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被巧克力包覆著、充滿蜜糖的甜蜜,加上似餅乾的底層,這 全素焦糖巧克力棒 不僅美味,也充滿營養。而且你只需要 8 樣食材製作它們!
Vegan Caramel Chocolate Bars
我想做這焦糖巧克力棒想很久了,因為我去便利商店時常看到架上的 Twix 特趣巧克力棒 (笑) 但市售的 Twix 並不是 Vegan 純素的,所以就來自製純素版本的 Twix 吧!
它主要是由 3 樣元素組成:
- 由燕麥片和杏仁製成的似餅乾底層
- 充滿蜜糖滋味但甜而不膩的焦糖餡
- 我可以吃一輩子的苦甜巧克力裹衣
製作這全素焦糖巧克力棒也很簡單,只需要 8 樣食材,最主要的動作就是混合食材而已。不過有一點要提一下,你會需要一台食物處理機來幫忙你攪打。
為了把焦糖打至最滑順的口感,建議用強壯一點的食物處理機。我是用我愛的 Magimix (我的常用器具 & 食材)。
焦糖層主要由有天然蜜糖滋味的椰棗製作,搭配上巧克力的苦甜滋味,真的真的很美味! 底層的部份我用了烤過的杏仁片,讓它更有風味,你也可以用一般的美國杏仁粉。
這自製的全素焦糖巧克力棒個頭比市售的 Twix 大一些,一條就讓我的甜點慾得到滿足!
Vegan Caramel Chocolate Bars (8 ingredients)
Covered with chocolate, filled with naturally sweet caramel with a biscuit based, these Vegan Caramel Chocolate Bars are super delicious and also healthy. And you only need 8 ingredients to make them!
份量: 6 people
- 60 g (½ cup + 1 heaping Tbsp) rolled oats 傳統燕麥片, or instant oats
- 50 g (a heaping ½ cup) almond flakes 杏仁片, slightly toasted, or almond flour/almond meal
- 2 Tbsp cashew butter 腰果醬, or almond butter 杏仁醬*
- 1 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
- A pinch of salt 鹽
Caramel filling
- 170 g (1 cup) pitted dates 去籽椰棗乾
- 120 ml (½ cup) drinking water 飲用水
- 2 Tbsp cashew butter 腰果醬, or almond butter 杏仁醬
- ¼ vanilla pod 香草莢, or ½ tsp vanilla extract 純香草精
- A pinch of salt 鹽
Chocolate coating
- 100 g (3.5 oz) dark chocolate 黑巧克力, I use 70% one
- A pinch of fleur de sel 鹽之花, optional 非必要
- Start by soak the dates in the drinking water. This will make the later processing job much easier.
To make the base
- Line an 8" loaf pan with parchment paper. Set it aside.
- In a food processor, add the oats and almond flakes. Process until they become powdery.
- Add cashew butter, maple syrup, and salt. Continue to blitz until the mixture can stick together when pressed between your fingers.
- Transfer the mixture into the lined loaf pan. Press the mixture down firmly. Place into the freezer while we make the filling.
To make the caramel filling
- Scrape out the seeds from the vanilla pod. Add them to a strong food processor blender along with the soaking dates (with the soaking water), cashew butter, and salt. Blend until it becomes a caramelly paste.
- Take out the pan from the freezer. Add the caramel filling onto the base. Smooth the top. Return to the freezer for 3 hours or until the caramel is firm and not sticky to the touch.
- Remove the long log from the pan. Use a sharp knife to chop it into 7 thick slices. Return to the freezer while we prepare the chocolate coating.
To make the chocolate coating and assembly
- Melt the chocolate by using a double boiler (bain-marie). Once all chocolate is melted, turn off the heat.
- Use two forks to help to coat the bars in the melted chocolate. Sprinkle some fleur de sel on top if you like. Let the chocolate set up for about 30 minutes. If you're in hot weather, return them to the freezer for 5 minutes to set up. Then EAT!
Hi 沒寫就是沒有建議替代物喔。可閱讀此篇:
請問 我在果巧克力的時候,很難果上,一放下去就會散,椰棗泥部分預熱很快開始化 化了還跟巧克力融在一起結果那整碗巧克力變很糊很難用,弄得很失敗,請問是哪裡出了問題呢?我用85%的法芙那
Hi 要把椰棗泥部份冷凍久一點喔,冰隔夜最好,或是你的椰棗比較溼,可以減少一點少量試試看