【食譜】迷你椰子 + 椰子冰淇淋 (奶素 可全素) Vegan Mini Coconut with Coconut Ice Cream


上個月熊熊發現我喜歡的 MasterChef Australia 又有出現在家裡的電視頻道中了! (之前莫名奇妙被換掉…) 所以若晚上有時間的話,我又開始看了,是說沒想到現在已經到第 9 季了… (記得去年看好像才第 5 季)。

一開頭會提到這個節目,是因為這次的 迷你椰子 + 椰子冰淇淋 的靈感就是它引發的。但原本食譜就有一般常見的甜點食材:牛奶、動物性鮮奶油、雞蛋、細砂糖等,嗯,我就想做一個 無蛋無動物性奶脂全素無精緻糖的版本,讓吃甜甜的當下也沒有太大的負擔,所以這個全素的迷你椰子 + 椰子冰淇淋就誕生啦!

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稱它為「迷你椰子」,是因為它就像一個縮小版的真實椰子。在 MasterChef 那一集 (Season 9, Episode 16),參賽者是要使用”神祕箱” (mystery box) 中 的食材在 90 分鐘內做出一道甜點,而 Pete 就做出了椰子外型的甜點。我當下看到就覺得這外型好驚豔、好厲害,也才想用不一樣的食材做出類似外型但全素的版本。

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雖然過程中有點忙亂且多工,但我還是做出來了~! 好開心! 可惜我沒有覆盆子,顏色就沒那麼繽紛亮眼,只去陽台亂摘一些葉子來當點綴,是覺得也還不錯啦~ (笑)

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Pete 的椰子中間是填覆盆子餡,但因為我沒有覆盆子,所以就換成巧克力啦,也順便當兩個半圓的黏著劑。

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因為加入香蕉,所以吃起來帶點香蕉味,但椰子與香蕉的味道還滿搭的,也多了點東南亞的滋味。整體吃起來冰涼、有濃郁度,但口感上清爽不甜膩。來動手做吧! Let’s do it!


(※ 引用食譜煩請註明出處與原文網址.勿拿此食譜行商業行為 ※)

迷你椰子 + 椰子冰淇淋 (奶素 可全素)
Vegan Mini Coconut with Coconut Ice Cream

  • 食材 :( 8 人份)
    • 牛奶巧克力層
      • *牛奶巧克力 50 g (我用無糖的, 全素就用黑巧)
      • 椰子油 2 tsp
    • 椰奶冰淇淋
      • 冷凍香蕉 100 g
      • 椰奶 100 g
      • 肉桂粉 少許
      • 小荳蔻粉 少許
    • 黑巧克力層
      • 黑巧克力 25 g
      • 椰奶 1 Tbs
      • 飲用水 2 Tbs
    • 裹面 & 裝飾
      • 椰蓉 4 Tbs + 更多於盤上裝飾
      • 可可粉 4 Tbs + 更多灑於表面
  • Ingredients:(Serves: 8)
    • Milk Chocolate Shell
      • 50 g milk chocolate (I use sugar-free)
      • 2 tsp coconut oil
    • Coconut Ice Cream
      • 100 g frozen bananas
      • 100 g coconut milk
      • a dash of ground cinnamon
      • a dash of ground cardamom
    • Dark Chocolate Shell
      • 25 g dark chocolate
      • 1 Tbs coconut milk
      • 2 Tbs water
    • Coating & Garnishing
      • 4 Tbs desiccated coconut, plus more for garnishing
      • 4 Tbs cocoa powder, plus more for dusting

  • 準備工作 Preparation:
    • 食材秤量好
    • Measure all ingredients.

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 製作牛奶巧克力殼:將牛奶巧克力與椰子油以隔水加熱的方式融化,之後用湯匙的背部,抹薄薄一層牛奶巧克力於半圓矽膠模內,至於冷凍備用
    2. 製作椰奶冰淇淋:將冷凍香蕉、椰奶、肉桂粉、小荳蔻粉放入食物處理機中,攪打至滑順
    3. 取出置於冷凍的半圓模,將香蕉椰奶糊倒入半圓中,再放回冷凍庫至少 3 – 4小時至凝固,將半圓椰奶冰淇淋脫模另外至於容器中,放入冷凍備用
    4. 製作黑巧克力殼:以隔水加熱的方式融化黑巧克力,再將椰奶與水加入,混合均勻
    5. 將黑巧克力層用湯匙的背部,抹薄薄一層於半圓模中,冷凍 10 分鐘
    6. 組合:將半圓椰奶冰淇淋與半圓模從冷凍庫取出。把半圓椰奶冰淇淋再填入半圓模中,再冷凍 20 分鐘
    7. 取出,將兩個半圓中間用剩於的黑巧克力黏合,再放回冷凍庫,同時我們來準備裹面
    8. 製作裹面:將椰蓉與可可粉攪拌混合均勻即可
    9. 完成:將出冷凍庫的椰子球,裹上可可椰蓉。上桌前,盤上先再放一小團椰蓉,再放上迷你椰子球,接著再灑上一些可可粉,用水果或是葉子做裝飾即可享用
  • Directions:
    1. To make Milk Chocolate Shells: Melt the milk chocolate along with coconut oil by using a bain-maire (double boiler). With the back of a spoon, coat the half round mold with a thin layer of milk chocolate. Then place in the freezer while we make the ice cream.
    2. To make Coconut Ice Cream: Blend the frozen bananas, coconut milk, cinnamon, and ground cardamon in a food processor until smooth.
    3. Take out the mold in the freezer. Pour the ice cream mixture into the mold. Return to the freezer for 3 – 4 hours until set. Remove the half round ice cream from the mold to another container. Keep them in the freezer while me make the dark chocolate shells.
    4. To make the Dark Chocolate Shells: Melt the dark chocolate with a bain-maire. Then add coconut milk and water. Stir to combine.
    5. Using the back of a spoon, coat the mold again with the dark chocolate. Freeze for 10 minutes.
    6. To assemble: Take the coconut ice cream and the mold out from the freezer. Spread some remaining melted dark chocolate on one half and press the other to it. Stick two ice cream spheres together. Return them to the freezer while we make the coating.
    7. To make the Coating: Mix the desiccated coconut and cocoa powder together until the desiccated coconut are dyed into brown.
    8. To finish: Remove the ice cream ball from the freezer. Coat each ball with the cocoa coating. When about to serve, place a small hill on a serving plate. Place the mini coconut in the middle and dust more cocoa powder on top. Garnish with some leaves or fruits and enjoy.

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mini-coconut-ice-cream (2)

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Bon appétit!


【桶子葉の吐司記 Barrel Leaf’s Toast NoteBook】
【食譜】迷你椰子 + 椰子冰淇淋 (奶素 可全素) Vegan Mini Coconut with Coconut Ice Cream


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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