【食譜】減脂檸檬乳酪蛋糕 (無精緻糖) Skinny Lime Cheesecake (Refined-Sugar-Free)

前陣子熊熊又很想吃乳酪蛋糕,外面售價不便宜,而且也不確定添加了多少糖 (大部份市售乳酪蛋糕對我來說都偏甜),所以又想自己做,但又不想買一大塊奶油乳酪 (先前買總要想辦法努力消耗掉)。前陣子去逛賣場時剛好看到有「減脂奶油乳酪抹醬」有兩件優惠價就買了!也用它做了這個 減脂檸檬乳酪蛋糕

減脂檸檬乳酪蛋糕 skinny-lime-cheesecake (1)

減脂檸檬乳酪蛋糕 (無精緻糖)
Skinny Lime Cheesecake (Refined-Sugar-Free)



減脂檸檬乳酪蛋糕 skinny-lime-cheesecake (2)



減脂檸檬乳酪蛋糕 skinny-lime-cheesecake (4)


減脂檸檬乳酪蛋糕 skinny-lime-cheesecake (5)

減脂奶油乳酪質地還是很綿密,直接吃和全脂奶油乳酪滋味上有些差異 (全脂奶油乳酪會比較香),但這個減脂乳酪蛋糕成品讓我覺得滋味與先前製作類似的蜂蜜檸檬生乳酪蛋糕差距不遠,口感一樣濃郁,但吃起來檸檬香氣與滋味更明顯,非常清新但又有吃甜點的滿足感。

減脂檸檬乳酪蛋糕 skinny-lime-cheesecake (3)

Let’s do this!


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Skinny Lime Cheesecake

  • 食材 :(約 6 人份)
    • 底層
    • 乳酪蛋糕體
      • 減脂奶油乳酪 250 g (約 9 oz) (我是用盒裝抹醬)
      • 豆漿優格 2 Tbs (若無就用鮮奶優格, 但鮮奶優格脂肪含量比豆漿優格高)
      • 椰糖漿 或 楓糖漿 2 Tbs
      • 新鮮綠檸檬汁 1 Tbs
      • 新鮮綠檸檬皮 1 顆檸檬的量
      • 蛋白 1 個
    • 表面點綴
      • 新鮮綠檸檬皮 適量, 刨於表面
  • Ingredients:(Serves: 6)
    • For the Base
    • For the cheesecake
      • 250 g (about 9 oz) reduced-fat cream cheese (I use spread)
      • 2 Tbs soy yogurt (use dairy yogurt if you don’t have, but the fat content if higher)
      • 2 Tbs palm syrup or maple syrup
      • 1 Tbs fresh lime juice
      • 1 egg white
    • For the topping
      • Fresh lime zest (grated on top)

  • 準備工作 Preparation:
    • 食材秤量好後
    • 可以的話,事先將雞蛋與奶油乳酪從冰箱取出退至常溫
    • 模具內鋪烘焙紙
    • Measure all ingredients.
    • Remove the egg and cream cheese from the fridge and wait for them to be at room temperature if possible.
    • Line the baking pan

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 將烤箱以 170°C 預熱
    2. 製作底層:將餅乾用食物處理機或用敲打方式弄成粉狀,加入融化的椰子油,混合均勻後壓入模具內底部,至於一旁備用
    3. 製作乳酪蛋糕體:將奶油乳酪與優格用混合攪拌均勻至滑順,之後再加入其它剩餘的食材,攪拌混合均勻
    4. 將乳酪蛋糕糊倒入鋪餅乾底的模具中,放入烤箱,以 170°C 烘烤約 25 – 30 分鐘,至乳酪蛋糕邊大致凝固,中心還有一點點晃動
    5. 從烤箱取出,不脫膜置於網架上放涼,再包好,放入冰箱冷藏至少 6 小時,隔夜為佳
    6. 隔天從冷藏取出脫模,再刨上新鮮檸檬皮即可切塊享用
  • Directions:
    1. Preheat the oven at 170°C
    2. To make the Base: Ground the biscuits in a food processor or mush them with any tool to make them powdery. Add the melted coconut oil and mix together until they become crumbly. Press the mixture into the pan. Set aside.
    3. To make the Cheesecake: Mix the cream cheese and yogurt together until smooth, then add the remaining ingredients and mix to combine.
    4. Pour the mixture into the pan over the base. Bake at 170°C for 25  – 30 minutes until the edges are set but the center is still slightly jiggly.
    5. Remove the pan from the oven onto a wire rack to cool down. Then wrap well and refrigerate for at least 6 hours. Make it stay in the fridge overnight if possible.
    6. Remove from the fridge and the pan. Grate more lime zest on top, slice, and enjoy.

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減脂檸檬乳酪蛋糕 skinny-lime-cheesecake (1)

Bon appétit!


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【食譜】減脂檸檬乳酪蛋糕 (無精緻糖) Skinny Lime Cheesecake (Refined-Sugar-Free)


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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