素蘿蔔糕 (7 樣食材) Vegan Chinese Turnip Cake (Lo Bak Go)

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素蘿蔔糕 Vegan Chinese Turnip Cake

素蘿蔔糕 Vegan Chinese Turnip Cake


可能是因為前一陣子白蘿蔔盛產的關係吧,突然看到很多人都開始自製蘿蔔糕。我本來就很喜歡蘿蔔糕,但以前都是在早餐店吃到的,想想,好像還真的沒有自己做過蘿蔔糕呢! 所以於是就找了一天有空,做了這個蘿蔔糕啦。

素蘿蔔糕 Vegan Chinese Turnip Cake

自製蘿蔔糕其實非常簡單,需要的食材也不多,只要基本的 7 樣食材,大多食材也都容易買到,像我是在家附近 500 公尺內就能購入。

素蘿蔔糕 Vegan Chinese Turnip Cake


素蘿蔔糕 Vegan Chinese Turnip Cake


自製蘿蔔糕不難,而且一次做一大塊,可以冷藏保存做備餐,想吃的時候花 5 分鐘煎一下就有美味的蘿蔔糕可以吃了。


  1. 將蘿蔔刨成絲,連蘿蔔水一起留下 (蘿蔔本身含有水份,刨的時候會出汁,那些汁液很甜,留著它,之後一起加入我們的蘿蔔糕糊裡頭)
  2. 取一個攪拌碗,放入在來米粉、胡椒粉、鹽,稍微拌和
  3. 倒入香菇水、200 ml 蔬菜高湯(或水)與蘿蔔水,混合均勻
  4. 取一炒鍋,以中火熱鍋,鍋熱後放入油、紅蔥頭末、香菇絲炒香,之後放入蘿蔔絲一起拌炒至蘿蔔軟化
  5. 將先前調好的在來米粉漿分次加入蘿蔔絲鍋,攪拌均勻,使其糊化,視情況添加高湯或水
  6. 取一可蒸容器,裡頭鋪蒸布或是烘焙紙,將蘿蔔糕糊填入容器中
  7. 容器或鍋蓋上綁一塊蒸布,吸附水蒸氣,用電鍋(外鍋兩杯水)或是瓦斯爐蒸 30 分鐘
  8. 蒸好後,取出放涼,再放入冰箱冷藏 2-3小時後再取出切塊 (剛蒸好的蘿蔔糕會偏濕軟,冰過之後就會比較凝固成塊囉)
  9. 要吃時再油煎:鍋內放一層薄薄的油,將蘿蔔糕片放下去煎至兩面金黃

一開始煎的時候可能會先黏住鍋底,不要急,耐心等約 30-60 秒,一陣子不沾了再翻面,就可以煎漂亮的蘿蔔糕了。

素蘿蔔糕 Vegan Chinese Turnip Cake


如果你對其它素食料理有興趣,也可以看看我的 蔬菜韓式煎餅全植韓式拌飯,還有 清蒸臭豆腐

素蘿蔔糕 Vegan Chinese Turnip Cake (Lo Bak Go)

Without any meat or animal products, this meatless Vegan Chinese Turnip Cake (Lo Bak Go) is delicious with just 7 simple ingredients.
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
料理30 minutes
Refrigeration2 hours
總共2 hours 40 minutes
哪道菜: Side Dish
料理別: Chinese, 亞洲, 台灣料理
Keyword: 10 ingredients or less, dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan
份量: 6 people


  • 3-5 dried shiitake mushrooms 乾香菇, soaked in 60 ml water for 15 minutes. Squeeze out the water and sliced. Save the water 浸泡後切絲,留下香菇水
  • ½-1 Tbsp oil 油
  • 3 shallots 紅蔥頭, minced 切末
  • 425-480 g Chinese turnip/daikon radish 白蘿蔔, net weight 淨重 (~15oz)
  • 120 g long-grain rice flour 在來米粉
  • 200 ml (½+⅓ cup) vegetable stock 蔬菜高湯, or water, add more if needed 或水,視情況 增加
  • ¼ tsp ground white pepper 白胡椒粉
  • ½ tsp salt 鹽


  • Grate the Chinese turnip (daikon) into thin slices. Save the water released from the radish. You can also use a food processor with a slicing plate.
  • In a mixing bowl, add the rice flour, ground white pepper, and salt. Mix together.
  • Add in the soaking mushroom water, vegetable stock, and radish juice. Mix to combine.
  • Place a frying pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, add oil, minced shallot, and sliced shiitake mushrooms. Stir and cook for 1 minute. Then add the grated radish. Continue to cook for another 1-2 minutes until the radishes are soft.
  • Add the rice flour mixture. Stir to combine. Cook and stir until the mixture thickens up. If your mixture seems too dry, add more vegetable stock or water to help bring them together. Once the mixture is pretty thick, turn off the heat.
  • Grab a heatable container or baking pan. Line it with steaming cloth or parchment paper. Transfer the mixture into the pan and press it down.
  • Place another steaming cloth on top of the container to absorb the water vapor. Steam it for 30-40 minutes.
  • After the steaming process, remove it from the heat. Let it cool to room temperature and then refrigerate for 2-3 hours to set.
  • Take out from the fridge and remove it from the container. Slice the cake into thick slices.
  • Heat a frying pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, add a thin layer of oil to the pan. Place the turnip cakes in. Pan-fry the first side for 2-3 minutes first, then flip to cook on the other side for 1 minute until sides are crisp and brown. Serve with soy sauce with some minced garlic or chili sauce if you like.


  • 將蘿蔔刨成絲,連蘿蔔水一起留下
  • 取一個攪拌碗,放入在來米粉、胡椒粉、鹽,稍微拌和
  • 倒入香菇水、蔬菜高湯(或水)與蘿蔔水,混合均勻
  • 取一炒鍋,以中火熱鍋,鍋熱後放入油、紅蔥頭末、香菇絲炒香,之後放入蘿蔔絲一起拌炒至蘿蔔軟化
  • 將先前調好的在來米粉漿加入,攪拌均勻,使其糊化,視情況添加高湯或水,煮至整體偏濃稠不流動,熄火
  • 取一可蒸容器,裡頭鋪蒸布或是烘焙紙,將蘿蔔糕糊填入容器中
  • 容器或鍋蓋上綁一塊蒸布,吸附水蒸氣,用電鍋(外鍋兩杯水)或是瓦斯爐蒸 30-40 分鐘
  • 蒸好後,取出放涼,再放入冰箱冷藏 2-3小時,之後再取出切塊
  • 要吃時再油煎;鍋內放一層薄薄的油,將蘿蔔糕片放下去煎至兩面金黃,搭配醬油膏享用,視個人喜好可再加蒜末或辣椒醬



  • Storage: Store in an air-tight container in the fridge for 3-5 days.
  • 保存:冷藏密封保存 3-5 天


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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