濃郁花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato Salad with Peanut Sauce

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鹹甜花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato salad with Peanut Sauce

Sweet Potato Salad with Peanut Sauce

記得我這週一才分享的 鹹香花生調醬 嗎? 那麼你可能已經知道、或是期待這個濃郁花生醬地瓜沙拉的到來。

The variation of this recipe starts at 5:57
濃郁花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato Salad with Peanut Sauce


我通常都是蒸熟後直接吃,但最近我發現將它們融入沙拉也非常棒! 而為什麼我會把它們加入沙拉呢? 原因很簡單,因為這夏日的炎熱高溫真的讓我不想吃熱的食物啊,尤其是在正午的時候,所以就有它啦!

鹹甜花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato salad with Peanut Sauce


我喜歡在享用前擠上一點檸檬汁,但這是非必要的,我也沒有每次都加,同樣的概念也包含果乾,因為其實我加它們很大的程度上是因為拍照好看 (笑)。

濃郁花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato Salad with Peanut Sauce


我有用這三種不同的地瓜來嚐試製作這個沙拉食譜,而最後勝出的就是 … 如同照片中呈現:紅肉地瓜! 紅肉地瓜並不是我最愛的地瓜種類,但是不知道為什麼,它就是有個獨特的滋味,與花生調醬非常「合得來」。

鹹甜花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato salad with Peanut Sauce


鹹香花生沾醬 Umami Easy Peanut Sauce

另外,如果你像我一樣愛吃地瓜,常有地瓜在手邊,那麼有機會也可以試試 暖心燉雙薯,還有 全素地瓜巧克力布朗尼。好了,來動手做吧!

濃郁花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato Salad with Peanut Sauce

濃郁的鹹甜花生調醬,搭配上充滿自然甜、我最愛的食物之一:地瓜,還有不同蔬果與豆類,這道花生醬地瓜沙拉吃起來綿泥又滿足,是我近期的心頭愛午餐之一! With the creamy, umami peanut sauce and different veggies and beans, this Sweet Potato Salad is one of my recent favorite lunches!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
料理0 minutes
總共10 minutes
哪道菜: Appetizer, Lunch
料理別: American
Keyword: appetizer, dairy-free, salad dressing, vegan
份量: 2 people


  • 1 small carrot (~100 g) 小紅蘿蔔, , diced 切丁塊
  • 1/2 onion 洋蔥, 切丁片
  • 4 tbsp peanut sauce 鹹香花生醬
  • 4 tbsp cooked quinoa 煮熟藜麥
  • 4 tbsp cooked chickpea 煮熟的鷹嘴豆
  • 2 Tbsp cooked green beans 熟四季豆, or other beans you like 或其它你喜歡的豆類
  • 1 small cucumber 小黃瓜, diced 切丁塊
  • salt 鹽, to taste 適量
  • freshly ground black pepper 現磨黑胡椒, to taste 適量

Optional toppings 非必要配料

  • A handful dried cranberries 蔓越莓乾, or raisins 或葡萄乾
  • lime juice 萊姆汁
  • spring onion, chopped 蔥花


  • Start by preparing the veggies. Dice the carrot, onion, and cucumber. Steam the diced carrots and onions if you like. (See note)
  • Then add all ingredients except the topping ingredients to a big mixing bowl and mix all together.
  • Transfer the mixture to your salad plate or bowl. Sprinkle the dried cranberries, chopped spring onion, and squeeze some fresh lime juice if you like. Enjoy.


  • 先處理蔬果部份:將紅蘿蔔、洋蔥、小黃瓜切成丁。你可以像我一樣,事先將紅蘿蔔與洋蔥蒸熟或炒熟 (見註)
  • 接著取一攪拌碗,把除了配料外的全部食材放入,混拌均均
  • 盛盤,視個人喜好撒上果乾、淋萊姆汁等配料,即可享用


  • Because raw onions often cause discomfort in my stomach, I usually steam of stir-fry my onion and store them in an container the fridge. But if you don’t have that kind of issue, feel free to eat them raw.
  • 因為我吃生洋蔥常會引起胃不舒服,所以通常會事先蒸熟或炒熟洋蔥和紅蘿蔔,把它們放於保鮮盒中冷藏保存。但如果你沒有這種困擾或反應,當然也可以直接生食


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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