全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 (免烤) No-Bake Vegan Snickers Cups

I assume that you’re familiar with Snickers, right? Because they seems to be everywhere. I remembered I’ve seen them in the convenient store since I was a kid, but I usually bought the other chocolate bars instead. However, as a chocoholic and peanut butter lover, it makes no sense that if I didn’t make these sweets, so this time we’re going to make Snickers, but the vegan version!

應該大部份的人對 士力架 Snickers 都不陌生,因為去超商的糖果巧克力區都會看到,有時候還會直接放在結帳櫃檯上,印象中我從滿小就見過它,不過我小時候都買七七乳加或是巧菲斯居多,但身為巧克力控+花生控的我,看到士力架總覺得很誘人;自己會開始做東西後,也就嚐試很多這樣的搭配,這一年愛上純素飲食,這次要來分享的就是獻給花生控們的 全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯!

全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 Vegan Snickers Cups

全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 (免烤)
No-Bake Vegan Snickers Cups

這道甜點的中文名字讓我考慮了很久,原本想叫冰淇淋杯,因為它是從冷凍拿出來稍解凍吃的,但因為它有層次,所以覺得叫冰淇淋無法表明它的多層次身份,加上英文的 “cups” 似乎是比較容易聯想到杯子蛋糕,所以最後就叫它冰淇淋蛋糕杯了。


全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 Vegan Snickers Cups

Snickers 士力架非常紅,但可能還是有人沒有吃過,所以和大家分解一下士力架的結構,它主要是由花生焦糖餡堆疊在類似「牛軋糖」的餅上,外層有用牛奶巧克力包裹住。而這個蛋糕派的層次就是由士力架延伸出來,堅果底層加上中間的焦糖層,而上頭是融入花生醬類似冰淇淋的層次,最後表面我有再用黑巧克力與核桃點綴,同時增加滋味與口感。

全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 Vegan Snickers Cups


全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 Vegan Snickers Cups

一樣祕密食材 One Secret Ingredient


全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 (免烤) No-Bake Vegan Snickers Cups

那一樣食材就是….. 豆腐! 沒錯,但別因為有豆腐而退避三舍,因為你吃不到它的存在的。

全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 Vegan Snickers Cups


全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 Vegan Snickers Cups


全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 Vegan Snickers Cups

這個冰淇淋蛋糕杯是放冷凍來凝固,要吃前再到室溫放個 10 – 15 分鐘,讓它稍微解凍一下再享用,口感會較滑潤,但一直聞到淡淡花生香氣的我實在等不及,直接就先對半切享用。

全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 Vegan Snickers Cups


全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 Vegan Snickers Cups


全素士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯 Vegan Snickers Cups

這個士力架冰淇淋蛋糕杯讓我一吃就愛上,一次可以吃掉兩個不是問題,還要告訴自己別再吃了呢…(它真的整個完全中花生醬控的心) 分享給大家,請花生控們有機會真的要試試!

來動手做吧! Let’s do this!

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Vegan Snicker Ice Cream Cups


全素士力架蛋糕杯 (免烤) No-Bake Vegan Snickers Cups

I assume that you're familiar with Snickers, right? Because they seem to be everywhere. I remembered I've seen them in the convenient store since I was a kid, but I usually bought the other chocolate bars instead. However, as a chocoholic and peanut butter lover, it makes no sense that if I didn't make these sweets, so this time we're going to make Snickers, but the vegan version!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備15 minutes
Freezing3 hours
總共3 hours 15 minutes
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: American
Keyword: chocolate, dairy-free, dessert, gluten-free, holiday, no-bake, peanut butter, sweets, vegan
份量: 8 people


For the Cacao nutty base 可可堅果底層

  • 40 g almonds 杏仁
  • 20 g walnuts 核桃
  • 25 g instant oats 即食燕麥片
  • 20 g pitted dates 去籽椰棗乾
  • 2 tsp cacao powder 生可可粉
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract 純香草精
  • A pinch of salt 鹽

For the Caramel 焦糖層

  • 50 g pitted dates 去籽椰棗乾
  • 15 g almond butter 杏仁醬, see note*
  • 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp water 飲用水
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 純香草精
  • A pinch of salt 鹽

For the Peanut butter ice cream layer 花生醬冰淇淋層

  • 240 ml (1 cup) full-fat coconut milk 全脂椰奶, refrigerated overnight 冷藏一晚
  • 5 Tbsp peanut butter 花生醬, see note*
  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • 85 g silken tofu 嫩豆腐, drained 濾掉水
  • 2 Tbsp coconut oil 椰子油, melted 椰子油, 融化

Toppings 表面

  • Dark chocolate 黑巧克力
  • Walnuts or peanuts 核桃或花生, roughly chopped 略切碎



  • 將去籽椰棗乾放入食物處理機中大略切碎,再放入底層其它食材攪打混合均勻至可捏成團的程度,視情況添加 1 - 2 tsp 飲用水幫助成團
  • 將底層混合物平均填入蛋糕模底部,放入冷凍。同時我們製作下一層


  • 食物處理機不用清洗,將焦糖層所有食材全放入,攪打均勻至濃稠醬液狀,就像焦糖那樣。中間停下來做刮杯的動作,確定食材都有攪打混合到
  • 取出冷凍的底層,將製作好的焦糖餡平均填入模具、鋪於底層上,再放回冷凍備用


  • 將所有食材放入食物調理機中,攪打混合至滑順
  • 取出附凍的蛋糕杯們,將花生冰淇淋混合物平均填入蛋糕模中,再放回冷凍 3 - 4小時,或至冰淇淋層完全凝固
  • 添加表層:隔水加熱或微波的方式融化一些黑巧克力,將冰淇淋蛋糕杯脫模,再將巧克力醬淋於蛋糕杯表面,再灑上些許碎核桃或花生即可

English Version

    To make the Base:

    • Roughly chop the pitted dates in a food processor first, then add other ingredients (for the base). Continue to process until the mixture can stick together when pressed between your fingers. Add 1 - 2 tsp of water to help to bind the dough if needed.
    • Divide the base mixture into cups and press them down to fit the cups. Place them in the freezer while we make the next layer.

    To make the caramel layer:

    • Add all caramel ingredients to the processor and blend until it becomes paste-like texture, just like caramel. (No need to clean the food processor) Stop and scrape down the sides if needed.
    • Take out the cups in the freezer. Spread the caramel on the nut base. Return to the freezer while we make the ice cream layer.

    To make the peanut butter ice cream:

    • Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
    • Remove the cups from the freezer. Pour the ice cream mixture into the cups. Return to the freezer for another 3 - 4 hours or until the ice cream is completely set.
    • Add Toppings: Melt the chocolate in a microwave or by using a double boiler. Remove the ice cream cups from the mold. Drizzle the melted chocolate on top and sprinkle some chopped walnuts or peanuts. Enjoy!


    • *堅果醬:我大部份都是用自製的無糖堅果醬 (自製杏仁醬自製花生醬),你也可以使用市售的,若你是用市售含糖的,可能需要試味道調整用量
    • 蛋糕需密封冷凍保存,約可放 2 - 3 星期。要吃前取出置於室溫解凍 10 - 15 分鐘再享用
    • *Nut butter: I usually use my homemade nut butter (Almond Butter, Peanut Butter). You could use store-bought ones as well. If you use sweetened ones, you might need to taste and adjust the amount of syrup.
    • Store these cups in the freezer for 2 - 3 weeks. Let them defrost at room temperature for 10 - 15 minutes before serving.

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    我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

    Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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