全素免烤芒果慕斯蛋糕 Vegan No-Bake Mango Mousse Cake

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Vegan Mango Mousse Cake

Vegan No-Bake Mango Mousse Cake

如果你像我一樣平常有在逛市場,或是你本來就喜歡吃芒果,那麼我想你應該已經有注意到,台灣的芒果季來了! 而這次就是使用芒果,來製作這個全素、免烤的芒果慕斯蛋糕。

Vegan Mango Mousse Cake


你應該已經明白,既然我是 Vegan 全植物飲食者了,那它當然也就沒有蛋奶,也沒有動物性製品。但我想猜想,若是我沒有特別說的話,一般人可能不會特別想到,這個看起來美麗的金黃芒果慕斯蛋糕是全素的吧? 這倒是個我很感興趣的實驗。

我喜歡用不同的食材結合創造更多無限可能,也透過此方式,想表達其實使用純植物性食材,也能創造出很多不同的美味,至少這款全素芒果慕斯蛋糕就是其中一個讓我愛不釋口的美味! (至少我是這麼覺得的啦)

Vegan Mango Mousse Cake - Fresh Mango

我記得我以前不是個特別愛吃芒果的人,就是不會特別去買芒果,但不知道為什麼今年夏季的開頭,最近就特別想吃芒果,所以也忍不住買了幾顆,事實上 … 好像不只幾顆啦。 🙂



BTW, 最近我瘋狂一直想吃的還包括鳳梨和木瓜,但最近鳳梨和木瓜好像都沒有很便宜啊。:I

Vegan Mango Mousse Cake


  • 堅果底層:帶著淡淡椰香的堅果底層
  • 芒果慕斯層:充滿綿潤口感、芒果酸甜滋味的慕斯層
  • 表層(非必要):隨意發揮,我喜歡加上更多的芒果切塊一同享用!
Vegan Mango Mousse Cake


Vegan Mango Mousse Cake

如果你對其它全素芒果食譜有興趣,也可以看看 芒果雪酪芒果奇亞籽布丁夏日芒果烤酥。好了,那麼 … 我們來動手做吧!

全素免烤芒果慕斯蛋糕 Vegan No-bake Mango Mousse Cake

Without egg and any animal product, this Vegan No-Bake Mango Mousse Cake is a summer delight with its fruity flavor and creamy texture.
作者: Nora Hsu
準備3 hours 20 minutes
Refrigerating4 hours
哪道菜: 甜點
料理別: vegan
Keyword: dairy-free, gluten-free, no-bake, summer recipe, vegan
份量: 6 people


For the base 底層

  • 30 g pitted dates 去籽椰棗乾
  • 35 g walnuts 核桃
  • 10 g shredded coconuts 椰絲
  • 35 g rolled oats 傳統燕麥片
  • A pinch salt 1 小撮鹽

For the mango mousse filling 芒果慕斯層

  • 100 g raw cashews, soaked 生腰果, 浸泡於飲用水中 3-6 小時
  • 1 medium mango 中型芒果, ~275 g
  • 100 ml full-fat coconut milk 全脂椰奶
  • 2-3 tsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • A pinch salt 1 小撮鹽
  • 2 Tbsp coconut cream 椰子奶油, slightly melted if it's hard 若太硬隔水加熱融化
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice 新鮮檸檬汁, or lime juice 或萊姆汁


  • 將一小烤盤或可冷凍的平盤上鋪烘焙紙,將芒果去皮取肉,切成大塊狀置於上頭,放入冰箱冷凍備用


  • 將去籽椰棗乾放入小的食物處理機中,攪打將椰棗切成小碎塊
  • 放入燕麥片、核桃、椰絲、鹽,一同攪打混合,至有點像微溼麵包屑的質地。用手指按壓應可成團,若質地偏乾,可加少許飲用水再攪打一下
  • 將 1 個 6 吋圓模底層鋪烘焙紙,將底層混合物按壓放滿底層
  • 將模具放入冷凍備用


  • 將浸泡腰果的水瀝乾,再用飲用水稍沖洗一下
  • 取出冷凍的芒果塊,將其與全脂椰奶、楓糖漿、鹽、椰子奶油、檸檬汁、腰果一同用調理機攪打混合均勻至滑順
  • 取至冷凍的底層,將芒果慕斯層混合物倒入模具中,輕搖使表面平均
  • 將模具表面封住,放入冰箱冷藏 4 小時,或至完全凝固即可脫模,可再搭配新鮮芒果切塊享用

English Version

  • Place a parchment paper onto a small baking sheet or a freezer-safe plate. Peel the mango and slice the meat from the seed. Chop the mango meat into big chunks and place them onto the lined pan. Put them into freezer for later use.

To make the base

  • Add the pitted dates to a food processor and chop them into fine pieces.
  • Then add in the oats, walnuts, shredded coconut, and salt. Continue to process until it becomes a bread-crumb-liked mixture. The mixture should stick together when pressed between your fingers. Otherwise, add a dash of water and process again to help to bind.
  • Line the bottom of a 6" round pan with parchment paper. Transfer the base mixture to the pan and press down evenly with a spoon or your fingers.
  • Place the pan in the freezer while we make the filling.

To make the mango mousse filling

  • Drain out the water from the soaked cashews. Give them a gentle rinse.
  • Remove the mango chunks from the freezer. Add them into the blender, along with coconut milk, maple syrup, salt, coconut butter, lemon juice, and the cashews. Blend until smooth.
  • Remove the 6" pan from the freezer. Pour the mousse mixture into the pan. Slight wiggle the pan to even it out.
  • Cover the pan and place it into the fridge for 4 hours or until set. Remove from the pan and add more fresh mango chunks to enjoy as you want!





我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。可於此查看我的器具食材。若我的分享對你有幫助,可透過支持我的創作(或請我喝杯咖啡🤎)

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

2 則留言

  1. 哈囉你好~~


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