2 道全植韓式料理:韓式泡菜炒飯, 韓式拌飯 Kimchi Fried Rice & Bibimbap (Vegan)

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此篇為與 皇家穀堡 合作文

Vegan Bibimbap


皇家穀堡 冠軍米 147
皇家穀堡 冠軍米 147


我蠻常在 YouTube 飲食紀錄影片中提到,我很愛台灣的農產品,因為台灣的環境真的很棒,可以種出美味的新鮮蔬果與穀物,而擁有純淨的水源、肥沃土壤的東部,更是台灣的米倉。


皇家穀堡 冠軍米 147



  1. 將米快速洗淨後,加 1.2 倍的水浸泡 20-30 分鐘
  2. 用電鍋煮後,讓它燜 10-15 分鐘,再開蓋快速翻拌,就有好吃的米飯了。
皇家穀堡 冠軍米 147


皇家穀堡 冠軍米 147


皇家穀堡 冠軍米 147

近看可以發現冠軍米的米粒是偏短和飽滿的,是許多亞洲料理常用的短米 (short grain rice),像是壽司米、日式丼飯、韓式拌飯等都是用短米。煮熟的短米口感會比長米黏性高一些,因此很適合搭配有醬料的料理。

Vegan Bibimbap

全植韓式拌飯 Vegan Bibimbap


Vegan Gochujang

韓式拌飯基本上就是由米飯搭配許多蔬菜組成,除了最重要的韓式辣椒醬調味,好吃的米為這道拌飯料理注入靈魂。這次我是用參考 Minimalist Baker 的食譜自製出的韓式辣椒醬,搭配皇家穀堡的冠軍米147。你也可以直接使用市售的韓式辣椒醬

Vegan Bibimbap


Vegan Bibimbap


Vegan Bibimbap

結合韓式辣椒醬、醬油、米醋、芝麻油等調合成的拌飯醬真的非常夠味下飯,我自己喜歡額外再加一點韓式辣椒醬,撒上芝麻,充滿濃郁的鹹香、米醋的微酸,真的超級美味! [完整食譜於下方]

Vegan Bibimbap

皇家穀堡冠軍米 147 米粒有黏度,淡淡米香與芋香香氣,吃著吃著,腦中又回到多年前與家人去的東部小旅行。真的還滿懷念那時光的,現在即使無法常到台東,但是能藉由這東部米飯讓腦子稍微作個白日夢也算種幸福。

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全植泡菜炒飯 Vegan Kimchi Fried Rice

Vegan Kimchi Fried Rice

接下來的這一道韓式泡菜炒飯適合用冷的米飯,先把剩的白飯放入冷藏一晚,或是冰至少 3-4 小時。


This recipe starts at 3:25
全植泡菜炒飯 Vegan Kimchi Fried Rice


這道炒飯是以薑、蒜頭為基底味道,搭配上芝麻油、酸甜的韓式泡菜 (自製韓式泡菜),還有一點醬油的鹹香,最後灑上芝麻粒,吃起來比預期中更美味!

全植泡菜炒飯 Vegan Kimchi Fried Rice

米飯吸附了汁液,吃起來特別涮嘴,讓我想到幾年前幾乎一週有 4-5 天每天午餐都吃炒飯呢。說這麼多,那麼 … 快來動手做吧!

全植物韓式拌飯 Vegan Bibimbap

Tasty, a little spicy, and so flavorful, this Korean Bibimbap is so good and satisfying with different vegetables. Oh, and it's vegan.
作者: Nora Hsu
準備30 minutes
料理20 minutes
總共50 minutes
哪道菜: Dinner, Lunch
料理別: 亞洲, 韓式
Keyword: Asian recipe, gluten-free, vegan
份量: 2 people


  • 2 cups cooked rice 煮熟米飯, 2 碗
  • 2 tsp toasted sesame seeds 熟芝麻, I use both white and black

Tofu & Marinade

  • 200 g firm tofu 板豆腐, drained out the water
  • ¼ nashi pear 亞洲梨, or apple
  • 3 garlic cloves 蒜瓣, minced 切末
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce 醬油, or tamari for the gluten-free version
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar 紅糖
  • 2 tsp toasted sesame oil 白芝麻油
  • ½ tsp ginger 薑, minced 切末

