全素黑糖糕 (無麵粉) Vegan Brown Sugar Cake (Gluten-Free)

一月底已經接近過年,總覺得想做點適合年節的甜點,但一查發現好多都和糯米有關,我因為胃的關係,不太能吃糯米,努力思考,突然想到很久以前吃過的 澎湖黑糖糕! 會想到它是因為…覺得它應該就是「發糕」的一種!

Vegan Brown Sugar Cake




全素無麵粉黑糖糕 vegan-brown-sugar-cake (4)



全素無麵粉黑糖糕 vegan-brown-sugar-cake (6)


全素無麵粉黑糖糕 vegan-brown-sugar-cake (5)


全素無麵粉黑糖糕 vegan-brown-sugar-cake (7)



全素無麵粉黑糖糕 vegan-brown-sugar-cake (1)


一般都是烤蛋糕,還真的第一次用蒸的方式做”蒸糕”。但對於沒有烤箱的人來說,或許蒸糕還比較方便呢! 來做這個無麵粉、無油、無蛋奶的黑糖糕吧!

Let’s do it!

更多全植物 Vegan 食譜:

全素黑糖糕 (無麵粉) Vegan Dark Brown Sugar Cake (Gluten-Free)

作者: Nora Hsu
哪道菜: Snack
料理別: Chinese, vegan, 亞洲
Keyword: dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan


  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil 椰子油, or other neutral-taste oil, melted 或其它味道中性的油, 融化
  • 50 g dark brown sugar 黑糖
  • 30 g coconut sugar 椰糖
  • 65 g water 水
  • 72 g brown rice flour 生糙米粉, or long-grain rice flour 或蓬萊米粉
  • 32 g potato starch 馬鈴薯澱粉
  • 16 g buckwheat flour 生蕎麥粉
  • 32 g tapioca flour 樹薯粉
  • 2 tsp baking powder 泡打粉
  • ½ tsp baking soda 小蘇打粉
  • 100 g almond milk 杏仁奶
  • A pinch of salt 鹽
  • 2 Tbsp white sesame seeds 白芝麻, toasted 炒熟


  • Add brown sugar, coconut sugar, and water into a small pot over medium-low heat. Mix and cook until all sugar dissolves. Let it cool down.
  • Whisk together the brown flour, potato starch, buckwheat flour, tapioca flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a bowl.
  • Add the cooled sugar water mixture into the dry ingredients. Mix to combine. Then add the melted oil and almond milk.
  • Line the bottom of a loaf pan (Mine is 22×11.5 cm). Pour the mixture into the pan. Gently drop it on the counter a few times to remove the air bubbles. Let it sit for 20 minutes.
  • Add 3 rice-cups of water (about 540 ml) to the rice cooker (I use this old-fashioned one). Let it cook until the water is boiling, then carefully place the pan into the cooker to steam for about 30 minutes. You can also steam it on the stove. Using a toothpick to test if it's cooked.
  • Remove the pan from the cooker. Sprinkle some white sesame seeds on top. Let it cool a little before lift it out from the pan. Cut and enjoy!


  • 將黑糖、椰糖與水放入一小鍋中,用中小火煮融混合,放涼備用。
  • 將生糙米粉、馬鈴薯澱粉、生蕎麥粉、樹薯粉、泡打粉、小蘇打粉、鹽放至一大盆中,用打蛋器混合。
  • 將放涼的糖水液倒入乾粉盆中,混合攪拌均勻,再加入椰子油與杏仁奶。
  • 將混合好的糊液倒入底部鋪烘焙紙的模具中,輕震敲出氣泡、搖晃使其平均,靜置 20 分鐘。
  • 電鍋內先放三米杯(約 540 ml)水,蓋上鉀蓋切下開關煮至水滾,之後小心打開鍋蓋,將模具放入,蓋上鍋蓋,蒸約 30 分鐘,至竹籤插入無麵糊沾黏。
  • 蒸好後取出,趁熱時在表面灑上適量白芝麻,稍放涼後再脫模取出即可切塊享用。


  • 保存:剩下的蛋糕密封冷藏約可放 4 – 7 天
  • Storage: Store the leftover cake in an airtight container in the fridge for 4 – 7 days.


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

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