【食譜】加拿大甜點:全素納奈莫條 (免烤,無麵粉) Vegan Nanaimo Bars (No-Bake + Gluten-Free)

前陣子在網路上隨意瀏覽,剛好看到了陌生的甜點:納奈莫條 (Nanaimo Bars),查了一下才得知它是加拿大具有代表性的傳統甜點,就是以加拿大西岸的城市:納奈莫 Nanaimo 命名。而這次就被 DAMY Health 的這個純素甜點食譜引發興趣想來做,看了一下傳統的納奈莫條的層次,改成使用熟悉的純素食材。做了這個美味的 全素納奈莫條

純素納奈莫條 Vegan Nanaimo Bars (2)

納奈莫條 – 全素.無蛋.無牛奶.無麵粉.也免烤!
Vegan, No-Egg, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, And No-Bake!

傳統的納奈莫條層次為:碎餅乾底+香草奶油餡或卡士達餡+巧克力,通常裡頭都含有麵粉、蛋與精緻糖。這次要做的全素納奈莫條 無蛋、無牛奶沒有麵粉與精緻糖,使用的就是我常用的堅果、種籽、椰奶與我非常愛的黑巧克力!

純素納奈莫條 Vegan Nanaimo Bars (4)


純素納奈莫條 Vegan Nanaimo Bars (3)


純素納奈莫條 Vegan Nanaimo Bars (6)


純素納奈莫條 Vegan Nanaimo Bars (7)


純素納奈莫條 Vegan Nanaimo Bars (9)


純素納奈莫條 Vegan Nanaimo Bars (8)


純素納奈莫條 Vegan Nanaimo Bars (1)


來動手做吧! Let’s do this!


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全素納奈莫條 (免烤,無麵粉)
Vegan Nanaimo Bars (No-Bake + Gluten-Free)

  • 食材 :(約 8 人份)
    • 底層
      • 核桃 40 g
      • 杏仁 25 g
      • 南瓜籽 15 g
      • 去籽椰棗 25 g
      • 1 小撮
      • 飲用水 視情況添加 (我加約 1 tsp)
    • 香草奶油層
      • 腰果 70 g, 秤量後浸泡於飲用水中 4 小時後瀝乾
      • 椰子油 2 tbsp
      • 全脂椰奶 90 ml
      • 椰糖漿 或 楓糖漿 1 tbsp
      • 鹽 1 小撮
      • 香草莢 1/8 根, 刮取籽使用
      • 自製核桃奶 或 其它堅果奶 (如杏仁奶) 2 tbsp
    • 表面
  • Ingredients:(Serves: 8)
    • For the Base
      • 40 g walnuts
      • 25 g almonds
      • 25 g pitted dates
      • 15 g pumpkin seeds
      • A pinch of salt
      • water (add if needed. I add about 1 tsp)
    • For the Cream layer
    • For the Topping

  • 準備工作 Preparation:
    • 食材秤量好
    • 模具入鋪烘焙紙 (便於取出)
    • Measure all ingredients.
    • Line the baking pan with baking paper (for lifting out easily)

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 製作底層:將椰棗先用食物處理機大略碎,之後再放入底層除了水之外的其它食材攪打混合均勻,視混合團的黏稠度增加少許飲用水,再攪打至混合物可捏成團
    2. 將底層混合物填壓入模具,放入冰箱冷凍備用
    3. 製作香草奶油層:將所有食材放入食物調理機中,攪打混合均勻
    4. 取出置於冷凍庫的模具,將香草奶油糊倒入鋪底層的模具內,再冰回冷凍 2 –  3 小時至完全凝固
    5. 製作表層:將黑巧克力與椰子油用隔水加熱或微波的方式融化
    6. 將模具取出,再將融化的巧克力液迅速倒於凝固的香草奶油層上,搖晃使表面鋪平均勻
    7. 靜待 1 分鐘,至巧克力凝固後,再拉著烘焙紙取出脫模,切成適當的大小即可享用
  • Directions:
    1. To make the Base: Roughly chop the dates in a food processor first, then add other ingredients except the water and mix to combine. Add some water to the mixture and process again to bring the mixture together if needed.
    2. Press the base mixture into the bottom of the pan. Place the pan into the freezer while we make the filling.
    3. To make the Vanilla Cream layer: Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
    4. Take out the pan from the freezer, pour the vanilla cream mixture onto the base, and return to the freezer for another 2 – 3 hours until it’s set.
    5. To make the topping: Melt the chocolate along with the coconut oil by using a bain-maire or microwave oven.
    6. Remove the pan from the freezer. Pour the melted chocolate onto the top and slightly sway the pan to make the chocolate spread evenly.
    7. Let it sit for a minute to let the chocolate set. Then remove from the pan, cut into bars, and enjoy!

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純素納奈莫條 Vegan Nanaimo Bars (5)

Bon appétit!


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【食譜】加拿大甜點:全素納奈莫條 (免烤,無麵粉) Vegan Nanaimo Bars (No-Bake + Gluten-Free)

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我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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