Taiwanese Peanut Brown Rice Milk (4 Ingredients)

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Thick, creamy, with toasted peanut flavor, Taiwanese Peanut Brown Rice milk is one of the things that loved by kids and adults. If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a try!

花生糙米漿 Peanut Brown Rice Milk

Homemade Peanut Brown Rice Milk

I remember that I love peanut rice milk since I was a kid. But as I grow up, the store-bought ones are often too sweet to my liking. So, you know that already, I make it my own! And I found that it’s easier to make than I previously imaged.

Peanut rice milk is quite common in Taiwanese culture. It’s creamy and full of peanut-y flavor, which I guess is the reason I love it so much. It could be enjoyed both warm or cold depending on your preferences, and also, to me, on the weather.

I used to buy peanut rice milk from the stores before senior high. They are quite affordable as soy milk. However, as I grow up, I gradually found that they are usually overly sweet (at least to me) and there are usually some additives to help to store them longer. So I decided to make my own.

After a little searching and reading, to my little surprise, they are really easy to make. Why just “little”? Because my dad once said that my grandma used to make peanut rice milk by herself for the kids.

花生糙米漿 Peanut Brown Rice Milk

Only 4 Ingredients!

It’s not only easy to make, but also asked for just 4 ingredients: peanuts, brown rice (or white rice), water, and sugar. That’s it. One thing that needs to be pay attention to is the peanuts. It’s better to use dark roasted peanuts since they give a deeper toasted flavor that we want in our rice milk.

花生糙米漿 Peanut Brown Rice Milk

Step 1: Soak the peanuts and rice separately

To make peanut brown rice milk, the first step and the longest is soaking. It only takes time with the least effort. Just soak the peanuts and the rice in two separate bowls for 6-8 hours. If it’s summertime or the weather is hot, place them in the fridge during the soaking time. I usually soak them in the night, put them into the fridge, and go to bed.

花生糙米漿 Peanut Brown Rice Milk

Step 2: Blend the soaked peanuts and rice respectively

After soaking, the rice and peanuts will absorb the water to become softer for blending. Some people might ask: Why don’t we blend them together? Well, I personally think the texture will be finer by doing this way. But if you want to blend them together, I will not stop you. 🙂

花生糙米漿 Peanut Brown Rice Milk

Step 3: Cook with more water until thick & creamy

Then cook more water in a pot. Add in the peanut-water and the rice-water mixture. Cook until it’s thick and creamy. Remember to stir occasionally.

花生糙米漿 Peanut Brown Rice Milk

Step 4: Add sugar to taste

The last step is to add sugar to your taste. I’ll recommend using dark brown sugar to give it a deeper toasted cane sugar sweetness as well as a brown color. But if you don’t have dark brown sugar at hand, you can use regular brown sugar or coconut sugar to make it work for you. However, keep in mind that using different sugar will slightly change the flavor as well.

花生糙米漿 Peanut Brown Rice Milk

Some Few Final Thoughts:

  • I don’t usually strain this peanut brown rice milk, so it still got some small granules or pulp in it. If you prefer a more smooth texture, just pour it over the nut milk bag or a sieve to filter those pulp out.
  • The peanut brown rice milk will separate in the fridge since we don’t add any addictive. It’s not a big deal, just shake it as you do with coconut milk.
  • The peanut brown rice milk should last in the fridge for 3-5 days in air-tight jars. It depends on the temperature and the crowdedness of your fridge. So I’ll say do your best to finish them in 3 days.

If you like peanut flavor as I do, then you can also try Sweet Peanut Soup, or use peanut butter to make Creamy Peanut Salad with Pumpkin. Or if you want different drink options, Soymilk or Almond Milk Hot Cocoa are also waiting for you to try! But first, let’s make the peanut brown rice milk. Shall we?

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. If you make this recipe, don’t forget to tag @Barrelleaf + #barrelleaf on Instagram. I always love to see them and to know how it goes.

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Taiwanese Peanut Brown Rice Milk (4 Ingredients)

花生糙米漿 Peanut Brown Rice Milk

記得我從小時候就愛喝花生米漿,但外頭販售的米漿對現在我來說都偏甜了一些,所以… 你知道了,就自己做! 而且後來發現自己做花生米漿其實比想像中簡單呢。
I remember that I love peanut rice milk since I was a kid. But as I grow up, the store-bought ones are often too sweet to my liking. So, you know that already, I make it my own! And I found that it's easier to make than I previously imaged.
作者: Nora Hsu
準備5 minutes
料理10 minutes
Soaking8 hours
哪道菜: Drinks
料理別: 亞洲
Keyword: Asian, vegan
份量: 5 people


  • 45 g brown rice 糙米
  • 60 ml water 水, for soaking rice 泡糙米用
  • 250 ml water 水, for blending with rice 打糙米時
  • 90 g peanuts, shelled & deep roasted 深培花生仁
  • 250 ml water 水, for soaking peanut 泡花生用
  • 500 ml water 水, for final cooking 最後要煮的
  • 4-6 Tbsp dark brown sugar 黑糖, taste to adjust 視個人口味調整
  • A pinch salt 1 小撮鹽, optional 提味用,非必要


  • 將糙米浸泡於 60 ml 水中、花生仁泡於 250 ml 水中,浸泡 8 小時。若天氣熱,置於冰箱冷藏浸泡
  • 浸泡過後,準來來製作米漿了。將一深湯鍋,放入 500 ml 的水,加蓋以中火加熱煮滾
  • 煮水同時來進行攪打動作。將花生與其浸泡的水放入調理機中,攪打至滑順,之後倒入煮的那鍋水中
  • 用同一個調理杯,將浸泡過的糙米與浸泡的水放入,另外再添加 250 ml 的水,一同攪打混合至滑順
  • 將攪打好的米糊倒入煮的花生漿糊鍋中,攪拌混合均勻
  • 將花生糙米漿糊持續煮至理想的濃稠度,約 5-10 分鐘
  • 最後加入適量糖調味,試味道調整份量,之後即可享用

English Version

  • Soak the brown rice in 60 ml water, the peanuts in 250 ml for 8 hours. If the weather is hot, place them in the fridge during the soaking process.
  • After 8 hours of soaking, let's start to make our peanut rice milk. Cook the 500 ml water in a pot over medium heat with a lid on.
  • While the water is cooking, use a blender to blend the peanuts with their soaking water until smooth. Pour the peanut-water mixture to the cooking water.
  • Transfer the soaked rice with the soaking water to the same blender container. Add the other 250 ml water in to blend until smooth.
  • Pour the rice-water mixture to the cooking peanut-water mixture. Stir to incorporate all together.
  • Let the mixture to cook until it starts to thicken up, about 5-10 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  • Add the sugar to taste. Then the peanut brown rice milk is ready to be enjoyed!



我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


  1. 谢谢! I have been missing the peanut brown rice milk my host family in 台湾 made! Great recipe!

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