全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾 (用杏仁渣) Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies

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全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾 Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies

Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies

你若不認識我,但從我餅乾食譜的數量,應該不難發現我是個愛吃餅乾的人。事實上,我自己都自稱「餅乾怪獸」,平常的休閒活動之一就是烤餅乾,所以家裡常會看到不同罐子裡有各種不同口味和樣貌的餅乾。真不知這是好還是壞 (笑)。

全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾 Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies


  • 我真的很想吃巧克力豆餅乾
  • 我買的斯佩爾特小麥粉開封了還沒用完
  • 手邊還有打杏仁剩的杏仁渣,想到之前有提到要分享使用它們的食譜


全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾 Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies


Anyway, 因為有用它製作過不少失敗品,但也有利用它製作過滿意的美味,像是 全素香蕉瑪芬全素小荳蔻奇亞籽燕麥餅乾全素焦糖大理石布朗尼,所以才會「又愛又恨」。而這個全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾就是另一個讓我喜歡的食譜。

全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾 Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies


全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾 Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies


全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾 Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies




全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾 Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies


  • 如果你沒有斯佩爾特小麥粉,也可以試著用全麥麵粉替代,更或是普通白麵粉,但麵粉不同、吸水性都會有所差異,因此若是麵團偏乾,建議可以添加少許植物奶,如杏仁奶核桃奶、燕麥奶,或是一點椰子油
  • 我的食譜油量與糖量都已經盡量用最少,不建議再減低,也因為我個人口味不愛吃太甜,所以甜度都不高,若你覺得不夠甜,可以再增加 5-10 g 的糖
  • 巧克力豆的部份建議是使用 70% 左右的,與不會太甜的餅乾合起來將將好。但若你不習慣高%數的巧克力,那麼建議可以用 50% 左右的。
全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾 Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies

如果你像我一樣愛吃餅乾的話,那麼與你分享另外兩款只需要 6 樣食材、我心頭愛的餅乾:全素花生餅乾,以及 全素燕麥餅乾。來手動手做吧!

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全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾 Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies

全素斯佩爾特小麥巧克力豆餅乾 Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies

Eggless, Dairy-free, full of chocolate, these Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies is a satisfying and healthy snack option for you! And this is also a great recipe to use your almond pulp left from making almond milk.
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
料理15 minutes
料理別: American, vegan
Keyword: 30 minutes or less, cookies, dairy-free, sweets, vegan
份量: 4 people



  • 將烤箱以 160 C / 320 F 預熱;烤盤鋪烤墊或烘焙紙備用
  • 先將亞麻籽粉與水放入一小碗中,攪拌混合均勻,置於一旁備用
  • 取一攪拌碗,放入椰子油、椰糖,用叉子攪打約 2-3 分鐘,至油糖混合,整體有點膨鬆感
  • 將事先混合的亞麻籽水液加入油糖混合液,攪拌混合均勻
  • 研磨機調理機將燕麥片打至像麵粉的質地
  • 接著再用過篩的方式加入斯佩爾特小麥粉與泡打粉,之後加入鹽、杏仁粉與燕麥粉,攪拌混合均勻,不要過度混拌
  • 最後拌入約 3/4 量的黑克力豆,剩的留給表面
  • 若有時間的話,建議將混合物冷藏 20 分鐘會較好進行此步驟;用 1 Tbsp 挖取混合物,用手滾圓,再放到鋪烤墊的烤盤上,壓成約扁圓餅乾型狀,重覆此動作至用完全部的混合物。我做出大約 10 片小餅乾
  • 將剩下的巧克力豆平均壓入每個餅乾表面。放入烤箱烘烤約 15-20 分鐘,至表面乾透、呈棕色。取出,置於網架上讓餅乾完全放涼即可享用

English Version

  • Preheat the oven at 160 C / 320 F. Line a baking sheet with baking mat or parchment paper.
  • In a small bowl, mix the ground flaxseed and water. Then set it aside.
  • In another mixing bowl, add the coconut oil and coconut sugar. Beat them for 2-3 minutes until the they incorporate and get a bit fluffy.
  • Add the flax-water mixture to the oil-sugar mixture and mix to combine.
  • Use a grinder of blender to ground to rolled oats into flour texture.
  • Sift in the spelt flour and baking powder. Then add the salt, oat flour, and almond pulp. Mix to incorporate but don't overmix.
  • Add in about 3/4 chocolate chips. Save the rest for the final decoration.
  • If you have time, put the mixture into the fridge for 20 minutes. It will be more easy to work with. Use a tablespoon to scoop out the mixture. Roll it into a ball, place it on the sheet, and press it down into a thick disk. Repeat to finish all mixture. I end up having 10 small cookies.
  • Take the saved chocolate chips and press them down into each cookies. Place in to the oven to bake for 15-20 minutes until the surface is dry and brown. Remove from the oven and place onto a wire rack to cool down completely. Then it's time to enjoy!


  • Storage: Store the cookies in an airtight jar for 1-2 weeks.
  • 保存:剩下的餅乾放入密封罐常溫保存,約可放 1-2 星期


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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