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想要吃塊美味、健康一點的巧克力布朗尼嗎? 試試這個全素黑豆巧克力布朗尼吧! 它嚐起來濃郁但不甜膩,而且因為黑豆的關係,裡頭還藏著許多營養素。

Vegan Black Bean Chocolate Brownies

- 濃郁巧克力滋味
- 溼潤緊實的口感


相信我,因為我已經用食物處理機做過幾次,但口感就不理想,所以 … 已經告訴你嘍! 如果你還是要試的話。 😛

核桃除了是我很愛的堅果,也是讓我覺得和巧克力布朗尼最搭的堅果之一! 然後巧克力豆應該再多也不嫌多,對吧? 😉

但當我想吃濃郁巧克力滋味時,就會把它們放到微波爐用最小火加熱約 10 秒,或是放入烤箱稍微回烤一下,讓巧克力豆融化。

- 黑豆我是用自己煮的黑豆,你也可以用罐頭裝的,但記得把水瀝掉後,要再沖洗一下,因為罐裝的通常會加鹽
- 巧克力豆的部份我是加在表面而已,但若你想有更濃郁的巧克力滋味,可以在烤之前,再拌入一小把巧克力豆進布朗尼混合料裡
如果你也很愛巧克力布朗尼,那麼我建議你也可以試試 全素溼潤酪梨巧克力布朗尼、全素生巧克力布朗尼、全素焦糖大理石巧克力布朗尼。那麼我們就接著來動手做吧! Let’s do this!
全素黑豆巧克力布朗尼 Vegan Black Bean Chocolate Brownies
Do you want some delicious and healthier chocolate brownies? Try this Vegan Black Bean Chocolate Brownies! They are rich but not overpowering sweet. With black beans sneaked inside, these brownies are also packed with nutrients.
份量: 12 people
- 240 g cooked black beans 煮熟黑豆, ~from a 400 ml canned black bean
- 140 g pitted dates 去籽椰棗乾
- 10-12 Tbsp water 水
- 1 tsp vanilla extract 純香草精
- ½ tsp baking powder 泡打粉
- 8 Tbsp cacao powder 生可可粉, or cocoa powder
- A pinch salt 鹽
- 1 Tbsp ground chia seeds 奇亞籽粉
- 3 Tbsp peanut flour 花生醬粉, or 2 Tbsp peanut butter 或 2 Tbsp 花生醬*
- 4 Tbsp walnuts, chopped 切碎核桃
- 4 Tbsp dark chocolate chips 70% 黑巧克力豆
- 將烤箱以 175 C / 350 F 預熱
- 取一長條麵包模,裡頭鋪烘焙紙,再將布朗尼混合物填壓入模具中,儘可能鋪平
- 將碎核桃與黑巧克力豆灑於表面,再稍微按壓入布朗尼體中
- 放入烤箱烘烤 20-25 分鐘,至表面偏乾、用刀子插入中間無溼液體沾黏
- 取出,置於網架上讓它稍放涼 5-10 分鐘,再放入你的口中
English Version
- Preheat the oven at 175 C / 350 F.
- Add the black beans, water, pitted dates, and vanilla extract to a blender to blend together. Recommend to use a tamper if you got one. Stop and scrape down the side as needed.
- Add in the salt, cacao powder, ground chia, and peanut butter flour. Blend again to incorporate them.
- Grab a loaf pan or small baking sheet. Line the pan with parchment paper. Transfer the brownies mixture into the pan and spread it out evenly.
- Sprinkle the walnut pieces and chocolate chips on top and push them a little bit inside the chocolate brownies mixture.
- Place it into the oven to bake for 20-25 minutes until the surface is a little bit dry and you can insert a fork into the center with no liquid attached.
- Remove from the oven. Place onto a wire rack to let it cool for 5-10 minutes before putting them into your mouth. 🙂
- 我手邊還有先前買的花生醬粉,想用完它,也可以用純花生醬替代,但因為花生醬本身就有流動性,因此水的份量可能要減少到 6-8 Tbsp
- 此食譜份量可做出照片中布朗尼 2 份
- 保存:放入密封盒中冷藏保存 3-5 天;冷凍 2 週
- I still got some peanut flour which I bought a few months ago and want to use it up. You can use pure peanut butter instead. But since peanut butter is on the liquid side, you probably want to reduce the water to between 6-8 Tbsp.
- This recipe yield 2 batches of the brownies in the photos.
- Storage: Store in the food container in the fridge for 3-5 days or 2 weeks in the freezer.