut Butter Pie.

I hope you will also find out the unlimited possibilities that tofu and other plant-based foods give us. If you don’t have faith in tofu, then I would say … have faith in me, or at least give it a try. 🙂

PS. 如果你有製作這個食譜,並打算分享在 FacebookInstagram 上,別忘了 tag @Barrelleaf + #barrelleaf,我很愛看到不一樣的成品照、你的感想、或是有不一樣有呈現方式!

If you make this recipe, don’t forget to tag @Barrelleaf + #barrelleaf on Facebook and Instagram. I always love to see them. You could also share your thoughts or your creative way to make this cake!

全素胡桃豆腐慕斯蛋糕 Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake

對,你沒看錯,這款全素、無蛋奶的胡桃慕斯蛋糕有豆腐! 特別的是,它嚐起來沒有豆腐的味道,反倒帶點偏像芋頭的滋味,我想你會想試試這個全素胡桃豆腐慕斯蛋糕的! No, you didn't read wrong. This vegan, eggless, dairy-free pecan mousse cake contains tofu! What's more interesting is that it doesn't taste like tofu, but more like a taro-y flavor. I think you would want to try this Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備3 hours 20 minutes
Freezing3 hours
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: American, vegan, 無麩質
Keyword: dessert, no-bake, sweet, vegan
份量: 6 people


Crust 底層

  • 30 g rolled oats 傳統燕麥片
  • 30 g walnuts 核桃
  • 20 g pitted dates 去籽椰棗乾
  • salt 鹽

Filling 餡

  • 100 g raw cashews, soaked 生腰果, soaked
  • 150 g silken tofu 嫩豆腐
  • 35 g pitted dates 去籽椰棗乾
  • 40 ml full-fat coconut milk 全脂椰奶
  • salt 鹽
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract 純香草精
  • 15 g toasted pecans 烤過的胡桃


  • 將生腰果浸泡於飲用水中 3-5 小時,之後將水瀝乾
  • 去籽椰棗乾放入食物處理機中,攪打至細碎
  • 接著放入其它底層食材,攪打混合均勻,質地可用手捏成團。若偏乾,可加少許飲用水
  • 取一個 6 吋模,模底鋪烘焙紙,將底層混合物填壓入底部。冷凍備用
  • 讓豆腐出水,或盡可能壓出水份
  • 將豆腐出的水倒掉,再與其它食材,包含烤過的胡桃、浸泡過的腰果、豆腐、去籽椰棗乾、椰奶、鹽、香草精放入調理機中,攪打混合均勻至滑順
  • 放入冰箱冷凍 3 小時,或至完全凝固。之後即可取出脫模,切塊享用

English Version

  • Soak the cashews in water for 3-5 hours. Then drain out the water and give them a rinse.
  • In a food processor, add the pitted dates to chop finely first.
  • Then add the rest of the base ingredients. Continue to process until it becomes a wet bread crumb texture. The mixture should stick together when pressed between your fingers. Otherwise, add a dash of water to help binding.
  • Grab a 6" pan. Line the bottom with parchment paper. Transfer the base mixture the pan and pressed down evenly. Place it in the freezer while we make the filling.
  • Unpackage the tofu and let it sit for a while to let the water inside comes out. Or do your best to press out the water from it.
  • Drain out the water from tofu. Then add it to a blender along with other ingredients, including cashews, pitted dates, coconut milk, salt, and vanilla extract. Blend until smooth.
  • Take out the pan from the freezer. Pour the mixture onto the base and spread it out evenly.
  • Return to the freezer for another 3 hours or until the cake is completely set. Then you can remove it from the pan and slice to enjoy!


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全素胡桃豆腐慕斯蛋糕 Vegan Pecan Tofu Mousse Cake


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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