全素鷹嘴豆水咖啡冰淇淋 (6 樣食材) Vegan Aquafaba Coffee Ice Cream

濃郁、綿潤、沒有蛋奶和動物性製品,這個 全素鷹嘴豆水咖啡冰淇淋 美味程度真的想讓我每天都吃。它是自然甜、沒有使用糖,只需要 6 樣食材。我想即使是非 Vegan 的人,吃了也會喜歡的。

鷹嘴豆水咖啡冰淇淋 vegan-aquafaba-coffee-ice-cream

Vegan Aquafaba Coffee Ice Cream

前陣子為了試作鷹嘴豆泥,我還真的煮了不少鷹嘴豆 (我前幾天才發現我把先前買的三公斤鷹嘴豆全用光了!) 因為也有了不少煮鷹嘴豆留下來的水。這些水大多數人可能會直接倒掉,但其實這些水是某種程度上的寶物,因為這次要分享的全素鷹嘴豆水咖啡冰淇淋其中一項食材就是它!

先前已經有分享過一些鷹嘴豆水(aqufaba)的食譜,包含全素巧克力慕斯、不久前才分享的 全素無麩質溫巧克力蛋糕,製作無油鷹嘴豆泥時也有使用到;

而這次會有用這鷹嘴豆水製作冰淇淋的想法,是先前在滑 Facebook 時,意外看到國外分享的,也讓我自己想試試看,另外也是因為覺得夏天天氣很熱啦~: P


鷹嘴豆水咖啡冰淇淋 vegan-aquafaba-coffee-ice-cream

而製作出來的滋味,真的讓我嚇一跳! 因為… 也太美味了! 而且它還是全素、無糖的!


鷹嘴豆水咖啡冰淇淋 vegan-aquafaba-coffee-ice-cream


iHerb 購物開箱︱2018 1月入荷新食材 Shopping Haul

答案就是…椰棗! 不知道你有沒有猜到。而這個食譜,我建議使用果肉飽滿、滋味蜜甜的帝王椰棗,來達到更綿潤的口感;當然如果你沒有的話,用一般椰棗也是可以,但若太乾的話,建議可以事先浸泡軟化。


鷹嘴豆水咖啡冰淇淋 vegan-aquafaba-coffee-ice-cream



鷹嘴豆水咖啡冰淇淋 vegan-aquafaba-coffee-ice-cream


鷹嘴豆水咖啡冰淇淋 vegan-aquafaba-coffee-ice-cream

如照片所見,我是直接用長條小蛋糕模盛裝,因為我沒有冰淇淋機,也沒有特別用來盛裝冰淇淋的容器,所以就用手邊有的器具來製作,這也說明沒有冰淇淋機是可以製作的,只是需要花比較多精神而已;如果你有冰淇淋機,那…恭喜你! 會少花很多精力去照顧它。 (這也讓我最近有點想買台冰淇淋機啊…)

鷹嘴豆水咖啡冰淇淋 vegan-aquafaba-coffee-ice-cream

因為沒有冰淇淋機幫忙攪拌,就只好出動”人工”嘍。放入冰盒,每 2 – 3 小時要去攪拌一下,若你有冰淇淋機,真的會省下不少時間。記得一定要攪拌,才能達到綿潤的質地與理想口感。

鷹嘴豆水咖啡冰淇淋 vegan-aquafaba-coffee-ice-cream

鷹嘴豆水,別倒掉,拿來做全素冰淇淋吧! 或是 … 也可以用它來製作我的 覆盆莓巧克力瑪芬花生醬黑豆布朗尼杯子蛋糕,或 全素杏仁醬香蕉布朗迪

好了,來動手做吧! Let’s do this!


Vegan Aquafaba Coffee Ice Cream (6 ingredients)

Rich, Creamy, and it's Vegan! This Vegan Coffe Ice Cream is delicious that I can literally have it every day. It's naturally sweetened without sugar and only requires 6 ingredients. It's so good and I thnk non-vegans will love it too!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備3 hours 5 minutes
Churning15 minutes
總共3 hours 20 minutes
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: American
Keyword: 10 ingredients or less, dairy-free, gluten-free, ice cream, sweets, vegan
份量: 4 people


  • 35 g (¼ cup) raw cashews 生腰果, soaked in water for 3-5 hours 浸泡於水中 3-5 小時
  • 60 ml (¼ cup) drinking water 飲用水
  • 60 ml (¼ cup) coconut oil 椰子油, extra virgin, melted
  • 60 ml (¼ cup) unsweetened soy milk 無糖豆漿
  • 2 tbsp aquafaba 鷹嘴豆水, reduced (Note*)
  • 25 g Medjool dates 帝王椰棗乾, pitted
  • 2 tbsp strong coffee 濃咖啡


  • Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.
  • Pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container and move into the freezer. Take out and churn it every 2 – 3 hours. You can use an ice cream maker if you have one. I demonstrate that in the video.
  • Scoop out and enjoy right away. (It melts fast) You can add toppings like chopped nuts or cacao nibs.


  • 將所有食材放入食物調理機中,攪打混合至滑順
  • 倒入可冷凍的容器中,置於冷凍庫,每 2 – 3 小時混合攪拌一下,約 2 – 3 次。若有冰淇淋機就用冰淇淋機製作,影片中就是用冰淇淋機示範
  • 挖取出來立即享用(它融化很快),可搭配堅果碎或是可可碎豆



  • *濃縮鷹嘴豆水:將煮鷹嘴豆剩下的水再以中小火不加蓋煮至小滾,持續煮至整體顏色變深、量減少
  • *若用冰淇淋機,建議將食材全乘 2 製作
  • 保存:剩下的密封冷凍保存,約可放 2 – 3 週
  • *Reduced Aquafaba: Add the water left from cooking chickpea to a pot over medium-low heat. Let it simmer until the color gets darker and reduced in quantity.
  • *If using an ice cream maker, I recommend doubling the recipe.
  • Storage: Store the leftover in the freezer for 2 – 3 weeks.


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

2 則留言

  1. Hi Nora! I found these recipe of yours and I’m wondering if I can replace the aquafaba with some amount of gelatin (I have no problem to be the recipe not vegan) or tapioca starch ? The aquafaba needs a lot of time of preparing, as I can’t find canned chickpeas around here. If yes, what are the amounts of the replacements and also if I can use the xylitol sugar instead of dates? The last question is what the reason using water in this recipe, don’t we need the ice cream mixture to be more oily than watery for no-icy texture? why to not use more soy milk instead of water for example? Many thanks in advance, you reply will be very helpful.

    • Hi Zoi. I don’t recommend to replace any ingredients for this recipe cus every ingredient has its own value in it. I haven’t tried to use other ingredients, so I could not tell the exact amount nor could I guarantee the result. The aquafaba is there to make it fluffier. You could do both versions and compare the results, then you would know the difference. 🙂


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