【食譜】抹茶慕斯+杏仁天使蛋糕 Matcha Mousse with Almond Angle Cake


我 抹茶慕斯 杏仁天使蛋糕 是我好一陣子前做的,至於為什麼會拖到現在來寫,某部份是因為從舊痞客邦部落格搬到現在新家的關係,之後忙著手動修正網址,中間又再加上換電腦主機,所以…我就慢慢忘了它,前幾天翻照片才熊熊想到我還沒發它!

matcha-mousse-almond-angle-cake (5)
其實其中一個沒有發它的原因是因為… 這次做完成的表面不是很滿意(自己亂弄結果弄得很醜),但口味上是滿意的。所以這次就只有放切片過後的照片啦~: P

matcha-mousse-almond-angle-cake (6)


Matcha Mousse with Almond Angle Cake

  • 特別器具 Special equipment:
    • 一個 6 吋蛋糕模
    • A 6″ Cake Pan
  • 食材 :(約 6 人份)
    • 杏仁天使蛋糕
      • 蛋白 1 個
      • 二砂 20 g
      • 杏仁粉 10 g
      • 低筋麵粉 10 g
      • 奶油 20 g
    • 抹茶慕斯
      • 蛋黃 2 個
      • 糖 40 g (我用椰糖)
      • 牛奶 175 g
      • 抹茶粉 1 大匙
      • 吉利丁片 7.5 g
      • 動物性鮮奶油 160 g
    • 較深的抹茶層額外加
      • 抹茶粉 約 1 大匙
      • 黑糖蜜 適量

(※ 引用食譜煩請註明出處與原文網址.勿拿此食譜行商業行為 ※)

  • Ingredients:(Serve 6)
    • For the almond angle cake:
      • 1 egg white
      • 20 g b-grade white sugar
      • 10 g almond meal
      • 10 g cake flour
      • 20 g butter
    • For the matcha mousse:
      • 2 eggs
      • 40 sugar (I use palm sugar)
      • 175 g milk
      • 1 大匙 matcha powder
      • 7.5 g gelatin sheets
      • 160 g whipping cream
    • To make darker top layer:
      • About 1 Tbs matcha powder
      • Some blackstrap molasses

  •  準備工作 Preparation:
    • 食材秤量好
    • 烤模內鋪烘焙紙
    • 粉類過篩
    • 烤箱以180°C預熱
    • 吉利丁片用冰水泡軟備用
    • ————————-
    • Measure all ingredients.
    • Line the baking pan.
    • Sift the flour and almond meal.
    • Preheat the oven at 180°C.
    • Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water.

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 製作杏仁天使蛋糕:將奶油置於爐上煮至帶點焦化的微金黃色,放涼備用
    2. 另一盆中將蛋白與糖打至溼性發泡
    3. 接著將焦化奶油加入打發的蛋白霜後用刮刀輕柔拌勻
    4. 接著再加入過篩粉類,拌勻至看不見任何粉
    5. 將拌勻的麵糊填入模具中,鋪平
    6. 放入烤箱以180°C烘烤至金黃色即可,取出至於網架上放涼備用
    7. 製作抹茶慕斯:將牛奶與抹茶粉放於鍋中,加熱攪拌至即沸時熄火
    8. 另一盆中將蛋黃與糖攪打至糖融
    9. 將加熱過的抹茶牛奶加入蛋黃糖糊中,邊加入邊攪拌
    10. 再移回爐加,邊攪打邊加熱煮至約80°C後熄火
    11. 加入泡軟、擠乾水份的吉利丁片,攪拌混合均勻後至於一旁放涼
    12. 於另一盆中將鮮奶油打至 7 – 8 分發
    13. 將煮過放涼的抹茶液拌入打發的鮮奶油,拌勻
    14. 將抹茶慕斯糊倒入先前烤好放涼的杏仁天使蛋糕上,留一點慕斯待製作較深的抹茶慕斯層。將抹茶慕斯蛋糕放入冷凍層10分鐘
    15. 將剩下的抹茶慕斯糊再加入適量的抹茶粉與黑糖蜜,攪拌混勻製作出更深的抹茶慕斯糊
    16. 待蛋糕模內的抹茶慕斯不流動,再倒入較深的抹茶慕斯糊抹平 (之後我自己有再用黑糖蜜亂畫大理石紋)
    17. 封好,移至冷藏至少 4 小時,隔夜為佳。之後取出切片即可享用
  • Directions:
    1. To make almond angle cake: Cook the butter over a medium heat until golden and slightly caramelized. Then let it cool down.
    2. In another bowl, whisk the egg white and sugar until you get a soft peak.
    3. Add the butter to the meringue and gently fold the butter in with a spatula.
    4. Fold in the sifted flour and almond meal until no flour can be seen.
    5. Put the batter into the bottom of the pan, smooth the top.
    6. Bake at 180°C until golden. Then place on a wire rack to cool down when me make the matcha mousse.
    7. To make the matcha mousse: Place matcha powder and milk together. Cook and whisk them over a medium heat. Turn off the heat when it almost reach boiling point.
    8. In another bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until all sugar dissolves.
    9. Add the matcha milk to the egg mixture. Whisk at the same time.
    10. Return the mixture to the stove. Cook while whisking until it reaches about 80°C. Turn off the heat.
    11. Add the soften gelatin sheets. Whisk until all combine. Let it cool down while we move on.
    12. Whip the cream until soft peaks form.
    13. Add the cooled matcha mixture to the whipped cream. Mix with a spatula until all combine.
    14. Pour the matcha mousse mixture onto the cooled almond cake. Leave some for darker top layer. Place the cake into the freezer for 10 minute.
    15. Add some matcha powder and blackstrap molasses to the remaining matcha mousse mixture. Mix until all combine.
    16. Check the cake in the freezer to see if the mousse is almost set. When the mousse in the pan is not running, add the darker matcha mousse mixture. Smooth the top. (I add more molasses and draw some swirls.)
    17. Move the cake in the fridge at least 4 hours or overnight until set. Remove from the pan, slice and enjoy.

matcha-mousse-almond-angle-cake (1) matcha-mousse-almond-angle-cake (2)

matcha-mousse-almond-angle-cake (3) matcha-mousse-almond-angle-cake (4)

matcha-mousse-almond-angle-cake (5)
我個人很愛黑糖和抹茶結合的味道! 抹茶控的朋友們可以試試。
Bon appétit!


【桶子葉の吐司記 Barrel Leaf’s Toast NoteBook】
【食譜】抹茶慕斯+杏仁天使蛋糕 Matcha Mousse with Almond Angle Cake


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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