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今年聖誕節就要來了,我也就想著要來製作一些帶有節日氣息的甜點,而它就是… 開放蘋果派! 但它不是普通常見的蘋果派,而是全素、有著酥碎燕麥派皮,讓我想一做再做的蘋果派!

開放蘋果派 + 燕麥派皮
Open-face Apple Pie with Oat Crust (Vegan, Gluten-free)
記得我先前應該有提過,我非常愛烤過的蘋果,對吧? 不管是否有,在這還是想再提一次,因為烤過的蘋果,真的是世界上我最愛的食物之一,除了巧克力和堅果醬啦。

我不確定為什麼聖誕節會讓我想製作蘋果派,或許是因為蘋果紅潤色澤,或是我淺意識中就是想吃蘋果派 (後來我發現我是受什錦水果派的啟發,但因為我愛蘋果勝過果乾,所以…)

這次我製作這個 7 吋的蘋果派的內餡使用了 3 顆史密斯奶奶青蘋果,讓這個蘋果帶有自然的酸甜滋味。你也可以使用普通的蘋果,但可能要試一下味道,視你的喜好添加一點檸檬汁,來增加整體的滋味。


如果你像我一樣喜歡煮過或烤過的蘋果,你也可以試試 肉桂蘋果烤燕麥、全素蘋果烤奶酥 ,以及甜一些的 全素蘋果派。 那麼現在,先來製作這個帶有節慶感的開放蘋果派吧!
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Open-face Apple Pie with Oat Crust (Vegan, Gluten-free)
Oat Crust
- 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed 亞麻籽粉
- 2.5 Tbsp water 水
- 135 g (1+½ cup) rolled oats 傳統燕麥片, ground 磨成粉
- 45 g (½ cup) ground almond 杏仁粉
- 1 Tbsp
coconut sugar 椰糖 - ¼ tsp salt 鹽
- 3 Tbsp
coconut oil 椰子油 , soft, plus more for greasing
Apple Filling
- 3 Granny Smith apples 史密斯婆婆青蘋果, ~450 g
- 2 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
- ½ tsp
ground cinnamon 肉桂粉 - ¼ tsp ground ginger 薑粉
- ⅛ tsp ground cloves 丁香粉
- ⅛ tsp ground nutmeg 肉豆蔻粉
- ⅛ tsp
all-spice mix 多香果粉* - A pinch of salt 鹽
To make the crust
- Start by making a flax "egg": In a small bowl, add the ground flaxseeds and water. Mix and let it sit for 5 minutes. In the meantime, grind the oats in a grinder if you haven't already. You can also just use store-bought oat flour.
- In a big bowl, add the oat flour, ground almond, coconut sugar, and salt. Give them a mix.
- Add the coconut oil and the flex egg. Use a fork first to bring all ingredients together. Then switch to hands to form a dough.
- Place the dough between two pieces of parchment paper and roll it out.
- Grease a 7" pie pan with some coconut oil. Place the rolled out dough onto the pan and use your hand to shape it into the mold.
- Place the pan into the freezer while we prepare the apples. Preheat the oven to 175 C / 350 F.
To make the apple filling
- Peel and core the apples, then do your best to slice them into the same thickness.
- In a big mixing bowl, add the sliced apples and the rest ingredients. Use a spatula or your hand to gently mix all together.
- Layer the apple slices from the center outwards like the petals of flowers.
- Bake for 40-45 minutes until the crust is golden.
- Transfer onto a wire rack to cool down before removing from the pan.
- Slice and reheat in the oven for 5-10 minutes to serve.
- *If you don’t have that much spices at hand, you can also use ½ tsp pumpkin spice mix instead.
- Storage: Store in an air-tight container in the fridge for 3 days or 2 weeks in the freezer.
Hi Theo, 謝謝你 :))