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這道 全植墨西哥新豬肉辣豆醬 美味營養,也令人非常滿足! 製作方法很簡單,也很適合作為備餐。

過去我有製作過不少燉煮而且非常享受,它們大多都是由蔬果、豆子組成。滿意是滿意,但總覺得可以再加一些 vegan 新豬肉 (素肉) 來讓味道口感更上一層樓,所以就有這個全植墨西哥新豬肉辣豆漿啦!
它一樣充滿許多蔬果和豆子,但加了新豬肉,口感更像傳統的辣豆醬。我是用 OmniPork 新豬肉,你也可以用其它種 vegan 素肉來替代。

這個食譜靈感啟發是來自 Wallflower Kitchen,我有依手邊的食材增加一些蔬果與調整調味。
這道料理滋味非常豐富,充滿不同的蔬果營養與一點天然香草。而且我真的必須說,這道辣豆漿真的要加新鮮的芫荽 (香菜) 滋味才會對,至少我是這麼覺得的啦。但如果你真的不喜歡香菜,也可以改用巴西里來替代,提供新鮮香草的滋味。

若你對更多全植物 vegan 料理有興趣,也可以看看:
Vegan Chili Sin Carne 全植墨西哥新豬肉辣豆醬
This Vegan Chili Sin Carne is nutritious, flavorful, and super satisfying. It's easy to make and serve great as a meal-prep dish!
份量: 6 people
- 1 Tbsp olive oil 橄欖油
- ½ large red onion 紫洋蔥, chopped 切丁
- 2 garlic cloves 蒜頭, minced 切末
- 1 celery stick 西洋芹, chopped 切丁
- 1 medium carrot 胡蘿蔔, chopped 切丁
- 1 red bell pepper 紅甜椒, sliced 切細條
- ½ zucchini 櫛瓜, chopped into half-moons
- ½ tsp ground cumin 孜然粉
- 1 tsp ground coriander 芫荽粉, or chopped fresh coriander
- ½ chili 辣椒, chopped 切碎
- salt 鹽, to taste 適量
- ground black pepper 黑胡椒粉, to taste 適量
- 50 g (¼ cup) red lentils 紅扁豆
- 1 tin (400 g) chopped tomatoes 切塊番茄罐頭
- 120 ml (½ cup) vegetable stock 蔬菜高湯, or water 或水
- ½ tin cooked black beans 煮熟黑豆, net weight ~120 g, drained & rinsed
- 200 g (7 oz) vegan minced meat 素肉末, I use OmniPork 我用 OmniPork 新豬肉
- 2 tsp soy sauce 醬油
Optional add-ins 選加
- 1 Tbsp tomato paste 番茄膏
- 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 巴薩米克醋
- smoked paprika 煙燻紅椒粉
Serve with 搭配享用
- A small handful of fresh coriander 新鮮芫荽, 香菜
- lime juice 萊姆汁
- cooked rice 煮熟米飯
- Heat a deep frying pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, add ½ tablespoon of olive oil, onion, and garlic. Stir fry for about 30 seconds.
- Add the chopped celery and carrot. Continue to cook for 1-2 minutes before adding in the red pepper along with a pinch of salt. Cook until the vegetables start to soften.
- Add the ground cumin, coriander, chili, black pepper. Give it another stir. Then add in the zucchini, chili.
- Add in the red lentils, chopped tomato, and vegetable stock. Stir to combine. Bring it to a boil then reduce heat to simmer. Let it sit there while we cook our vegan meat.
- Heat another frying pan. Add the other ½ tablespoon of olive oil and the vegan minced meat. Stir and cook until the vegan minced meat start to brown a little.
- Add the minced meat and cooked black beans to the chili mixture. Taste to add more salt and pepper as needed. You can also add balsamic vinegar, tomato paste, and smoked paprika at this stage to give it more flavor. Cover to cook for about 20 minutes. Check it occasionally and add hot water to cook as needed.
- Finally, add some chopped fresh coriander and a squeeze of lime juice. Serve with warm rice. Enjoy!
- Storage: Store in an air-tight container in the fridge for 3-5 days.
- 保存:密封冷藏 3-5 天