麻油香菇燉飯 Asian Sesame oil Mushroom Risotto

前陣子鍋具中有了新成員 — 這個可愛的 15 公分鑄鐵鍋。一有新鍋就會想拿它來做不同的料理。我常用鑄鐵鍋做烘蛋,但也不能這樣一成不變,想到有在鑄鐵鍋商品頁,看到它也可以用來煮飯,剛好最近很想吃有麻油香的 麻油香菇燉飯,就決定來做它摟!

Recently I got new a member in my kitchen — this cute 15-cm cast iron skillet. Every time I got new kitchen cookware, I’ll be really excited and cannot wait to try different recipes using it. I often make a frittata with this kind of skillet, but anything will need some change one day, right? So I just browsed online and saw the picture in which a skillet filled with rice in the product page.  It inspired me to cook rice with it and I come out with this  Asian Sesame oil Mushroom Risotto.

麻油香菇飯 Chinese Sesame oil Mushroom Rice


When thinking about sesame oil, people in our country often think of sesame oil chicken, a classic Taiwanese dish. But since I was just missing the flavor of sesame oil, I just used the ingredients at hand. Nevertheless, you do need black sesame oil, at least. This recipe does not call for many ingredients. Plus the three ingredients for seasoning, there are only eight ingredients in total. That’s enough to make a pot of flavorful sesame oil risotto.

麻油香菇飯 Chinese Sesame oil Mushroom Rice

The rice absorbs the flavor of other ingredients. It got a subtle sesame fragrance in every bite. I like to add water little by little. The finished rice becomes moist risotto. Black sesame oil and ginger go really well together. Plus the mushrooms, the flavor is rich even with not so many ingredients.

麻油香菇飯 Chinese Sesame oil Mushroom Rice
因為這次是直接在瓦斯爐上將生米煮到熟,加上我是用糙米,所以要顧、也需要花點時間,從備料到完成大約 1 個小時左右。但我很喜歡在瓦斯爐上煮的感覺,看生米煮到熟也像烘焙一樣有種療癒感的 (笑)


Since the rice is cooked through on the stove, plus I use brown rice, so it really takes time. And you also need to be mindful of the moisture of the rice. But I personally like cooking on the stove, it gives me a therapeutic feeling to see the rice to puff and to be cooked, like baking.

Sometimes, if you want some sesame oil taste, let’s do it.


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Asian Sesame oil Mushroom Risotto

  • 食材 :(約 2 人)
    • 黑麻油 1 Tbs
    • 薑 1 小塊, 切片或切末
    • 乾香菇 3 個
    • 糙米 (白米也可以) 0.8 米杯 (約 125 ml)
    • 水 或 高湯 適量 (約需 250 – 300 ml)
    • 米酒 1 Tbs
    • 醬油 0.5 Tbs
    • 蠔油 0.5 Tbs
  • Ingredients (Serves: 2)
    • 1 Tbs black sesame oil
    • 1 small piece of ginger, sliced or minced
    • 3 dried mushrooms
    • 125 ml brown rice
    • enough water or stock for cooking (about 250 – 300 ml)
    • 1 Tbs rice wine
    • 0.5 Tbs soy sauce
    • 0.5 Tbs oyster sauce (Hao-You)

  • 準備工作:
    • 將糙米泡水 4 – 6 小時 (白米 1 – 2 小時即可)
    • 香菇泡冷水至膨脹軟化(約 15 鐘)後切細片或絲, 香菇水留著等等用來當一部份煮飯水
  • Preparation:
    • Soak the brown rice for 4 – 6 hours (1 – 2 for regular white rice)
    • Soak the mushrooms until they are soft (about 15 minutes), then slice. Keep the soaking water for cooking.

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 鍋中放黑芝麻油,開中火,油熱後再放入薑煸至聞到香氣,接著再放入香菇,繼續拌炒約一分鐘
    2. 接著放入浸泡過的米、香菇水,再加入適量水至淹過米,煮滾後轉中小火蓋上鍋蓋燜煮,每隔 5 – 10分鐘打開來看一下水夠不夠,若快煮乾再添加適量水。重覆這步驟煮至米飯熟透,大約要煮 30 – 40 分鐘
    3. 熄火後讓它再燜 5 分鐘,即可享用
  • Directions:
    1. Add the black sesame oil into the skillet over medium heat. When the oil is hot, add ginger and stir-fry until the fragrance comes out. Then add the dried shrimps and sliced mushrooms. Keep cooking for another minute.
    2. Add the soaked rice, the water using for soaking mushrooms, and more water to cover the rice. Keep cooking until it boil, then lower the heat to medium-low. Place the lid on to let it simmer until the rice is cooked. Keep an eye on it. Check it for every 5 – 10 minutes to see if the water is enough. If it seems to dry out, add more water. It takes about 30 – 40 minutes in total.
    3. After the rice is cooked, turn off the heat and keep the lid on for another 5 minutes. Serve and enjoy.

麻油香菇飯 Chinese Sesame oil Mushroom Rice

麻油香菇飯 Chinese Sesame oil Mushroom Rice

麻油香菇飯 Chinese Sesame oil Mushroom Rice

麻油香菇飯 Chinese Sesame oil Mushroom Rice
我很愛這麻油味,忍不住一口接一口吃了好多! :9
Bon appétit!



我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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