全素夏日芒果烤酥 Vegan Summer Mango Crisp


Made of baked mangoes, coconuts, and dried apricots, this Vegan Summer Mango Crisp embodies the sunshine in flavor and appearance!

全素夏日芒果烤酥 Vegan Summer Mango Crisp

Vegan Summer Mango Crisp

嗯,這是道夏日芒果烤酥。好像天氣愈來愈熱,我就愈來愈想吃芒果,不知道這樣合理嗎? 但我最近真的一直想吃芒果,所以就有這個用新鮮芒果製作的甜點食譜啦!



Yeah, it’s a mango crisp recipe. It seems like the hotter it gets, the more mangoes I want. Does this make sense? I don’t know, but I’m really craving them these days. So here is another dessert that uses fresh mango!

I didn’t bake mangoes before, so honestly, I got a little bit nervous this time because I didn’t know how it will turn out. But when it came out from the oven, I know that it will be “not bad,” judged by it’s golden looking and mango-y aroma.

全素夏日芒果烤酥 Vegan Summer Mango Crisp



Honestly speaking, I kind of improvised this crisp recipe by looking into my fridge and cabinet to see what I have at hands. Sure I have something in mind, too: I want to make something taste like summer.

So I grab the mangoes, coconut flakes, and dried apricots. The rest is something that I use very often: rolled oats, coconut oil, coconut sugar, etc.

全素夏日芒果烤酥 Vegan Summer Mango Crisp


The mango crisp is gooey and tender on the inside, but crisp on top. It tastes sweet from the mango, coconut-y from the coconut flakes (this one seems like a bit redundant, but anyway), and nutty with different nuts.

全素夏日芒果烤酥 Vegan Summer Mango Crisp


製作這個芒果烤酥非常簡單,但它一樣有著多層次的口感。基本上,我們就是混合攪拌幾樣食材,烘烤,就 OK 了! 就這樣,食譜完畢。開玩笑啦 🙂


How to Make the Mango Crisp

This mango crisp is easy to make but got a great texture. Basically, you just mix different ingredients together and bake. OK, the recipe is done. Nah, I’m just kidding. 🙂

But seriously, that’s the simplest version of the directions. You don’t need any special tools or gadget for this mango crisp. So it comes down to the ingredients. I also use different nuts to create different texture flavor-wise. If you don’t have that all of them at hand, you can stick to one just fine.

全素夏日芒果烤酥 Vegan Summer Mango Crisp

步驟 1 : 浸泡杏桃乾

第一件要做的事,就是要浸泡杏桃乾,大約泡了 15 分鐘,讓杏桃乾膨脹。可能會有些人想問:為什麼要用杏桃乾,而不用新鮮杏桃呢? 答案很簡單,因為 … 我手邊沒有新鮮杏桃。而且因為我在台灣,新鮮杏桃並不好找,所以我就用手邊有的杏桃乾。但如果你能輕鬆找到新鮮杏桃的話,我強烈建議你用新鮮的杏桃。

Step 1. Soak the dried apricots.

The first thing is to soak the dried apricots for about 15 minutes or until it’s puff up. There might be someone asking why I use dried apricots instead of fresh ones? Well, the reason is simple, I don’t have them at hand. And since I’m in Taiwan, fresh apricots are not easy to find. However, if you could access fresh apricots easily, I really highly recommend using fresh ones.

全素夏日芒果烤酥 Vegan Summer Mango Crisp

步驟 2:混合水果層餡料


Step 2. Mix the Fruit Filling

Second, in a baking dish or ramekin, mix the chopped fresh mangoes, apricots, lime juice or lemon juice, and arrowroot starch or cornstarch.

步驟 3:混合表層酥料


Step 3. Mix the Topping

Then in a bowl, mix the topping ingredients. Simple, right?

全素夏日芒果烤酥 Vegan Summer Mango Crisp

步驟 4:將表層酥料加到水果餡料上,烤焙


Step 4. Add the Topping on the Fruit Filling & Bake!

