蘑菇核桃素肉丸 Vegan Mushroom Walnut “Meatballs”

不知道為什麼,突然很想吃肉丸(meatballs),但近年來發現我是個不太能消化紅肉的人,每次吃紅肉胃都可能會不舒服,所以就想來做過素肉丸。有先在網路上爬了一些素肉丸的食譜來試作,但成品不盡理想,所以後來我就決定直接從一般的義大利肉丸食譜來更改,寫了這個 蘑菇核桃素肉丸 食譜。
vegan-mushroom-walnut-meatballs (3) 一般的肉丸有使用豬絞肉與牛絞肉,這個是素肉丸,當然也就沒有肉,取而代之的是蘑菇。雖然沒有肉,但有天然香料與適當的調味料,這個素肉丸有著不一樣的美味。 vegan-mushroom-walnut-meatballs (1) vegan-mushroom-walnut-meatballs (2) vegan-mushroom-walnut-meatballs (4) 另外我還加些胡蘿蔔與核桃,這個肉丸更有口感。我的調味不重,所以這個肉丸可以直接單吃,也可以搭配義大利麵或是夾在麵包裡頭變成潛艇堡! vegan-mushroom-walnut-meatballs (5) 製作這個素肉丸很簡單,不需要特別的機器,只需要一只炒鍋就可以了。不同於一般的肉丸,這個肉丸有著菇的軟嫩口心,還有不時咬到的核桃碎粒。雖然沒有肉,但也讓我覺得很夠味、很喜歡這豐富口感的蘑菇素肉丸。

完整食譜 How To Make

蘑菇核桃素肉丸 Vegan Mushroom Walnut "Meatballs"

作者: Nora Hsu
份量: 4 people


  • 0.5 Tbsp ground flaxseed 亞麻籽粉
  • 1.5 Tbsp water 水
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil 橄欖油
  • 2 cloves garlic 蒜瓣, minced 切末
  • 200 g oyster mushrooms 秀珍菇, finely chopped 切細碎
  • 50 g carrot 胡蘿蔔, finely chopped 切細碎
  • 1/2 tsp ground white pepper 白胡椒粉
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper 黑胡椒粉
  • 1/2 tsp Italian herb mix 義大利綜合香料
  • 1.5 Tbs fresh cilantro 新鮮芫荽, or 1/4 tsp coriander powder 芫荽粉
  • A pinch salt 鹽
  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce 醬油
  • 1 tsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • 40 g walnuts 核桃, finely chopped 切細碎 40 g
  • 38 g bread crumbs, I just grind one slice of sourdough bread in my food processor 我用食物處理機將一片酸麵包磨成屑 約 38 g
  • 2 Tbs oat flour 燕麥粉, plus more for rolling (you can also use bread crumbs if you want) +更多裹球用, 也可以用麵包屑
  • 4 - 5 Tbs avocado oil, or other high-heat-resistant vegetable oil, for frying 或其它耐高溫植物油 4 - 5 Tbs 最後油煎使用 


  • Mix the ground flaxseeds with water. Let it sit for 15 minutes. (You can use the time to prepare other ingredients.)
  • Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Add minced garlic and stir fry for 2 - 3 minutes. Then add chopped carrots, mushrooms, salt, pepper, herb mix, and coriander powder. Cook and stir until the ingredients are soft and the mushrooms shrink greatly in size. Then add soy sauce and maple syrup/palm syrup. Stir until the ingredients absorb the sauce. Turn off the heat.
  • Pour into a mixing bowl. Add bread crumbs and oat flour, mix well. Then stir in the chopped walnuts and mix to combine. The mixture should be able to stick together. If you find the mixture is to wet, add more bread crumbs and mix well.
  • Scoop out a big tablespoon of the mixture. Use hands to make a ball. Repeat until you finish the rest.
  • Coat the balls with additional oat flour.
  • Heat the avocado oil in the pan. After the oil is hot enough, place the balls and fry until they are golden brown.
  • 中文版
  • 將亞麻籽粉與水攪拌混合均勻,靜置 15 分鐘 (這時間可用來切其它食材)
  • 鍋中放入橄欖油至油熱,再加入蒜末拌炒約 2 - 3 分鐘。接著加入胡蘿蔔、蘑菇、鹽、白胡椒粉、黑胡椒粉、義大利香料、切碎的新鮮芫荽/芫荽粉,拌炒至食材軟、蘑菇明顯縮小後,再加入醬油與楓糖漿/椰糖漿,拌炒至食材吸入醬汁就熄火
  • 將炒料倒入一大碗中,加入麵包屑、燕麥粉,攪拌混合均勻,之後再加入切碎核桃,混合均勻至可成團。若覺得整體偏溼,可以再加適量麵包屑混合均勻
  • 取稍多於1大湯匙量,塑成圓球,重覆此動作至用完全部混合物 (我做出 15 小顆)
  • 於表面再裹上適量燕麥粉
  • 鍋中熱油,油熱後放入素肉球,將其表面煎至棕黃即可


  • 剩下的肉丸密封冷藏,約可放 4 天。要吃前再用烤箱以 150°C/300°F 烤約 10 分鐘
  • 可搭配食譜:蕃茄紅醬
  • This recipe makes about 15 small meatballs.
  • Store the left meatballs in the fridge. It can last for about 4 days. Reheat them in the oven at 150°C/300°F for about 10 minutes.
  • Related recipes: Tomato Sauce
  • Recipe adapted from Meatball Sub | Gennaro Contaldo

vegan-mushroom-walnut-meatballs (3) 請享用! Bon appétit!   製作日期:2017.07.28

我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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