【食譜+實作影片】抹茶紅豆燕麥今川燒 Matcha Red Bean Oats Imagawayaki

自己很喜歡吃車輪餅/紅豆餅這類的點心,然後之前買了鬆餅機,裡頭雖然沒有圓型的烤盤,但有三角型的,想了想,換個型狀,材料不換應該差不多吧?! 於是就動手做了這個 抹茶紅豆燕麥今川燒

I love imagawayaki, a Japanese dessert widespread around Taiwan. I bought waffle maker a few days ago. Even though there is no round mold iron attachment, it actually has a triangle-shape mold that I think could work. So, well, why not give it a try?

【食譜+實作影片】抹茶紅豆燕麥今川燒 Matcha Red Bean Oats Imagawayaki

I use janpanese matcha powder this time. The color seems more bright and vivid.


Even though it is not the regular shape (which should be round) magawayaki, I already feel contented once I make those triangle cuties.


Recently, I try to make snacks and deserts healtier, so I sub the whole wheat and oat flour  flour for cake flour. The result is still delicious, the texture is more firm than usual imaygawaki.

Every bite contains subtle matcha fragrance and the sweetness of the red bean filling. Yumm~!


〔實作影片〕抹茶紅豆燕麥今川燒 Matcha Red Bean Oats Imagawayaki


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Matcha Red Bean Oats Imagawayaki 

  • 食材 Ingredients:(約6個)
    • 麵糊 for the cake paste
      • 雞蛋 1 egg 1個
      • 二砂 b-grade white crystal sugar 1 Tbs(12 g)
      • 蜂蜜 honey 1/2 Tbs
      • 鮮奶 milk 40 g
      • 全麥麵粉 wholewheat flour 40 g
      • *燕麥粉 oat flour 35 g
      • 無鋁泡打粉 baking powder  1/2 tsp(2 g)
      • 抹茶粉  matcha powder 1/2 Tbs
      • *椰子油 coconut oil 1 Tbs
      • 香草精 a hint of vanilla extract 少許
      • 鮮奶 (靜置後調稠度添加) milk  約40 g (After mixing the dry & wet ingredients, I add another 40 g of milk to adjust the consistency.)
  • 內餡 for the filling
    • 煮熟紅豆 red bean(adzuki bean), cooked  適量
    • 黑糖   brown sugar   適量
  • PS.
    • *此次使用的燕麥粉是用處理機將即食燕麥片打成的細粉
    • *椰子油可用其它油脂替代
    • *The oat flour is homemade by grinding the instant oatmeal in a food-processor or a high-powered blender.
    • *Coconut oil can be substituted by other oil.

※ 準備工作:

※ Preparation:
.Make the filling first: mix brown sugar and cooked red bean.
.Measure all ingredients.


  • 作法/步驟 :
    1. 將雞蛋與二砂放於盆中,攪打均勻至看不見糖粒
    2. 接著加入蜂蜜與牛奶,攪打均勻至蛋液有點泛白起泡
    3. 加入燕麥粉
    4. 再篩入全麥粉、抹茶粉與泡打粉混合均勻 (因為我使用燕麥粉,吸水性較強,有再添加適量牛奶調整稠度,若用低筋麵粉的話應該是不需要調整的)
    5. 接著加入香草精與椰子油,混合均勻
    6. 用保鮮模封好,靜置約20-25分鐘 (快靜置好前預熱機器)
    7. 靜置後再檢查一下麵糊稠度,太稠的話可以再加適量的水(我是沒再加了)
    8. 待機器預熱好,就可以倒入適量麵糊、再放入餡料、最後再倒入適量麵糊蓋住餡料,合上機器,烤至聞到香氣,再打開來檢查一下熟度,確定完全烤透即可
  • Directions:
    1. Whisk the eggs and b-grade sugar in a bowl until the sugar dissolve.
    2. Add honey and milk and whisk until the mixture become a little bit foamy and pale.
    3. Add the oat flour.
    4. Sift whole wheat flour, matcha powder, and baking powder into the mixture and mix well (Since oat flour is more absorbent, I add some milk to loosen it up a bit. If you use cake flour, the original consistency should be fine.)
    5. Then add vanilla extract and coconut oil. Mix well.
    6. Cover it with plastic wrap and leave it for 20-25 minutes. Preheat the waffle maker at the last few minutes.
    7. Check the consistency of the batter. If it’s too thick, add some water to loosen it up. I don’t add any more water in this case.
    8. When the waffle maker is ready, pour the batter into the mold, then the filling, and then more batter just enough to cover the filling.
    9. Let it cook for a few minutes until the fragrance comes out. Check the imagawayaki until all cooked.


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【食譜+實作影片】抹茶紅豆燕麥今川燒 Matcha Red Bean Oats Imagawayaki

Bon appétit!




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【食譜+實作影片】抹茶紅豆燕麥今川燒 Matcha Red Bean Oats Imagawayaki

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【食譜+實作影片】抹茶紅豆燕麥今川燒 Matcha Red Bean Oats Imagawayaki

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我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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