Bibimbap Sauce

  • 4 tbsp gochujang 韓式辣椒醬, more for drizzling
  • 1 garlic cloves 蒜瓣, minced 切末
  • 2 tbsp mirin 味醂
  • 2 tbsp rice vinegar 米醋
  • 1.5 tsp soy sauce 醬油, or tamari for the gluten-free version
  • ½ tbsp brown sugar 紅糖
  • 2 tsp toasted sesame oil 白芝麻油
  • 1 tsp liquid aminos 無麩質氨基酸醬油, or soy sauce 或普通醬油
  • ½ tsp ginger 薑, minced 切末


  • 2 tsp toasted sesame oil 白芝麻油, divided 平分
  • 1 small carrot 胡蘿蔔, chopped into strips 切細條
  • A handful beansprouts 豆芽菜, rinse 洗淨
  • A pinch salt 鹽
  • 1 small cucumber 小黃瓜, chopped into sticks 切條
  • 1 red cabbage 紫高麗菜, finely chopped 切絲
  • Vegan kimchi 韓式泡菜, as many as you want


Prepare Marinated Tofu

  • Start by drain out the water from the tofu and chop it into thick slices.
  • In a deep plate, grate the pear and add the rest ingredients. Mix to combine.
  • Place the tofu slices into the plate and let it sit there while we prepare the Bibimbap sauce and vegetables.

Make Bibimbap Sauce

  • Add all ingredients into a small pan. Mix them together and cook the mixture over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved. Turn off the heat and set it aside for later use.

Cook Vegetables

  • Carrot: Add 1 teaspoon of sesame oil to the non-stick deep frying pan over medium heat. Add the carrot strips in along with a pinch of salt. Stir fry until the carrots are soft. Add some hot water to prevent sticking if needed. Once soft, transfer the carrots to a plate.
  • Beansprouts: In the same frying pan, add 1 teaspoon of sesame oil. Stir fry the beansprouts as you do with the carrots. I add some ground black pepper as well to elevate the flavor. Once soft, turn off the heat transfer them to a plate.

Cook Marinated Tofu

  • Use the same non-stick frying pan. Heat the pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, place the tofu slices and cook the first side for about 3-4 minutes then the other side for 1 minute.
  • Add the marinated sauce into the pan and cook until the sauce reduced. Turn off the heat and start to assemble.


  • Place warm rice in bowls or plate.
  • Top with the cooked vegetables, cucumber sticks, chopped cabbages, vegan kimchi, and the tofu slices.
  • Drizzle some Bibimbap sauce and a little gochujang if you like.sprinkle the toasted sesame seeds on top. Enjoy!



    • 將豆腐水份瀝乾,切成粗片塊
    • 取一深盤,將梨子刨入成泥,加入其它調味料混合均勻
    • 放入豆腐片塊,讓它靜置一陣子,我們來準備其它食材


    • 將全部的食材放入一小醬料鍋中。混合在一起後,用中火加熱,煮至糖融,混合醬液小冒泡後就熄火,放到旁邊備用


    • 紅蘿蔔:一不沾深炒鍋,以中火加熱,放入 1 tsp 芝麻油,鍋熱後放入蘿蔔條與 1 小撮鹽,拌炒至蘿蔔條軟。視情況可添加些許熱水入鍋防沾黏。炒熟後,盛取於盤上備用
    • 豆芽菜:用同一個不沾炒鍋,鍋內放 1 tsp 芝麻油,以像炒胡蘿蔔那樣的方式拌炒豆芽菜至軟化,可加些許黑胡椒粉增加香氣。之後熄火,同樣盛於盤上備用


    • 用同一個不沾平底炒鍋,以中火熱鍋,鍋內後放入豆腐片塊,第一面煎約 3-4 分鐘,第二面煎 1 分鐘
    • 放入醃豆腐剩下的醬料,煮至醬汁收了一些,再熄火,準備組合


    • 將熱熟米飯盛入碗中或盤內
    • 放入煮熟的蔬菜、小黃瓜條、紫高麗菜絲、全植物泡菜、以及豆腐片塊
    • 淋上適量拌飯醬、韓式辣椒醬 (如果想加的話)、撒上熟芝麻粒,開飯嘍!


