之前就有做過不同的巧克力慕斯,包括一般 Pierre Hermé 的 巧克力慕斯,改自PH大師食譜的 冰巧克力慕斯蛋糕,還有分別用酪梨與豆腐做的巧克力慕斯。這次是要用更特別的東西來做全素巧克力慕斯:Aquafaba;中文似乎沒有直接對應的名詞,簡單來說,就是和鷹嘴豆(雪蓮子)一起煮過後泡的水。如果不太認識鷹嘴豆,之前在這一篇文稍微介紹過,常見的別名是雪蓮子。應該在五穀雜糧店都買的到。
I’ve made quite a few chocolate mouss, such as the recipe by Pierre Hermé, the chocolate mousse cake adapted from PH’s recipe, the vegan ones made of avocado and tofu. This time I also made a vegan chocolate mousse from a more special ingredient: Aquafaba. There seems to be no direct name for it in Chinese, but simple put, it is the water that cooked with chickpeas.
If you are not familiar with chickpeas, then you can go to see this post that I introduce them before. They got another name in English called garbanzo beans. You should be able to find them in the same place where where rice or other grains can be found.
這個巧克力慕斯就是利用鷹嘴豆水製作而成的。食材也很簡單,就只有四樣:鷹嘴豆水、植物奶(我用杏仁奶)、巧克力、鹽。鹽是為了提味用,非必要,這樣算起來就只有兩樣食材! 我個人是偏好苦味明顯的巧克力,所以沒加任何糖。如果你覺得這樣太苦,可依個人口味加糖,和鷹嘴豆水一起打發。
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全素巧克力慕斯 (三樣食材)
Vegan Chocolate Mousse With Aquafaba
- 作者 Author: 桶子葉 Barrelleaf / Nora Hsu
- 參考改自 Adapted from: Best of Vegan
- 食譜 單位標準&換算+常見問答集: Recipe Measurement+ FAQ
- 特別器具 Special equipment:
- 一台手持電動打蛋器
- 密封罐 或其它盛裝容器
- A hand mixer
- Air-tight jars or other serving containers
- 食材 Ingredients:
- 杏仁奶 or 植物奶 almond milk or other plant-based milk 30 g
- 黑巧克力 (建議62~73%) dark chocolate (recommend using 62~73%) 100 g
- *鷹嘴豆水 aquafaba (chickpea water) 100 ml
- 1小撮鹽 pinch of salt
- PS.
*The aquafaba must be cold. Best take it out from the fridge right before using.
- 準備工作 Preparation
- 食材秤量好
- 若巧克力是塊狀或是較大塊,先切碎
- Measure all ingredients.
- Chop the chocolate if they are too big.
.作法/步驟 Step:
Melt the chocolate along with milk by using a bain-maire (double boiler). When the chocolate is almost (90%) melted, remove from the heat and let the chocolate to be melted complete while by itself you do the next step.
這個就是我煮鷹嘴豆留下的水。只要煮它的水喔! 煮好後最好讓鷹嘴豆泡在裡頭,一起放冰箱冰隔夜。我煮鷹嘴豆大部份都是用電鍋煮,就像煮其它五穀雜糧一樣,把鷹嘴豆(我一次大概只煮1米杯)泡在水裡頭泡隔夜(8小時),倒掉泡的水,再加新的水,水高至稍微超過鷹嘴豆就好。之後放到電鍋中,外鍋放1米杯水,按下電鍋煮。電鍋跳起來後再讓它在裡頭悶半個小時。之後冷藏保存。
In another bowl, whip the aquafaba (chickpea water) and salt with an electric mixer until it becomes white and foamy, just like whipped egg whites.
Fold the whipped aquafaba into the melted chocolate in batches, as gently as possible.
Then transfer the mixture into individual serving cups or any containers you prefer to eat from later. Place in the fridge for 2-4 hours until set. Store in fridge.
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Bon appétit!
全素 巧克力慕斯 (三樣食材, 無酪梨 無椰奶) Vegan Chocolate Mousse With Aquafaba
- 100 ml aquafaba (chickpea water) 泡鷹嘴豆的水
- a pinch of salt 1小撮鹽
- 100 g dark chocolate (I use 73%) 黑巧克力, (我用73%)
- 30 g almond milk or other plant-based milk 杏仁奶或其它植物奶
- Melt the chocolate along with milk by using a bain-maire (double boiler). When the chocolate is almost (90%) melted, remove from the heat and let the chocolate to be melted complete while by itself you do the next step.
- In another bowl, whip the aquafaba (chickpea water) and salt with an electric mixer until it becomes white and foamy, just like whipped egg whites.
- Fold the whipped aquafaba into the melted chocolate in batches, as gently as possible.
- Then transfer the mixture into individual serving cups or any containers you prefer to eat from later. Place in the fridge for 2-4 hours until set. Store in fridge.
- 巧克力和奶一起用隔水加熱的方式融化。建議當巧克力大部份都融化時就移離熱源,用拌的方式融化完全
- 將鷹嘴豆水和鹽一起用電動打蛋器打至膨發,就像蛋白霜
- 接著分次將打發的"鷹嘴豆霜"拌入巧克力中,盡可能得輕柔混拌均勻
- 混合好後,倒入容器中,放冰箱冷藏2-4小時,至其凝固即可。冷藏保存
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