【食譜+實作影片】香料南瓜鬆餅 Spiced Pumpkin Waffles (無糖,無麵粉,蛋奶素, Gluten Free, Sugar Free)


這個 香料南瓜鬆餅 是無麵粉的無麩質鬆餅,類似之前做的 燕麥鬆餅,也是用燕麥粉取代一般的麵粉。遇到南瓜產季,加上是萬聖節月,就想說來做個南瓜鬆餅吧!

These Spiced Pumpkin Waffles are gluten-free, similar to the oatmeal waffles that I made a few days before. As the pumpkin season and Halloween come, the idea of combining pumpkins and waffles just pops up.


You can eat them with yours favorite syrup, dried fruits and nuts.



The color of these pumpkin waffles are not prominent “pumpkin.”
It’s more like the color between dark brown and red.
It tastes and smells like pumpkin pie to me.

I’d like them to be breakfast or afternoon snacks along with a hot caffee latte.
So warm and satisfying.

〔實作影片〕 天然香料南瓜鬆餅 Spiced Pumpkin Waffles


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Spiced Pumpkin Waffles

〔此次使用:【imarflex 伊瑪】鬆餅機(附烤盤5件組) IW-702/紅

  • 食材 Ingredients: (約3片)
    • 燕麥粉* oat flour 85 g
    • 肉桂粉 cinnamon powder 1/2 tsp
    • 丁香粉 clove powder 1/2 tsp
    • 薑母粉 ground ginger 1/2 tsp
    • 肉荳蔻粉  ground nutmeg 1/2 tsp
    • 無鋁泡打粉 baking powder 1 tsp
    • 鹽 pinch of salt 1小撮
    • 南瓜泥 pumpkin purée 40 ml (2 Tbs+2 tsp)
    • 鮮奶 milk 80 g
    • 椰子油coconut oil 1 Tbs
    • 雞蛋 egg 1個
  • 吃的時候可以再加:堅果、果乾、楓糖漿
    Toppings: nuts and dried fruits that you like & maple syrup
  • PS.
    • *此次使用的燕麥粉是用處理機將即食燕麥片打成的細粉
    • *溼料的部份最好都放到室溫,椰子油低於24度會凝固,若發現有結塊,可以用隔水加熱的方式稍微溫熱一下
    • *The oat flour is homemade by grinding the instant oatmeal in a food-processor or a high-powered blender.
    • *The ingredients are recommend at room temperature.
    • The coconut oil will be solid is the temperature is below 24℃.
    • If you find any lumps in the mixture, just heat it by using a bain-marie or a double boiler until there is no lumps.

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 將燕麥粉、鹽香料、泡打粉混合混合均勻
    2. 另一邊將牛奶、椰子油、南瓜泥與雞蛋混合攪拌均勻
    3. 接著將混合好的溼掉倒到乾料(粉類)裡,混合均勻
    4. 混合均勻後讓它靜置3-4分鐘。此時預熱鬆餅機,將靜置後的麵糊倒入有口的杯中(方便等等倒)
    5. 待鬆餅機預熱好,將麵糊倒至鬆餅機中烘烤
    6. 待烤好後再夾取至盤上享用
  • Directions:
    1. Mix oat flour, salt, spices, and baking powder in a bow.
    2. In another bowl, mix milk, coconut oil, pumpkin pureé, and egg until fully incorporate.
    3. Pour the wet mixture into the dry one and mix well.
    4. Leave it on the counter for 3-4 minutes. At the same time, preheat the waffle maker. I pour my batter into a measuring cup to make it easier to pour.
    5. When the waffle maker has preheated, pour the batter onto the iron to cook.
    6. When the waffles are done, move them onto plates and serve.




【廚房家電】imarflex 伊瑪鬆餅機 敗家開箱 — 5款烤盤自由變化做點心 不抹油也不沾 
〔實作影片〕【食譜】燕麥鬆餅 Oatmeal Waffles (無麩質,蛋奶素 gluten-free)
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【食譜+實作影片】香料南瓜鬆餅 Spiced Pumpkin Waffles (無糖,無麵粉,蛋奶素, Gluten Free, Sugar Free)

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【食譜+實作影片】香料南瓜鬆餅 Spiced Pumpkin Waffles (無糖,無麵粉,蛋奶素, Gluten Free, Sugar Free)

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我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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