全素巧克力胡桃起司蛋糕塊 Vegan Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake Bars

Combined with the bittersweet flavor from the cacao and the caramel undertone from the pecans, these Vegan Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake Bars is so delicious that I’ve made tons for times!


全素巧克力胡桃起司蛋糕塊 Vegan Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake Bars

Vegan Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake Bars

I’m a nut-lover, especially when it comes to walnuts and pecans. Even though walnuts are more common in my recipes, I really love pecans more. They reason for not using pecans so much as walnuts is simple ─ pecans are more expensive than walnuts, at least in Taiwan.

我是個深愛堅果的人,核桃應該算是最常出現在我食譜中的食材之一,而與它相近滋味的胡桃一樣是我的心頭愛! 但為什麼它好像比較少出現呢,因為 … 胡桃比較貴嘛。 : P

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Cocstco 好市多科克蘭精選胡桃 Kirkland Pecans

I didn’t buy pecans very often because they are pricier than walnuts. But things will change, so was my mindset. Pecans has become of my stable right now. My philosophy for that change is based on how I feel. I feel that if a little splunge would make me happier, then it’s definitely worth it.

Right now I eat pecans almost everyday. If you’ve watched my recent What-I-Eat video, you probably knew that already.


全素巧克力胡桃起司蛋糕塊 Vegan Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake Bars

會有這個食譜,是我在瀏覽 Pinterest 時,看到 Em 分享的胡桃起司蛋糕,因為它看起來真的太美味了,但我還是有依我個人的喜好調整、增加了一些食材,讓它從頭到腳都有巧克力! (實際上是可可啦 :9)


  • 可可堅果燕麥底層
  • 巧克力胡桃”起司”蛋糕層
  • 巧克力淋面表層

Oh Yeah.

全素巧克力胡桃起司蛋糕塊 Vegan Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake Bars


如果你像我一樣愛巧克力和這蜜糖結合的滋味,那麼我推薦你一定要試試 自製全素 Twix 特趣巧克力條,還有 全素偽金莎榛果巧克力球

如果你喜歡胡桃的話,全素焦糖胡桃方塊 應該會是最適合你的首選點心;喜歡穀片的話,試試 肉桂胡桃燕麥穀片 吧!

全素巧克力胡桃起司蛋糕塊 Vegan Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake Bars



iHerb 3月入荷新食材 iHerb Haul

我滿喜歡先前分享過的這個可可粉,只是後來有朋友買了之後和我分享,發現這幾個月他們在包裝上多加了一個警告標語,好像可能含有微量金屬物質 Cadmium & Lead,但後來查了一下,發現好像滿多可可粉都含有微量的金屬。你有興趣的話也可以到這個英文網站查詢看看。




希望你有機會一定要試一試! 來動手做吧!
Let’s do this!

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全素巧克力胡桃起司蛋糕塊 Vegan Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake Bars

Vegan Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake Bars

Combined with the bittersweet flavor from the cacao and the caramel undertone from the pecans, these Vegan Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake Bars is so delicious that I've made tons for times!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備20 minutes
料理15 minutes
Freezing3 hours
總共3 hours 35 minutes
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: vegan, 無麩質
Keyword: dairy-free, dessert, gluten-free, sweet, vegan
份量: 6 people


For the base 底層

For the chocolate cheesecake filling 巧克力起司餡

For the topping 表層

  • 1 Tbsp cacao powder 生可可粉
  • 1.5 Tbsp cacao butter 可可脂, or virgin coconut oil 或冷壓椰子油
  • 1.5 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • ½ Tbsp full-fat coconut milk 全脂椰奶
  • tsp fleur de sel 鹽之花, or coarse salt 或粗鹽



  • 將去籽椰棗乾放入食物處理機中,攪打細碎
  • 再加入底層其它食材,包含椰蓉、燕麥片、生可可粉初榨椰子油、鹽,攪打至混合物細碎、用手指捏時可成團的質地。視情況可添加少許飲用水
  • 取一模具(我的模具:長20*寬11cm)內鋪入烘焙紙,將底層混合物填壓入模具中,壓平並壓實壓緊,將其放入冷凍備用


  • 椰子奶油與可可脂用隔水加熱的方式融化
  • 接著將融化的椰子奶油、可可脂,與巧克力起司蛋糕層部份的其它食材,包含椰奶、椰棗、香草精、胡桃、可可粉、鹽,放入食物調理機中,攪打混合至滑順
  • 取出冷凍備用的模具,將巧克力起司蛋糕糊倒於底層上,搖晃使其均勻分佈
  • 放回冷凍 3 小時,或至其完全凝固


  • 將可可脂用隔水加熱的方式融化,再加入生可可粉、楓糖漿、椰奶,攪拌混合均勻
  • 取出已凝結的巧克力胡桃起司蛋糕,將混合好的表層快速淋於表面,搖晃使其均勻分佈
  • 最後灑上少許鹽之花粗鹽,即可切塊享用

English Version

    To make the base

    • Add the pitted dates in a food processor and process until they are chopped.
    • Add the rest of the base ingredients, including desiccated coconut, rolled oats, cacao powder, coconut oil, and salt. Continue to process until the mixture can stick together when pressed between your fingers. Add some water to help to bind if needed. 
    • Line a pan (Mine is 20*11cm) with baking pepper. Transfer the mixture the pan and press down to form an even layer base.
    • Place the pan in the freezer while we make the filling.

    To make the chocolate pecan cheesecake layer

    • Melt the cacao butter and coconut cream by using a water bath.
    • Add the melted cacao butter and coconut cream along with other ingredients, including coconut milk, dates, vanilla extract, toasted pecans, cacao powder, and salt, into a blender. Blend until smooth.
    • Remove the pan from the freezer. Pour the cheesecake mixture over the base and give it a wiggle to even out the mixture.
    • Return to the freezer for another 3 hours or until the cheesecake is set.

    To make the topping

    • Melt the cacao butter with the water bath method.
    • Add the cacao powder, maple syrup, and coconut milk. Using a fork or a whisk to combine all.
    • Pour the topping mixture over the cheesecake layer and wiggle the pan again to let the topping spread out evenly.
    • Sprinkle some fleur de sel or crystal salt on top. Slice and DIVE IN!


    • 保存:放入密封盒中冷藏 2 – 3 天;冷凍 2 週
    • Storage: Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 days or 2 weeks in the freezer.
    • Recipe Adapted from This Rawsome Vegan Life

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    我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

    Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

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