全素抹茶慕斯杯 (6 樣食材) Vegan Matcha Mousse Pots

Matcha is one of the flavors that I love. I like to make a matcha-flavor dessert from time to time, and these Vegan Matcha Mousse Pots are one of the great test results!

除了巧克力、可可之外,抹茶也是一樣我很喜歡的我很喜歡的素材,不時就會想做個抹茶甜點來滿足一下,前陣子試作出了一個自己滿愛的 全素抹茶慕斯杯

此篇為與 My Tea Inc. 合作文

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Vegan Matcha Mousse Pots

這次要分享的抹茶慕斯杯不同於一般的慕斯,完全沒有雞蛋或是動物性製品,也沒有吉利丁或吉利 T!

This time we’re going to make a matcha mousse that doesn’t have egg, dairy, or any animal product, nor gelatin. But these Matcha Mousse Pots are still so delicious that I might overeat a few from time to time. You know.

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No Egg, Dairy-Free

The Matcha Mousse is so creamy, rich, and yet not so sickly heavy. The thing that makes it happen is cacao butter. It also gives it a mild chocolate flavor. If you don’t have it, you can use coconut oil instead, but the texture will not be as smooth as the cacao butter makes.

無蛋、無奶,也沒有吉利丁或是吉利 T,但可以讓這個慕斯有著稍凝固、濃順滑潤的口感,最大的功臣就是 ─ 可可脂!



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全素抹茶幕斯杯 vegan-matcha-mousse-pots (16)
全素抹茶幕斯杯 vegan-matcha-mousse-pots (18)

The texture is a bit firm straight out from the fridge. I usually like to let it stay at room temperature for about 5 minutes. It will become more smooth as time passes.



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全素抹茶幕斯杯 vegan-matcha-mousse-pots (12)

試作時是使用手邊有的抹茶粉,之後剛好有機會與 My Tea Inc. 探索世界茶品 合作,使用 日本京都抹茶粉 製作,發現呈現的顏色、滋味就不太一樣。

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My Tea Inc. 探索世界茶品 – 日本京都抹茶粉


全素抹茶幕斯杯 vegan-matcha-mousse-pots (2)


全素抹茶幕斯杯 vegan-matcha-mousse-pots (3)

這一包是 100 公克,聽起來好像不多,但無加糖,就是純抹茶粉,所以一次的用量並不會很多,像我自己平常泡抹茶拿鐵或是抹茶豆乳,一次大概就用 2 – 3 g 而已,做甜點時可能會用 5 – 10 g,一包是可以用滿久的。

全素抹茶幕斯杯 vegan-matcha-mousse-pots (4)

先前有用過、品嚐過幾款不同的日本抹茶粉,包森半、靜岡,與有名的小山圓(若竹),其中小山圓的抹茶粉顏色翠綠,在製作烘焙、甜點時可以呈現我喜歡的抹茶色,但是森半與小山圓都是讓我覺得有較明顯的「海苔」香氣與「草味」,我個人沒那麼愛偏重的海苔味,所以有時候會有點難取捨,而這次使用 My Tea Inc. 日本京都抹茶粉 也有很美的翠綠色,但並沒有那麼重的海苔味,就是淡淡的。

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全素抹茶幕斯杯 vegan-matcha-mousse-pots (5)


全素抹茶幕斯杯 vegan-matcha-mousse-pots (8)

但這次要製作的方式是使用調理機,也是讓這個全素抹茶慕斯杯食譜變得更簡單的原因之一,因為… 你只需要這一個容器!

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全素抹茶幕斯杯 vegan-matcha-mousse-pots (10)


全素抹茶幕斯杯 vegan-matcha-mousse-pots (14)

冷藏至完全凝固就可以直接取出享用了! 我覺得抹茶與草莓的顏色擺在一起很美,剛好手邊有新鮮草莓,馬上一起合照!

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Let’s do this!

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全素抹茶慕斯杯 (6 樣食材) Vegan Matcha Mousse Pots

Vegan Matcha Mousse Pots (6 ingredients)

Matcha is one of the flavors that I love. I like to make a matcha-flavor dessert from time to time, and these Vegan Matcha Mousse Pots are one of the great test results!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備5 minutes
Refrigerating3 hours
總共3 hours 5 minutes
哪道菜: 甜點
料理別: American, 亞洲
Keyword: 10 ingredients or less
份量: 2 people


  • 130 ml (1/2 cup+ 2 tsp) coconut milk 全脂椰奶
  • 35 g (½ cup) raw cashews 生腰果, soaked
  • 12 g (~1 Tbsp) cacao butter 可可脂
  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • ½ – 1 Tbsp matcha powder 抹茶粉
  • A pinch of salt 鹽, optional
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract 純香草精


  • Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.
  • Pour into air-tight jars and refrigerate for 3-4 hours or until set.
  • Remove from the fridge and enjoy! You can leave them at room temperature for 5 – 10 minutes for a creamier texture. Toppings are also welcome.


  • 將所有食材放入食物調理機中攪打混合均勻、無顆粒
  • 倒入密封罐中,冷藏 3-4 小時,或至完全凝固
  • 取出即可享用,可置於常溫 5 – 10 分鐘,退冰愈久口感愈化口,可再加上自己喜歡的配料



  • Storage: Store in the fridge for 3 days.

我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。可於此查看我的器具食材。若我的分享對你有幫助,可透過支持我的創作(或請我喝杯咖啡🤎)

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

4 則留言

  1. 哈囉 Nora,

    130ml 全脂椰奶大概是只有1/2cup而已, 容量有出入,不確定食譜是要130ml或1cup+2tsp的椰奶。


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