全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (No-Bake)

綿潤冰涼,結合藍莓的酸甜,這個沒有蛋奶、不用烤的 Vegan 全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 不僅美味、美麗,也很適合夏天!

全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)

全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤)
Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)

不知道是不是因為天氣愈來愈炎熱的關係,甜點特別想吃酸甜的莓果類。前陣子又想來做全素的偽乳酪蛋糕,找到一個食譜想試,但原食譜外觀比較普通一些,就熊熊想到以前做過的這個 原味重乳酪 × 藍莓生乳酪 無粉雙層乳酪蛋糕,於是就決定來做過外觀很像的 全素藍莓雙層偽乳酪蛋糕 嘿!

將將將將~!  這個就是成品啦! 這個”偽”乳酪蛋糕 是全素的 ─ 無蛋無牛奶脂,也沒有麵粉精緻糖。名字中有”偽”,就是因為裡頭並沒有奶油乳酪,也沒有鮮奶油,取而代之的是腰果奶油和椰奶。


全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)


全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)

個人是覺得和之前做的 原味重乳酪 × 藍莓生乳酪 無粉雙層乳酪蛋糕 真的還滿像的,只是這次藍莓是用冷凍藍莓,不是用果醬,加上”奶”(此食譜用椰奶)的比例也降低,做出來的藍莓層顏色也就比較鮮豔。

全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (No-Bake)
⇑ 這個是去年做的 原味重乳酪 × 藍莓生乳酪 無粉雙層乳酪蛋糕

全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)


全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)

看似好像很多層,但其實過程算簡單,就是把東西輪流丟進機器打啊打啊打~就對了。而且需要的食材也不算多,來動手做吧! Let’s do this!

全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)

▲ 基底 To make the base

全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)

▲ 起司層 To make the cheesecake filling

全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)

▲ 藍莓起司層 To make the blueberry cheesecake layer

Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake 全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕

綿潤冰涼,結合藍莓的酸甜,這個沒有蛋奶、不用烤的 Vegan 全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 不僅美味、美麗,也很適合夏天!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備20 minutes
Freezing4 hours
總共4 hours 20 minutes
哪道菜: 甜點
Keyword: cheesecake, gluten-free, no-bake, sweets, vegan
份量: 6 people


For the base 基底

  • 50 g almonds 杏仁
  • 25 g pitted dates 去籽椰棗
  • ½ Tbsp water 飲用水

For the “cheese” cake “起司”層

  • 100 g raw cashews, soaked 生腰果
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice or lime juice 檸檬汁 或 萊姆汁
  • 1.5-2 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • 50 g coconut cream from canned coconut 椰奶奶油, or store-bought one 或市售的這種*
  • 40 g frozen blueberries 冷凍藍莓
  • ½ tsp coconut oil 椰子油, melted

Additional ingredient for the blueberry cheese layer 藍莓層額外食材

  • 20 g frozen Blueberries 冷凍藍莓


  • Soak the cashews in water for 4 – 6 hours then drain and rinse.
  • Line the bottom of the pan

To make the base:

  • Blend the almonds, dates, and water in a food processor until it becomes crumbly and can stick together if squeezed between your fingers. Press into the bottom of the pan.
    全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)

To make the cheesecake filling:

  • Blend all ingredients except for the blueberry in a blender until smooth.
  • Pour about half of the mixture into the pan. Drop and shake a little to make the surface smooth. Then stuff the blueberries (40 g) into the filling. Freeze for 20 minutes.
    全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)

To make the blueberry cheese layer:

  • Add the blueberries (20 g) to the remaining cheese mixture and blend until it gets a beautiful purple color.
    全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)
  • Pour this purple mixture onto the cheesecake layer. Smooth the top and then freeze for 4 hours or overnight until set.
  • Remove from the pan. Let the cake defrost a little before slicing and serving. You can add additional blueberries on top.
    全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (無麵粉,免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (Gluten-Free, No-Bake)


  • 將生腰果浸泡於飲用水中 4-6小時,之後濾乾再用飲用水稍微沖一下
  • 烤模底層鋪烘焙紙


  • 將杏仁、椰棗與飲用水放入食物處理機中,攪打至可捏成團的程度,再鋪入模具底部


  • 將除了藍莓之外的食材放入食物調理機中,攪打至滑順
  • 將起司層的一半份量倒入模具中,搖晃輕敲使表面平順,再將藍莓 (40 g) 填入其中,接著放入冷凍20分鐘使其大略凝固


  • 將藍莓 (20 g) 與剩下的起司層混合物用調理機攪打均勻,再倒至原味起司層上,搖晃輕敲使表面平順。放入冷凍至少 4 小時或冰一晚至其凝固
  • 取出脫模,讓蛋糕稍微解凍後再切塊享用。表面可以再加額外的藍莓點綴



  • Coconut cream: Take the thick part (top) from refrigerated canned coconut milk.
  • 全素藍莓偽乳酪蛋糕 (免烤) Vegan Blueberry Layered Cheesecake (No-Bake)
  • Store the leftover cake in the fridge for 3 – 4 days or in the freezer for 2 weeks.
  • Adapted from Clean Healthy Eating Recipes
  • 椰奶奶油:將未開封罐裝椰漿冷藏一晚,椰漿會呈固態,再取用
  • 保存:密封冷藏保存 3 – 4 天,或冷凍 2 星期


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。可於此查看我的器具食材。若我的分享對你有幫助,可透過支持我的創作(或請我喝杯咖啡🤎)

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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