前陣子突然又好想吃濃郁的生巧克力布朗尼,先前大部份都是用堅果為基底製作 全素巧克力布朗尼 + 巧克力甘那許,所以那款口感上帶有明顯的堅果顆粒,但我突然比較想吃膨鬆、化口一些的口感,要不經過烘烤來達成一開始想是覺得有點難度,但後來 google 了一下,發現還真的有這達成我心願的免烤 全素生巧克力布朗尼。
Raw Chocolate Brownies with Silky Chocolate Frosting
這次是參考 The Kitchen Mccabe 的食譜,但也是有稍微調整成我喜歡的口感與甜味。
全素, 免烤,無精緻糖
Vegan, No-Bake, Refined-Sugar-Free
核桃是我非常愛的堅果之一,而巧克力布朗尼一直是讓我總會想加入核桃的甜點之一! (笑)
Let’s do this!
(※ 可延伸食譜但請勿直接複製內文,並請註明出處與原文網址 ※)
全素生巧克力布朗尼+化口巧克力奶油霜 (免烤,無精緻糖)
Raw Vegan Chocolate Brownies with Silky Chocolate Frosting
- 作者 Author: 桶子葉 Barrelleaf / Nora Hsu
- 參考改自 Adapted from: The Kitchen Mccabe
- 食譜 單位標準&換算+問答集: Recipe Measurement+ Q&A
- 特別器具 Special equipment:
- 一個長條麵包模或蛋糕模 (我使用的:22×11.5 cm)
- 一台食物處理機
- A loaf pan or a cake tin (Mine is 22×11.5 cm)
- A food processor
- 食材 :(約 6 – 8 人份)
- Ingredients:(Serves: 6 – 8)
- For the chocolate brownies
- 80 ml apple puree
- 46 g coconut flour
- 42 g almond meal
- 1/4 cup cacao powder
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
- A pinch of salt
- 3 Tbs coconut butter, melted
- 3 Tbs almond milk
- 3 Tbs maple syrup
- For the chocolate frosting
- 100 g dark chocolate chips (I use 73%)
- 80 ml almond milk
- 3 Tbs coconut oil
- A pinch of salt
- A handful of walnuts, roughly chopped
- For the chocolate brownies
- 準備工作 Preparation:
- 食材秤量好
- 模具內鋪烘焙紙備用
- Measure all ingredients.
- Line the pan with parchment paper.
- 作法/步驟:
- 製作巧克力奶油霜:將杏仁奶用爐火或是微波爐加熱至冒煙的熱度,巧克力放於攪拌盆中,將杏仁奶倒入盆中,靜待約 1 分鐘後再攪拌混合均勻,再將椰子油混合。若氣溫低巧克力凝結太快,可以用隔水加熱的方式進行混拌。混合均勻後放入冷藏備用
- 製作巧克力布朗尼:將布朗尼所有食材放入食物處理機中攪打混合均勻,視情況停下來做刮杯的動作,混合好後將混合物填壓入鋪烘焙紙的模具中
- 將巧克力奶油霜混合糊從冰箱取出,鋪平於巧克力布朗尼上,再填入碎核桃
- 用保鮮模封好,放入冰箱冷藏 3 小時或至完全凝固,即可脫模切塊享用
- Directions:
- To make the chocolate frosting: Heat the almond milk over a medium heat or in a microwave until steaming. Add the chocolate chips to a mixing bowl, then pour the heated almond milk to the bowl. Let it sit for a minutes before stirring to incorporate. Then add the coconut oil and stir to combine. If the chocolate hardens too quickly, use a double boiler to help. Once all are incorporated, place it in the fridge while we make the brownies.
- To make the chocolate brownies: Add all ingredients to a food processor and blend until all are incorporated. Stop and scrape down the sides if needed. Then press the mixture to the lined pan.
- Remove the chocolate frosting in the fridge and pour onto the chocolate brownies. Spread the frosting mixture evenly, then push the chopped walnuts a little into the frosting.
- Cover and refrigerate for 3 hours or until completely set. Remove from the pan, slice and enjoy!
- 註
- Notes
- Store the leftover in the fridge for 3 days or 1 month in the freezer.
- Other Brownie recipes: Flourless Chocolate Brownies, Sweet Potato Brownies (Vegan, GF), Fudgy Zucchini Brownies (Vegan, GF)
- More Dessert recipes: HERE
- More Vegan recipes: HERE
- My Tools, Equipment & Ingredient List: HERE
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Bon appétit!
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