全植物起司醬 (9 樣食材) Easy Vegan Cheese Sauce

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Vegan Cheese Sauce

全植物起司醬 Easy Vegan Cheese Sauce

在我變成 Vegan 之前,我曾經很愛起司。是說,有人不愛嗎? (無冒犯之意)

但自從在了解畜牧業營運、動物所受的對待後,我知道我不該、也不會再碰起司。然而,因為牛奶製品裡頭含有會讓人上癮嗎啡素 (casomorphin),要在短短幾天內戒掉起司真的不容易,所以這個無奶製品的全植物起司醬就是對戒掉起司很棒的幫助,僅管你沒有也無妨,因為它非常美味!

Vegan Cheese Sauce

只需 9 樣食材

這個全植物起司醬只需要 9 樣食材,大多都很容易找的到或是你廚房裡已經有了,尤其若是你居住在西方國家的話。


Vegan Cheese Sauce





OK,我會告訴你,但是你先猜一下 (有趣嘛)。提示:它是橘色的 (因此這醬才是這個顏色)、低熱量、常會讓人想到秋天。我覺得最後一個提示非常明顯。

Vegan Cheese Sauce

是的,它是 … 南瓜! 我最愛的蔬果之一。

你可以如原本享用起司醬的方式品嚐這個全植物起司醬:把它加在三明治裡、作為脆片或餅乾的沾醬 (我愛我的多種籽餅乾),或是直接用湯匙挖 (我有時候是這麼做的)。

Vegan Cheese Sauce


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全植物起司醬 (9 樣食材) Easy Vegan Cheese Sauce

Easy Vegan Cheese Sauce (9 ingredients)

Creamy, rich, yummy, but not heavy at all, this Vegan Cheese Sauce tastes seriously amazing, just like regular cheese or even better without any dairy product.
作者: Nora Hsu
準備3 hours 5 minutes
總共3 hours 5 minutes
哪道菜: Dip, Side Dish
料理別: American
Keyword: 10 ingredients or less, 30 minutes or less, dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan
份量: 5 people



  • Drain out the water from the soaked cashews. Give them a rinse.
  • Add the cashews along with other ingredients in a blend to blend until smooth.
  • Serve immediately or refrigerate overnight for a firmer texture. Enjoy as a dip or sauce with things you prefer.




    • Storage: Store in an air-tight jar in the fridge for 5-7 days.
    • 保存:放入密封罐內冷藏保存 5-7 天


    我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

    Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

    4 則留言

    1. Why not call it, “cashew pumpkin spread”? I can understand the appeal of naming it as “vegan cheese”. The making of this isn’t close to the process of making cheese. To me, it’s not cheese at all. It’s like calling a round roll with a hole in the middle as bagel or donut, while the texture or the process isn’t close to bagel or donut.

      Here has something similar to your cheese sauce, but the product is called “Lisa’s Pumpkin & Kumara”, with roasted cashews & cumin (Gluten free). This hummus is delicious.

      • I will reply by saying: Because it tastes like cheese sauce but is not regular cheese sauce. It’s that simple. If I name it cashew pumpkin spread, I really wouldn’t expect people to google “cashew pumpkin spread.” This is a recreation in a creative way. And I want to share a vegan cheese sauce that’s free of cruelty, so even cheese lovers can enjoy the similar taste they used to have if they turn into vegans.


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