    • Store the leftover bibimbap sauce in an air-tight jar in the fridge. It should last about 2 weeks. You can use it as a simple stir-fry sauce or dressing for vegetables.

    全植韓式泡菜炒飯 Vegan Kimchi Fried Rice

    這道泡菜炒飯也是以薑、蒜頭為基底味道,搭配上芝麻油、酸甜的韓式泡菜 (自製韓式泡菜),還有一點醬油的鹹香,最後灑上熟芝麻粒,吃起來比我預期得還美味!
    This Vegan Kimchi Fried Rice is a perfect combination of sweet, sour savory and umami. It's fragrant with the ginger and garlic undertone and toasted sesame oil that I love so much!
    作者: Nora Hsu
    準備5 minutes
    料理10 minutes
    哪道菜: Lunch
    料理別: 亞洲, 韓式
    Keyword: vegan
    份量: 2 people


    • 400 ml cooked rice 煮熟米飯, 1 cup + ¾ cup, chilled in the fridge for at least 3 hours
    • 2 tsp toasted sesame oil 白芝麻油
    • 1 garlic clove 蒜瓣, minced
    • 1 small piece ginger 薑, minced
    • 200 g firm tofu 板豆腐, drained & dried
    • 1/2 small carrot 胡蘿蔔, cubed
    • 120 ml peas 豌豆, ½ cup. I use frozen peas and defrost them
    • 1 Tbsp+1 tsp soy sauce 醬油, or tamari if sensitive to gluten
    • 3 tbsp vegan kimchi 韓式泡菜
    • A sprinkle toasted sesame seeds 熟芝麻, I use a mix of both black and white


    • Do you best to dry out the moisture from the tofu then chop them into cubes.
    • Grab a non-stick frying pan. Add the sesame oil to the pan over medium heat.
    • Once the pan is hot, add the minced garlic and ginger. Stir fry for 20-30 seconds.
    • Place the tofu cubes into the pan and let it sit there for 2-3 minutes on the first side. Then use a silicone turner to gently stir-fry them until four sides are a little golden brown.
    • Add the cubed carrots and peas. Stir fry for another 1 minutes.
    • Add the chilled cooked rice. Use the turner to separate the rice if they stick together.
    • Once all rice is separated, add the soy sauce and stir fry until all rice is covered with the sauce.
    • Add the kimchi and turn off the heat. Stir all together and transfer them to serving bowls. Sprinkle some toasted sesame seeds on top and maybe more kimchi if you like. Enjoy!


    • 盡可能讓豆腐乾一些,不要有太多水份,切成小丁塊
    • 取一不沾深炒鍋,放入芝麻油,以中火熱鍋 鍋熱後放入蒜末、薑末,拌炒 20-30 秒
    • 放入豆腐丁塊,不動,讓第一面煎 2-3 分鐘,之後用矽膠鍋鏟輕柔翻面拌炒,直到四面呈微金黃色
    • 接著放入胡蘿蔔丁、豌豆,繼續拌炒約 1 分鐘
    • 放入冷卻煮熟的米飯,用鍋鏟成團的米飯分開來 米飯完全散開後,加入醬油,快速拌炒至米飯吸附醬汁
    • 加入韓式泡菜,熄火,拌炒混合,之後即可盛碗,灑上烤過的芝麻,也可加更多的韓式泡菜一同享用



    • The recipe starts at 3:25 in the video.

    皇家穀堡提供許多不同品種的東部米,像是白米就有許多不同的選擇,如「國色天香」、「台梗9號米」、「米寶貝」等, 另外也有糙米、黑米、紫米,可依自己的喜好、需求來挑選。

    目前皇家穀堡的冠軍米 147 於家樂福、全聯購買的到,喜歡的朋友可以到通路購買,更多詳細的產品介紹,可以參考皇家穀堡官網。


    我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

    Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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