前陣子突然又很想吃布朗尼,目前已經利用不一樣的食材做過不少巧克力布朗尼,像以堅果和椰棗為基底的免烤全素巧克力布朗尼、地瓜布朗尼,還有 溼潤櫛瓜布朗尼。原本是想做地瓜布朗尼,但眼看地瓜好吃的季節還沒到,所以就想利用新的食材製作特別的布朗尼,想了想,想到自己另一個很喜歡的食材 ─ 豆腐,於是就出現了這個無蛋、無奶、無麵粉的 全素豆腐巧克力布朗尼。

Vegan Tofu Chocolate Brownies
烤出爐後要等完全放涼才能脫模,灑上可可粉後,這個豆腐巧克力布朗尼真的看起來好性感 (笑)
放常溫吃是偏軟潤的口感,若你像我一樣喜歡更紮實一些,可以冷藏 4 小時候再吃,口感就會稍硬一些,但還是有化口感。有了豆腐的加入,將整體的熱量拉低,但同樣有濃郁滿足的可可滋味。
這個豆腐巧克力布朗尼的作法很簡單,就是融化、攪拌、混合。來動手做吧! Let’s do this!
全素豆腐巧克力布朗尼 Vegan Gluten-Free Tofu Chocolate Brownies
- 95 g silken tofu 嫩豆腐, 1/2 cup, drained 瀝乾水
- 1 Tbsp arrowroot starch 葛根粉, or tapioca starch
- ¼ tsp baking soda 小蘇打粉
- 1.5 Tbsp coconut flour 椰子細粉
- 1.5 Tbsp cacao powder 生可可粉, or cocoa powder
- A pinch salt 1 小撮鹽
- 3 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
- 20 g dark chocolate chips 黑巧克力豆, at least 70% 以上
- 烤箱以 175°C 預熱
- 將黑巧克力以隔水加熱的方式加熱融化
- 將融化的黑巧克力與嫩豆腐混合糊攪拌混合均勻
- 將混合糊倒入抹油的模具中,鋪平、輕敲出氣泡
- 放入烤箱以 175°C 烘烤約 25 分鐘,至牙籤插入無明顯溼麵糊沾黏即可
- 取出置於網架上完全放涼後再脫模即可享用
English Version
- Preheat the oven at 175°C
- Melt the dark chocolate by using a bain-marie.
- Blend the drained silken tofu in a food processor first. Then add the coconut flour, baking soda, arrowroot starch, cacao powder, salt, and maple syrup. Continue to process to combine all.
- Add the melted chocolate to the mixture and mix to incorporate.
- Pour the batter into a greased or line 4" cake tin. Smooth out and gently drop it on the counter for a few times to remove the air bubble.
- Bake at 175 C for 25 minutes until it passes the toothpick test.
- Place onto a wire rack to cool down completely before removing from the pan to enjoy!
- 剩下的布朗尼密封冷藏保存約可放 4 天,或是冷凍保存可放 1 個月
- Store the leftover in the fridge for about 4 days or 1 month in the freezer.
- 其它布朗尼食譜:免烤全素巧克力布朗尼, 地瓜布朗尼, 溼潤櫛瓜布朗尼
- 更多無麵粉食譜:點我
- 更多烘焙食譜:點我
- 我的器具與食材:點我
- 此頁面含贊助連結,透過連結購買能透過第三方間接贊助此站,提供更豐富優質食譜與內容,您的購買並不會有任何多的附加費用
- Other Bread recipes: No Bake Vegan Brownies with Chocolate Ganache (Sugar-Free, GF), Best-ever Guilt-free Sweet Potato Brownies (Vegan, GF), Fudgy Zucchini Brownies (Vegan, GF)
- More Gluten-Free recipes: HERE
- More baking recipes: HERE
- My Tools, Equipment & Ingredient List: HERE
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Bon appétit!
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