全素免烤冰淇淋布朗尼條 Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars (No-Bake + 9 ingredients)

Cacao nutty brownie base with a layer of creamy banana ice cream, topped with a thin dark chocolate layer … These Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars are perfect for your summer day, or whenever. Why not?

苦甜的巧克力堅果基底,搭上冰滑順口、帶著香蕉甜味的冰淇淋,再加上一層薄脆的巧克力層,打造出的 免烤全素冰淇淋布朗尼條,很適合喜歡巧克力與香蕉在一起的你!

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全素冰淇淋布朗尼條 (免烤) Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars (No-Bake)

I remember that I’ve been loving chocolate candy bars since I was a kid. I used to eat “77” candy bars, Chofers chocolate wafer, and Dove Candy Bar.

It did change a bit as I grew up. Now I don’t love them anymore. First, they are on the over-sweet side to my palate. Second, they are not vegan.

But I still love chocolate candy bars that have different layers, and that’s the reason why I make these Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars.

記得從我滿小的時候,我就很喜歡吃一些甜食巧克力條,像是七七乳加、德芙巧克力條、巧菲思等,長大後就愛吃黑巧克力,但還是喜歡吃有”層次”的東西,也因此常會自己亂組合,而這個全素巧克力香蕉冰淇淋條就是在瀏覽 Pinterest 時看到很想做的東西之一。

一般市售的巧克力甜食,如上頭提到的大多數品牌,都非全素的,但真的需要那些食材才能創造美味嗎? 在這幾年自己開始玩烘焙、動手做的經驗,讓我了解答案絕對是否定的。

全素冰淇淋布朗尼條 (免烤) Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars (No-Bake)

全素冰淇淋布朗尼條 (免烤)
Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars

These Ice Cream Brownie Bars are vegan, meaning no egg, no dairy, no animal product. What’s more awesome is that they don’t require baking, which makes the whole process more quick and easier.

I’m not sure since when that the combination of chocolate and banana started to get really popular. And if you’re one of the fans of this combo, I bet you would love these Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars, too.



全素冰淇淋布朗尼條 (免烤) Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars (No-Bake)

Common ice cream usually contains dairy products like heavy cream, dairy milk, or dairy powder. Then what’s the substitute for these vegan ice cream bars?

一般常見的冰淇淋都含有動物性製品 (鮮奶油、奶粉等),那麼全素的冰淇淋要怎麼做呢?

全素冰淇淋布朗尼條 (免烤) Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars (No-Bake)

The thing is ─ banana. If you’ve seen my 2-ingredient Chocolate Nice Cream, you probably had guessed it right. Yes, you can turn the bananas into ice cream just by freezing and blending. That’s really like magic.

那樣東西就是冷凍過的香蕉。如果你有看過我滿久前分享過的 兩樣食材巧克力香蕉冰淇淋,你可能就會明白一切就是香蕉發揮的”魔法”。

全素冰淇淋布朗尼條 (免烤) Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars (No-Bake)

After frozen and blended, the bananas will become creamy, sweet, silky, just like how ice cream should be.

But there’s a thing that you need to know before you start ─ since we’re using real bananas, the final product would have the unique flavor from the banana.

If you’re not so into the banana flavor, you might want to make this Vegan Coffee Ice Cream instead. Don’t worry, that one is also incredulously delicious, but you will need more time and ingredients for that.


全素冰淇淋布朗尼條 (免烤) Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars (No-Bake)

These Vegan Ice Cream Bars don’t require a lot of ingredients. If you often make my recipes, you probably already got them in your cabinet. They are:

If you got them at hand, then let’s get started!

如同它的名稱所提及,它的成份一定包含了兩樣,其它的食材零零加總也不算多,總共只有 9 樣,而且我想如果你有常製作我的食譜,它們可能都在你的食材櫃裡了。他們是:


如果你的答案是「Yes」的話,就挽起袖子,準備來動手做吧! Let’s do this!

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全素免烤冰淇淋布朗尼條 Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars (No-Bake + 9 ingredients)

Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars (No-Bake + 9 ingredients)

Cacao nutty brownie base with an layer of creamy banana ice cream, topped with a thin dark chocolate layer … These Vegan Ice Cream Brownie Bars are perfect for your summer day, or whenever. Why not?
作者: Nora Hsu
準備20 minutes
Freezing1 hour
總共20 minutes
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: vegan
Keyword: dairy-free, dessert, gluten-free, ice cream, no-bake, summer, sweets, vegan
份量: 6 people


Brownie Base 巧克力布朗尼底層

  • 25 g rolled oats 傳統燕麥片
  • 20 g walnuts 核桃
  • 25 g pitted dates 去籽椰棗
  • 1 tsp cacao powder 生可可粉
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract 純香草精
  • tsp salt 鹽, optional 非必要

Ice Cream Filling 冰淇淋內餡

  • ~150 g banana 香蕉, sliced & frozen 冷凍切片。約 1.5 大根香蕉 (See Note for replacement 替代見註*
  • 1 Tbsp almond milk 杏仁奶 , or coffee for deeper flavor 或咖啡

Coating 表層



  • 將去籽棗乾放入食物處理機中,攪打至細碎,視情況停下來做刮杯動作
  • 接著放入其它食材,繼續用食物處理機攪打混合均勻,將食材切碎
  • 視質地分次加入少許飲用水一同攪打,至用手指捏混合物時可黏成團
  • 若是用長條麵包模,底部鋪烘焙紙,我是用做手指餅乾的矽膠模,將底層混合物填入內,壓實壓緊,放入冷凍備用


  • 將冷凍香蕉切片與杏仁奶 (自製杏仁奶食譜)/咖啡放入食物處理機中,攪打混合至滑順、像冰淇淋的質地。中間視情況停下來做刮杯動作
  • 取出冷凍的模具,將冰淇淋層平舖於底層上,再放回冰箱冷凍 1 小時,或至冰淇淋層凝固


  • 將可可脂用隔水加熱的方式融化,再加入其它剩餘的食材,用叉子攪拌混合均勻
  • 取出冷凍的模具,確定冰淇淋層已凝固,再迅速將巧克力層液體倒於表層,搖晃使其均勻,等約 15 秒待巧克力層凝固,即可切塊享用

English Version

    To make the brownie base

    • In a food processor, add the pitted dates. Chop them into fine pieces.
    • Add other ingredients for the base. Continue to process to bring all together.
    • Depending on the teture, add a dash of water to help binding the ingredients. The mixture should stick together when pressed between your fingers.
    • Grab a loaf pan lined with parchment paper, or use a silicone bar mold as I do. Transfer the base mixture into the mold. Press down firmly. Place it into the freezer while we move on.

    To make the ice cream layer

    • In the same food processor, add frozen banana slices and almond milk. Blend until smooth. Stop and scrape down the sides as needed.
    • Take out the mold from the freezer. Pour the ice cream mixture into the mold. Return to the freezer until the ice cream layer is set.

    To make the chocolate topping

    • Melt the cacao butter in a bowl over a simmer water or in a microwave. Then add the rest ingredients. Mix to combine.
    • Remove the mold from the freezer. Drizzle the chocolate topping onto the top. Gently wiggle the pan to let the chocolate evenly cover the ice cream layer. Wait for about 15 seconds to let the chocolate solidify and EAT!




    我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

    Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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