The last thing is to spread the topping mixture onto the fruits GENTLY. You don’t want to mix the whole thing. Bake it until its golden and your kitchen smell fruity.

Fresh Mango

如果你喜歡芒果,或是像我一樣最近非常想吃芒果的滋味,那麼我想你應該不想錯過 全素芒果慕斯蛋糕 的,它是我近期最愛的食譜之一。另外如果你想在早上就一嚐芒果滋味,那麼看看 熱帶芒果果昔碗,還有 芒果椰香奇亞籽布丁 吧!

If you like mangoes or have a mango kick recently as I do, then you probably don’t want to miss out the Vegan Mango Mousse Cake. It’s one of my favorite recipes these few months. And if you want to taste the mango in the morning, check out my Mango Tropical Smoothie Bowl and Mango Coconut Chia Pudding.

全素夏日芒果烤酥 Vegan Summer Mango Crisp

PS. 如果你有製作這個食譜,並打算分享在 FacebookInstagram 上,別忘了 tag @Barrelleaf + #barrelleaf,我很愛看到不一樣的成品照和不同的創意呈現。

And If you make this recipe, don’t forget to tag @Barrelleaf + #barrelleaf on Facebook and Instagram. I always love to see them with your creative twist.

全素夏日芒果烤酥 Vegan Summer Mango Crisp

充滿著芒果的香甜、杏桃與淡淡的椰香,這道全素夏日芒果烤酥有著陽光的金黃外表與滋味! Made of baked mangoes, coconuts, and dried apricots, this Vegan Summer Mango Crisp embodies the sunshine in flavor and appearance!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備15 minutes
料理25 minutes
哪道菜: Breakfast, Dessert
料理別: American
份量: 4 people


  • 1 medium mango 中型芒果, ~435 g
  • 6 dried apricots 杏桃乾, soaked in 1 Tbsp water
  • 1 tsp lemon juice or lime juice 檸檬汁
  • 1/2 tsp arrowroot starch of corn starch 葛根粉 或 玉米粉

For the topping

  • 4 Tbsp rolled oats 傳統燕麥片
  • 2 Tbsp sliced almonds 杏仁片
  • 2 Tbsp coconut flakes 椰子乾片
  • 2 Tbsp pecans 胡桃, roughly chopped 略切
  • 1 Tbsp coconut sugar 椰糖
  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil, meted 椰子油, 融化
  • A pinch of salt 1 小撮鹽


  • 將烤箱以 175 C 預熱
  • 將芒果去皮,切成大丁塊狀
  • 用刀子或剪刀,將浸泡過的杏桃乾分切成小塊
  • 取一烤皿,放入芒果丁塊、杏桃乾塊、檸檬汁、葛根粉,用刮刀混拌
  • 取另一碗,放入表層所有食材,混合均勻
  • 將表層混料倒於水果餡料上,並輕柔平鋪均勻
  • 放入烤箱烘烤 25-30 分鐘,至表面金黃,邊緣有水果汁溢冒出的跡象即可
  • 取出,讓它靜置 5-10 分鐘,再挖取出一塊,給自己享用!

English Version

  • Preheat the oven at 175 C / 350 F.
  • Peel and chop the mango into big chunks.
  • Use a knife or scissors to cut the dried apricots into small chunks.
  • In a baking dish or ramekins, add the chopped mangoes, apricots, lime juice, and arrowroot starch. Use a spatula to mix all together.
  • In another bowl, add all topping ingredients and mix together.
  • Place the topping mixture onto the fruits. Gently spread it out evenly.
  • Bake for 25-30 minutes until the topping is golden and there are some juice coming out from the fruit on the edges.
  • Remove it from the oven to let its et for 5-10 minutes before scoping out a piece for yourself.


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全素夏日芒果烤酥 Vegan Summer Mango Crisp

我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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