這個 南瓜籽芝麻酥脆 算是個美麗的小錯誤。但是這錯誤僅於形狀上而已,且後來發現這樣的錯誤在某方面變成了優點!
This Pumpkin Seeds Sesame Clusters recipe is kind of a beautiful mistake, which only refers to its shape. What’s interesting is that this mistake seems to become an advantage.

Originally, I meant to make it into “brittle,” but it turns out to be many clusters that I find are easy to eat as snacks as well as sprinkled on my yogurt bowl as one of my favorite toppings.
Even though it does not turn out to be what I’ve expected, these cluster still win my heart! Their small shape make them easy to put in one’s mouth, and their crunchiness is the greatest part.
Yeah! I am a person who love crunchy food many times more than soft one.
And the shape of these clusters make them easy to be stored in a jar or any other special shaped containers.
這次是參考 Sarah Britton My New Roots 一書中的一個點心食譜,但因為手邊沒有食譜中的一些東西,所以就依經驗,調整了食材,不用葵瓜子,改用南瓜子,後來有再用葵瓜子做過一次,真心偏愛用南瓜子的。
這個點心有著滿滿的白芝麻香氣,再加上楓糖與椰子油融合的滋味,有滿滿的堅果和果乾,忍不住一口接一口! :9
This recipe my adaptation of Sarah Britton’s Sunflour Sesame Seed Brittle. Because I did not have some ingredients in her list, I make some changes. Eg, instead of sunflower seeds, I use pumpkin seeds.
I made Sarah’s recipe after that. I find that I do like the one that uses pumpkin seeds rather than that uses sunflower seeds.
This snack is full of the fragrance coming out from the sesame seeds. And the beautiful combination of maple syrup and coconut oil along with the crunchy nuts and flavorful dried fruits is absolutely obsessive.
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Pumpkin Sesame Seeds Clusters
作者 Author: 桶子葉 Barrelleaf / Nora Hsu
參考改自 Adapted from: Sarah Britton-Sunflour Sesame Seed Brittle from My New Roots
食譜 單位標準&換算+問答集: Recipe Measurement+ Q&A
- 特別器具 Special equipment:
- 一個平底烤盤 (此次使用35*25*高 1.5 cm 烤盤)
- 1 baking tray (Mine is 35*25*1.5 cm)
- 食材 Ingredients:
- 南瓜籽 pumpkin seeds 55 g
- 椰子粉 desiccated coconut 15 g
- 白芝麻 white sesame seeds 10 g
- *蔓越莓乾 dried cranberries 25 g
- 海鹽 a pinch of sea salt 1撮
- 肉桂粉 a few dashes of cinnamon 適量
- 椰子油 coconut oil 2 tsp
- *楓糖漿 maple syrup 2 Tbs
- *黑芝麻 some black sesame seeds (optional) 適量/非必要
- PS.
- *蔓越莓乾也可改用葡萄乾
- *楓糖漿可用蜂蜜或其它糖漿替代
- *You can use raisins to replace cranberries.
- *Maple syrup can be substituted by other liquid sweeteners.
- 準備工作 Preparation
- 食材秤量好
- 模具抹油備用
- 烤箱以170°C預熱
- Measure all ingredients.
- Grease the baking pan with a little coconut oil.
- Preheat oven at 170°C.
- 作法/步驟:
- 將乾料(海鹽、白芝麻、椰子粉、南瓜子、蔓越莓乾、肉桂粉)放在同一盆中,混合均勻
- 融化椰子油,與楓糖漿混合在一起
- 將楓糖漿與椰子油倒入剛混合的乾料中,混合至乾料都有被包附上一層溼料
- 放入抹油的模具中,塑形成1.5~2cm厚。(我最後有在表面再灑上一些黑芝麻增加香氣)
- 以 170°C 烤 15~20 分鐘,至表面金黃
- 烘烤完成後至於網架上放涼
- 冷卻後再用小鏟子與手,將酥脆粒剝下來
- Directions:
- Place dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
- Melt the coconut oil and then add the maple syrup, mix.
- Pour the maple syrup & coconut oil into the dry ingredients bowl.
- Oil the baking pan. Pour the mixture in the pan and make it into 1.5~2 cm thick. (I add some black sesame seeds on top to enrich the flavor.)
- Bake at 170°C for 15~20 minutes until golden brown.
- Transfer to the wire rack to cool down.
- When it is completely cool, shovel it into clusters.
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Bon appétit!
✂ —— 2017.02.28 實作影片 ——✂
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