全素清蒸臭豆腐 (7 樣食材) Vegan Steamed Stinky Tofu

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你愛吃什麼樣的臭豆腐呢? 小的時候比較常吃炸的,不知道是不是這個原因,長大後沒那麼愛炸臭豆腐,反而比較喜歡吃燉煮或是清蒸臭豆腐,這次就要來分享非常簡單、只要 7 樣食材的清蒸臭豆腐食譜。它是全素、無肉,吃起來一樣夠味、夠臭 (?)

全素清蒸臭豆腐 Vegan Steamed Stinky Tofu



記得先前去深坑老街逛逛時,發現好多家都是賣臭豆腐的,老街上不時也飄散著臭豆腐的”香氣”,當時剛好看到一個外國的小女孩坐在她爸爸的肩膀上,經過他們旁邊時,剛好聽到小女孩喊著 “It’s so smelly!” (好臭!) 聽完這句我就笑了。我想應該不多外國人能明白這”又臭又香”臭豆腐的美味吧。

全素清蒸臭豆腐 Vegan Steamed Stinky Tofu


臭豆腐本身就有十足的風味,所以真的只要簡單的調味一下就能展現它的美味了。(不知道為什麼打這句不知覺會心一笑,因為這美味是”臭”的) Anyway, 你知道我的意思的。

全素清蒸臭豆腐 Vegan Steamed Stinky Tofu

這道臭豆腐只需要 7 樣食材,包含:臭豆腐、乾香菇、芝麻油、毛豆、醬油、米酒,與黃砂糖 (俗稱二砂)。臭豆腐在大賣場(大潤發、家樂福)、傳統市場可以找的到,或是也可以用網購的方式。其它食材應該算普遍。



如果你還想試試其它臭豆腐料理,可以試試這道 紅燒番茄臭豆腐 與我常煮的 香辣臭豆腐。而這道清蒸臭豆腐是裡頭需要食材數量最少的,所以從簡主義者可以先從這道開始試試。好了,來做吧!

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全素清蒸臭豆腐 (7 樣食材) Vegan Steamed Stinky Tofu
全素清蒸臭豆腐 Vegan Steamed Stinky Tofu
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全素清蒸臭豆腐 Vegan Steamed Stinky Tofu (7 Ingredients)

Do you love stinky tofu? Which kind do you like? I ate mostly fried ones when I was little, which is probably the reason why I enjoy steamed stinky tofu more when I grew up. This Steamed Stinky Tofu is my go-to, easiest stinky tofu recipe. It's vegan, no animal, but still delicious and "stinky" (smile).
作者: Nora Hsu
準備15 minutes
料理20 minutes
總共35 minutes
哪道菜: Side Dish
料理別: 亞洲, 台灣料理
Keyword: tofu, vegan
份量: 2 people


  • 4 small dried mushrooms 乾香菇
  • 1 tsp toasted sesame oil 白芝麻油
  • 4 big stinky tofu slices 臭豆腐
  • A thumbnail-size ginger 薑, (optional) minced 非必要 切末
  • 4 Tbsp edamame beans 毛豆, shelled 去殼


  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce 醬油
  • 1 Tbsp rice wine 米酒
  • 1 tsp light brown sugar 黃砂糖
  • ½ tsp toasted sesame oil 白芝麻油,


  • Soak the dried mushrooms in water for at least 15 minutes to let them puff up.
  • While the mushrooms are soaking, mix all seasoning ingredients together in a small bowl.
  • After the mushrooms puff up, squeeze out the water from the mushrooms, and slice them. Save the soaking water for later use.
  • Place a small pot over medium heat. Add the sesame oil to the pan. Once the pan is hot, add the minced ginger and sliced mushrooms. Stir fry for about 30 seconds.
  • Add the stinky tofu slices, the mixed seasoning. Cook for about 1 minute.
  • Transfer all into a deep dish. Spread out the tofu into a single layer if you could.
  • Add the edamame beans, the saved soaking water, and more water (if needed) high enough to barely cover the tofu. Steamed the tofu for about 20 minutes. Enjoy!


  • 將乾香菇泡於水中至少 15 分鐘至膨脹
  • 等待香菇浸泡時,將調味料部份的食材於一小碗中混合
  • 香菇膨脹後,擠出香菇吸入的水份,保留浸泡的水,將香菇切絲
  • 取一小鍋置於中火上,倒入芝麻油。鍋熱後,放入薑末與香菇絲,拌炒約 30 秒
  • 放入臭豆腐塊與混合好的調味料,煮約 1 分鐘
  • 取一深盤,將鍋內全部食材轉移至盤中,盡可能讓豆腐平鋪
  • 放入毛豆、浸泡香菇的水、更多的水 (若有需要) 與豆腐約平高,蒸約 20 分鐘即可



我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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