全植物香甜南瓜黃咖哩 Vegan Creamy Pumpkin Yellow Curry

Read the post in: English

你像我一樣愛南瓜、又愛濃郁香甜的日式咖哩風味嗎? 那你一定不能錯過這個全植物香甜南瓜黃咖哩!

純素香甜南瓜黃咖哩 Vegan Creamy Pumpkin Yellow Curry


This recipe starts at 6:15
純素香甜南瓜黃咖哩 Vegan Creamy Pumpkin Yellow Curry

於是我開始努力回想著,是不是有一道料理,既簡單、快速,又有讓我們一家人都滿足的美味,思考了大約 5 分鐘,我就想到了 ─ 是咖哩!


純素香甜南瓜黃咖哩 Vegan Creamy Pumpkin Yellow Curry


純素香甜南瓜黃咖哩 Vegan Creamy Pumpkin Yellow Curry



有關我的”純素”定義,請見:為何寫「純素」食譜中有五辛? 五辛是純素嗎?

純素香甜南瓜黃咖哩 Vegan Creamy Pumpkin Yellow Curry

會有製作這道南瓜黃咖哩的想法,是來自於我很喜歡的食譜作家 Minimalist Baker 所分享的,但一樣,有依我的習慣、喜好、還有手邊的食材做些許調整。


純素香甜南瓜黃咖哩 Vegan Creamy Pumpkin Yellow Curry

我是個很愛南瓜的人,如果你像我一樣愛南瓜,那麼你也可以試試 純素蕃茄南瓜黑豆燉煮烤南瓜濃郁沙拉,或是飯後享用個 全素南瓜椰香派吧!

Vegan Creamy Pumpkin Yellow Curry

If you love pumpkin and creamy curry as I do, you don't want to miss out on this Vegan Pumpkin Yellow Curry!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
料理20 minutes
總共30 minutes
哪道菜: Dinner
料理別: vegan
Keyword: autumn recipe, dairy-free, vegan, winter recipe
份量: 4 people


  • ½ Tbsp oil 油
  • 1 Tbsp minced garlic 蒜末
  • 2 Tbsp minced shallot 紅蔥頭碎
  • 1 Tbsp grated ginger 薑末
  • 1 Tbsp curry powder 咖哩粉
  • ½ tsp ground turmeric 薑黃粉
  • 300 g pumpkin 南瓜, chopped into small chunks 切小塊
  • ½ red bell pepper 紅甜椒, sliced 切條
  • ¼ tsp salt 鹽
  • ground black pepper 黑胡椒粉, 適量
  • 300 ml full fat coconut milk 全脂椰奶
  • 100 ml water 水, more for stir-fry 另加額外拌炒時用
  • 1 tsp coconut sugar 椰糖
  • 60 ml peas 豌豆, or other cooked beans
  • 240 ml broccoli florets 青花椰菜
  • 1 Tbsp lime juice 檸檬汁


  • 取一深炒鍋或湯鍋,鍋內放入油,以中火熱鍋
  • 鍋熱後放入蒜末、紅蔥頭碎、薑末,拌炒至聞到香氣,視情況添加適量水防黏底
  • 接著放入南瓜丁塊、甜椒片塊、鹽、黑胡椒粉,拌炒約 5 分鐘,至南瓜開始熟軟,視情況可添加適量水
  • 加入咖哩粉、薑黃粉,拌炒約 10 秒鐘,之後放入全脂椰奶、水,拌炒混合均勻,煮至南瓜軟化,
  • 再放入椰糖,攪拌混合均勻。試味道可再加少許鹽和黑胡椒粉
  • 放入豆子、青花椰菜,再繼續煮至花椰菜軟、整體變濃稠
  • 最後加入檸檬汁,攪拌混合均勻,即可搭配米飯或麵包享用

English Version

  • Add oil to a deep frying pan or big saucepan over medium heat.
  • Once the pan is hot, add the minced garlic, shallots, and ginger. Stir-fry until they are fragrant. Add some water to deglaze the pan and to prevent they stick to the pan as needed.
  • Add the pumpkin chunks, bell pepper slices, salt, and black pepper. Cook and stir for about 5 minutes until the pumpkins start to get softened. Add more water if needed.
  • Add the curry powder and turmeric. Stir fry for about 10 seconds. Then add in the coconut milk and water. Stir to combine and cook until the pumpkins are fork-tender.
  • Stir in the coconut sugar. Taste and add more salt or black pepper if you feel like it.
  • Add the beans and broccoli florets. Cook until the broccoli florets are soft.
  • Add in the lime juice, stir to combine, and enjoy with rice or bread.



  • This recipe starts at 6:15 in the video.
  • Storage: Store in the fridge for 3-5 days.
  • Recipe adapted from Minimalist Baker
  • 此食譜於影片 6:15 開始
  • 保存:密封冷藏 3-5 天


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

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