全素焦糖胡桃方塊 (無麵粉) Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars (Gluten-Free)

These Caramel Pecan Bars got the enticing caramel-y aroma and crunchy toasted pecans in each bite. They are vegan and made without wheat flour, which makes it more friendly to more people. They are also great dessert options for the holiday seasons.

我一直都很愛堅果,堅果中我常提到我非常愛核桃,但其實還有另一個是我也很愛、但因為價位較高我較少用的 — 胡桃! 它的價格約是核桃的 3 倍,前陣子真的太想吃了,所以…還是買了一大包 (大包比較划算咩),也想把它製成甜點,於是就有了這個 全素焦糖胡桃方塊

全素焦糖胡桃方塊 Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars

全素焦糖胡桃方塊 (無麵粉)
Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars (Gluten-Free)


全素焦糖胡桃方塊 Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars

即使沒有以上提到的那些常見烘焙食材,製作出的這個焦糖胡桃方塊的滋味讓我覺得豪不遜色! 而且它也比一般的焦糖胡桃方塊健康,重點是也很美味。兩者兼俱因為它有以下幾項特點:

  • 無精緻糖,使用GI值較低的椰糖
  • 無精緻麵粉
  • 無奶油但有著一樣迷人的焦糖風味
  • 胡桃含有好的脂肪、植物性蛋白質與礦物質(尤其是錳、銅*)
  • ——————————————–
  • Lower GI (Use coconut sugar instead of white sugar)
  • No white flour (Gluten-Free)
  • No butter (yet they still have the nutty, caramel flavor)
  • Good fat, protein, and minerals (especially in manganese & copper*)

全素焦糖胡桃方塊 Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars


糖的部份,我使用的是細顆粒狀的椰糖,椰糖的 GI 值較其它糖類低很多,不會讓血糖一下飆得太快。我是透過網購 (iHerb) 購買這款經猶太認證的有機椰糖,但如果你真的沒有椰糖的話,可以用較未精緻化的原蔗糖取代。


These bars use unrefined coconut sugar, which has a lower glycemic index than other common refined sugar.

全素焦糖胡桃方塊 Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars



  • 香脆烤胡桃 Toasted Pecans
  • 焦糖層 Caramel Layer
  • 鬆酥派底 Light & Crispy Pie Base

全素焦糖胡桃方塊 Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars



全素焦糖胡桃方塊 Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars


全素焦糖胡桃方塊 Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars


全素焦糖胡桃方塊 Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars


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全素焦糖胡桃方塊 (無麵粉) Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars (Gluten-Free)

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全素焦糖胡桃方塊 Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars
5 from 4 votes

全素焦糖胡桃方塊 (無麵粉) Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars (Gluten-Free)

These Caramel Pecan Bars got the enticing caramel-y aroma and crunchy toasted pecans in each bite. They are vegan and made without wheat flour, which makes it more friendly to more people. They are also great dessert options for the holiday seasons.
作者: Nora Hsu
準備15 minutes
料理40 minutes
總共55 minutes
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: baking, vegan, 無麩質
Keyword: dairy-free, dessert, gluten-free, snack, sweet, vegan
份量: 6 people




  • 1 Tbsp flax meal 亞麻籽粉, 註*
  • 2.5 Tbsp water 水
  • 50 g (½ cup) pecans 胡桃
  • 2 tsp cold-pressed virgin coconut oil 冷壓初榨椰子油
  • 4 Tbsp coconut sugar 椰糖
  • A pinch of salt 鹽


  • 模具內鋪烘焙紙,邊圍多留一些出來。將烤箱以 175°C 預熱


  • 將底層所有食材,包含椰子細粉椰子油、楓糖漿、鹽,放入大碗中,先用打蛋器攪拌混合至像沙的顆粒狀,再用手捏成團捏成團後稍微壓平
  • 將其填壓入入鋪烘焙紙的模具中,放入烤箱,以 170 C / 350 F 烘烤 12 - 15 分鐘,至呈棕金黃色
  • 將模具從烤箱取出,置於網架上至放涼。烤箱不要關,調降溫度至 150 C / 300 F


  • 取一烤盤,上頭鋪烘焙墊或烘焙紙,將胡桃平鋪一層於烤盤上,放入烤箱,以 150°C 烘烤 8 - 10 分鐘,至他們散發出迷人的堅果香氣
  • 待底層已完全放涼,胡桃也稍微放涼得差不多後,再將烤箱以 170 C / 350 F 預熱
  • 將烘烤過的胡桃大略切碎。於一小鍋中放入亞麻籽粉、水、椰子油、椰糖、鹽,置於瓦斯爐上煮至沸騰,讓它滾約 1 分鐘,接著熄火,放著讓此油糖混合液於室溫放 3 - 5分鐘
  • 將切碎的胡桃加入煮過的油糖液中混合將焦糖胡桃混合液鋪平於放涼的底層上頭,放入烤箱,以 175 C / 350 F 烘烤 15 - 20 分鐘,至焦糖層凝固將模具從烤箱
  • 取出,置於網架上放涼,待完全放涼後再封好,放入冰箱冷藏 4-6 小時取出脫模,切成方塊狀即可享用

English Version

  • Line the pan with parchment paper with extra hanging over the sides. Preheat the oven at 175 C / 350 F.

To make the base

  • Add all the base ingredients, including coconut flour, coconut oil, maple syrup, and salt, to a mixing bowl and use a whisk to mix until the mixture resembles sand. Then use your hands to press into a dough.
  • Press the dough into the bottom of the lined baking pan. Bake at 175 C / 350 F for 12-15 minutes until golden brown.
  • Remove the pan from the oven to a wire rack to cool down. Keep the oven on and reduce the heat to 150 C / 300 F.

To make the caramel pecan layer:

  • Place the pecans onto a lined baking sheet and bake at 1150 C / 300 F for 8-10 minutes until they smell nutty.
  • Once the base and the pecans are cooled, preheat the oven at 175°C.
  • Roughly chop the toasted pecans. In a small saucepan, mix the ground flaxseed, water, coconut oil, coconut sugar, and salt over medium heat. Bring the mixture to boil and let it cook for about 1 minute. Turn off the heat and let the mixture sit for  -5 minutes.
  • Add the chopped pecans to the oil-sugar mixture and mix to let the pecans all covered with the oil-sugar mixture.
  • Pour the mixture onto the cooled base. Bake at 170 C / 350 F for 15-20 minutes until the caramel layer is set.
  • Move onto a wire rack to cool down completely, then cover and refrigerate for 4-6 hours.
  • Remove from the pan, chop into bars, and enjoy!



  • *亞麻籽粉:我是買亞麻籽自行用研磨機磨成粉使用,若沒有研磨機,市面上也有售磨好的粉
  • 剩下的密封冷藏保存約 1 週,冷凍約 3-4 週
  • *Ground flaxseed: I bought the whole flaxseed and ground them in my coffee grinder. If you don't have a grinder, you can find the ground flaxseed in some groceries and stores.
  • Store the leftover in the fridge for 1 week or 3-4 weeks in the freezer.
  • Recipe adapted from FoodfaithFitness

我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

16 則留言

  1. 5 stars
    請問一下,我椰子油跟椰子粉混合時怎麼打都打不到沙子狀…然後打的時候大概5分之一的椰子粉都噴飛了… 請問有什麼技巧嗎?謝謝


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