一鍋到底! 紅扁豆蕃茄燉煮 One-Pot Red Lentil Tomato Stew

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紅扁豆蕃茄燉煮 One-Pot Red Lentil Tomato Stew

一鍋到底! 紅扁豆蕃茄燉煮
One-Pot Red Lentil Tomato Stew

先前因為很著迷 胡蘿蔔紅扁豆泥,買了一大包紅扁豆,想說應該不久之後就會消滅他們的。


紅扁豆蕃茄燉煮 One-Pot Red Lentil Tomato Stew


This recipe starts at 5:37

紅扁豆蕃茄燉煮 One-Pot Red Lentil Tomato Stew

這道紅扁豆蕃茄燉煮非常簡單,全部的烹煮都是在一個鍋子裡進行。食材部份大多都是還滿常見、便宜的蔬菜 (至少我是這麼覺得),加上適量的調味,就是一道對我來說暖身又暖心的美味料理。

紅扁豆蕃茄燉煮 One-Pot Red Lentil Tomato Stew

我喜歡將這道紅扁豆蕃茄燉煮可以搭配米飯享用,或是加在烤地瓜上也是個不錯的選擇。有時候我還會與它和 全植物免烤素茄汁焗豆 一起搭配著紫米十穀飯或 Pita 餅吃。你當然也可以嚐試更多種不同的搭配。

如果你喜歡這類的暖心、一鍋到底料理,也可以試試我的 鷹嘴豆南瓜咖哩蕃茄南瓜黑豆燉煮,還有 濃郁杏仁醬豆腐咖哩。那麼 … 來做吧!

如果你有製作這個食譜,歡迎 tag @Barrelleaf + #barrelleafInstagram 上,與我分享你的成品照與心得,我很喜歡看到你們的照片和感想。 🙂

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一鍋到底! 紅扁豆蕃茄燉煮 One-Pot Red Lentil Tomato Stew

紅扁豆蕃茄燉煮 One-Pot Red Lentil Tomato Stew

This One-Pot Red Lentil Tomato Stew is warm, hearty, and absolutely delicious! It got the creaminess from the red lentil and tons of flavor from the tomato and veggies. What's more, all are made in one-pot!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備5 minutes
料理20 minutes
總共25 minutes
哪道菜: Main Course
Keyword: gluten-free, vegan
份量: 2 people


  • 1 tsp oil 油
  • 1/2 small onion 洋蔥, chopped 切丁片
  • 1/2 medium-sized carrot 胡蘿蔔, cubed 切丁塊
  • 60 ml green beans 四季豆, 1/4 cup
  • 100 g raw lentils 生紅扁豆, 1/2 cup, soaked for 1 hour & drained 浸泡 1 小時後瀝掉水
  • 180 ml water 水
  • 1/2 can chopped tomato 切塊蕃茄, 罐頭裝, 200 ml
  • 1 tsp tomato paste 蕃茄泥
  • 1/2 Tbsp curry powder 咖哩粉
  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • A pinch of ground black pepper 黑胡椒粉, to taste
  • A pinch of salt 鹽, optional, depending on your tastes and the canned tomatoes 選加
  • 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon 肉桂粉, optional 選加
  • A few drizzles coconut amino 氨基椰香調味醬, optional but highly recommended 選加但極推薦


  • Add oil to a medium pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, add the chopped onions and carrots. Cook and stir for 1-2 minutes. Add hot water to the pan to prevent sticking if needed.
  • Then add in the green beans, lentils, and water. Cook for about 5 minutes until the lentils start to change their colors.
  • Add the rest ingredients. Stir to combine. Cook for another 5-10 minutes until the lentils are soft and creamy. Taste to add more seasoning if you like.


  • 取一中型鍋,放入油熱鍋。鍋熱後加入洋蔥、胡蘿蔔丁,拌炒約 1-2 分鐘。視情況加熱水入鍋防沾黏
  • 接著放入四季豆、紅扁豆、水,煮至紅扁豆開始變色
  • 放入所有食材,攪拌混合,繼續煮 5-10 分鐘,至扁豆軟化、綿潤。試味道可依個人口味再增加調味料


  • Storage: Store in an air-tight container in the fridge for 4 days.


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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