前陣子有做過無麵粉 全素香蕉核桃蛋糕 ,連做了幾次,覺得應該要換換口味,上網瀏覽時,就發現還有這款也很多人都會做的巧克力口味香蕉蛋糕,所以也動心想來製作,於是就有了照片中這非常巧克力色的 全素巧克力香蕉蛋糕 !
巧克力香蕉蛋糕 – 全素.無蛋.無牛奶.無麵粉.無精緻糖
Vegan, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, And Refined-Sugar-Free
這個巧克力香蕉蛋糕同樣是全素(純素)的,無蛋、無動物性奶脂,也沒有麵粉與精緻糖。這次製作,同樣也加了滿滿我愛的核桃,另外還有我深愛的黑巧克力! 仔細想想,突然發現我似乎還真的沒有一天沒吃巧克力過呢!
這次也是參考我很喜歡的 Beaming Baker 的食譜,但像我已經習慣吃 80% 以上黑巧克力的苦甜味,就有依偏好減少食譜整體糖量,製作出來的巧克力香蕉蛋糕是偏可可苦甜的滋味;
如果你不像我習慣”吃苦”,可以另外再加未精緻化的糖 (推薦椰糖)。
這次因為不僅加了可可粉,還加了黑巧克力,所以真的看不到香蕉的影子,如果不說的話,我覺得一般人應該看不出來它食材裡有香蕉吧 (?)
蛋糕體口感紮實,中間加了核桃碎與黑巧克力豆豐富口感。使用黑巧克力,我都會建議使用 70% 以上的,畢竟 70 % 以下的含量糖就比較高了,但若是你手邊沒有、或是不習慣吃可可脂含量這麼高的,就用你手邊有的黑巧克力豆吧! 別讓個黑巧克力豆阻擾你想製作它的心!
充滿可可的苦甜滋味,又有黑巧克力的濃郁感。它很適合放於冷凍保存,要吃前取出解凍,再用烤箱或是微波爐加熱一下就可以享用了! 我個人很喜歡用烤箱烤,因為這樣外層還有保有像剛出爐那邊微酥的口感。
來動手做吧! Let’s do this!
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全素巧克力香蕉蛋糕 (無麵粉)
Vegan Chocolate Banana Bread (Gluten-Free)
- 作者 Author: 桶子葉 Barrelleaf / Nora Hsu
- 參考改自 Adapted from: Beaming Baker
- 食譜 單位標準&換算+問答集: Recipe Measurement+ Q&A
- 特別器具 Special equipment:
- 一個長條蛋糕模 (我使用的模具內徑 15.5 × 6.5 cm)
- 一台食物處理機
- A pound cake pan (Mine is 15.5 × 6.5 cm )
- A food processor
- 食材 (約 6 人份)
- Ingredients (Serves: 6)
- Wet ingredients
- 135 g (1/2 cup + 1 Tbs) ripe bananas, mashed
- 2 Tbs coconut oil, melted
- 1 Tbs coconut palm syrup or maple syrup
- 0.5 Tbs ground flaxseed
- 水 1.5 Tbs water
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- Dry ingredients
- 59 g (1/2 + 2 Tbs) oat flour
- 35 g (3/8 cup) almond flour
- 19 g (1/4 cup) cocoa powder
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- pinch of salt
- Add-ins
- 30 g (1/4 cup) walnut, save some for sprinkling on top
- 35 g (1/4 cup) chocolate chips, save some for sprinkling on top
- Wet ingredients
- 準備工作 Preparation
- 將亞麻籽與水混合攪拌均勻,靜置 15 分鐘
- 食材秤量好
- 烤模內鋪烘焙紙或抹油
- 烤箱以 175°C 預熱
- ———————-
- Mix ground flaxseed and water together and let it sit for 15 minutes (to make the “flax egg”)
- Measure all ingredients
- Line or grease the baking pan
- Preheat the oven at 175°C
- 作法/步驟
- 將香蕉用叉子壓成泥,再加入其它溼料(椰子油、糖漿、亞麻籽液、香草精),用打電器攪拌混合均勻
- 將乾料(燕麥粉、杏仁粉、可可粉、泡打粉、小蘇打粉、鹽)全部加入,攪拌混合均勻至確定沒有粉粒
- 拌入大略切碎的核桃,攪拌均勻
- 將麵糊倒入模具中,大略鋪平,再灑上額外的核桃塊
- 放入烤箱,以 175°C 烤 30 – 40 分鐘,至竹籤插入沒有沾黏
- 移至網架上放涼,至少 2 小時。脫模,切片即可享用
- Directions
- Mush the bananas with a fork until smooth, then add other wet ingredients (coconut oil, syrup, “flax egg,” and vanilla extract). Whisk until all mix combine.
- Add the dry ingredients (oat flour, almond flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt). Whisk until all incorporate, no flour or lump in sight.
- Stir in the chopped walnuts.
- Pour the batter in the pre-lined / greased baking pan. Smooth the top, then sprinkle with additional chopped walnuts.
- Bake at 175°C for 30 – 40 minutes until you stick a toothpick in the middle and it comes out clean.
- Move on to a wire rack to cool down for 2 hours. Remove from the mold, slice, and enjoy.
- 註
- Notes
- Store the left cake in air-tight container in the fridge for 3 – 4 days or in the freezer for up to 1 month. Just let them thaw at room temperature or heat in the oven or microwave until warm.
- Other Banana recipes: Apple Banana Milk, Chocolate Nice Cream
- More Baking recipes: HERE
- More Vegan recipes: HERE
- My Tools, Equipment & Ingredient List: HERE
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Bon appétit!
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