【食譜+實作影片】免烤全素抹茶堅果能量球 No-Bake Vegan Matcha Bliss Balls

帶著淡淡的抹茶茶苦香氣與滋味,用堅果、果乾、穀物製作出的美味 抹茶堅果能量球,簡單快速 10 分鐘內完成!

免烤全素抹茶堅果能量球 (5樣食材) 5-Ingredient No-Bake Vegan Matcha Bliss Balls

No-Bake Vegan Matcha Bliss Balls

我是個很愛堅果的人,單吃堅果覺得無趣,就換來做成點心或是甜點吧! 我最常做的點心就是堅果能量球。之前大部份都是是花生醬做這個 燕麥能量球, 吃久了也想換換口味,就突然想到自己也很愛的「抹茶」,而且抹茶對西方國家來說也較少見,所以就來做這個抹茶堅果能量球摟!

I’m a nut lover, but sometimes nuts could be boring if you just eat them like that. So, it’s time to make them become desserts or snacks. One of my most-often-do snacks are these energy balls, aka bliss balls. I often make them with peanut butter.

They are delicious but I won’t make something different. Thus, I start to think what kind of flavor that is special and I love. “Matcha” suddenly comes to my mind.

And I think matcha is not a very common taste to a westerner. So I decided to make these Matcha Bliss Balls.


They are vegan, no-bake, easy to make, and just needs 20 minutes!

免烤全素抹茶堅果能量球 (5樣食材) 5-Ingredient No-Bake Vegan Matcha Bliss Balls

因為是第一次做抹茶口味的,怕抓不準抹茶粉用量,所以還是有先 google 一下相關食譜。這次是參考 Frankies Feast 的食譜,然後再自己做了一點變化。

Because this is the first time I use matcha powder in a bliss ball recipe, I’m a little worried that I could not use the right amount of it.

So I googled some similar recipe first to see the amount of matcha powder used and adapt them into the flavor and taste to my liking.

免烤全素抹茶堅果能量球 (5樣食材) 5-Ingredient No-Bake Vegan Matcha Bliss Balls

These bliss balls have two parts: matcha balls and a matcha coconut coating, which make them look gorgeous and “matcha-er.” (Is there a word for that?)

免烤全素抹茶堅果能量球 (5樣食材) 5-Ingredient No-Bake Vegan Matcha Bliss Balls


This time I add one ingredient that is not very common in my previous recipes but I really love the taste as well the texture of them: buckwheat groats. They add a crunchiness to these bliss balls. And I toast my buckwheat groats first to give them a lightly toasted flavor.

免烤全素抹茶堅果能量球 (5樣食材) 5-Ingredient No-Bake Vegan Matcha Bliss Balls

抹茶粉也會接觸空氣慢慢氧化變黑,所以做完後放一陣子,顏色會稍微變深,不過滋味不變。這個抹茶堅果能量球也很能放,冷藏至少可以冰 2 個星期,但其實放不到兩個星期就吃光啦~ :9

這個堅果能量堅果球過程也非常簡單快速,只要準備好食材,約 15 分鐘就可以完成。來動手做吧!

Matcha powder will become darker due to oxidation, so these bliss balls will also get darker as the time past. But the flavor will stay.

They can last 2 weeks in an air-tight container in the fridge, but actually, I usually finish them myself in 2 weeks.

These bliss balls are easy to make. If you have prepared the ingredients, you could make them in 15 minutes. Let’s do this!

(※ 引用食譜煩請註明出處與原文網址.勿拿此食譜行商業行為 ※)

No-Bake Vegan Matcha Bliss Balls

  • 食材 :(做出 10 – 12 個小球)
    • 球體
      • 去籽椰棗乾 60 g (1/3 cup)
      • 杏仁, 微烤過 75 g (1/2 cup)
      • 蕎麥, 微烤過 2 Tbs
      • *椰蓉 1 Tbs
      • 食用級可可脂(若無就換成椰子油) 0.5 Tbs
      • 椰子油 1 Tbs
      • 抹茶粉 2 tsp
      • 非必要:飲用水 1 -3 tsp (調整溼度用)
      • 非必要:1 小撮
    • 裹面用
      • 抹茶粉 2 tsp
      • 椰蓉 4 Tbs
    • 備註
      • 椰蓉:台灣有些稱椰子粉,不是沖泡式的,是乾燥細碎的椰肉、裹於雪花糕表面的那種
  • Ingredients:(Make 10 – 12 balls)
    • For the energy balls
      • 60 g (1/3 cup) pitted dates
      • 75 g (1/2 cup) almonds, lightly toasted
      • 1 Tbs buckwheat groats, lightly toasted
      • 1 Tbs desiccated coconut
      • 0.5 Tbs food grade cocoa butter
      • 1 Tbs coconut oil (or coconut oil if you do not have)
      • 2 tsp matcha powder
      • Optional: 1 – 3 tsp water (to adjust the consistency)
      • Optional: pinch of salt
    • For the coating
      • 2 tsp matcha powder
      • 4 Tbs desiccated coconut

  • 準備工作 Preparation:
    • 食材秤量好
    • Measure all ingredients.

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 製作裹面抹茶椰粉:(若椰蓉較粗,先用食物處理機打細)將抹茶粉與椰蓉混合均勻即可,置於一旁備用
    2. 製作球體:先將去籽椰棗乾放入食物處理機中大略打碎,之後再放入杏仁與蕎麥,繼續攪打至細碎
    3. 接著加入融化的可可脂、椰子油、抹茶粉、椰蓉,我另外有加 1 小撮鹽(非必要,但我習慣做甜點都會加),再攪打至完全混合且可捏成團,中間視情況停下來做刮杯動作,確定攪打均勻。若太乾就添加少許飲用水
    4. 取一大匙抹茶堅果團,壓緊後於手掌中滾成圓球,再裹上抹茶椰粉。重覆步驟至用完全部的堅果團
    5. 做完當下即可直接享用,若覺得質地偏軟,就放冷藏 10 分鐘,讓它稍微定型變硬
  • Directions:
    1. To make the coating: Mix well the matcha powder and desiccated coconut. If your desiccated coconut seems to be a little bit, mix them in a food processor first. Leave aside.
    2. To make the energy balls: Roughly chop the pitted dates in a food processor. Add almonds and buckwheat groats. Keep processing until all are finely chopped.
    3. Add the melted cocoa butter, coconut oil, matcha powder and desiccated coconut. (I add a pinch of salt as well, just one of my habits in making something sweet.) Continue processing until the mixture can stick together when you press them between your fingers. Stop and scrape down the sides if needed. If the mixture tends to a little dry, add some water and keep processing until you get the ideal consistency.
    4. Using a tablespoon, scoop a mixture and press firmly in your hands, then roll between your palms to make a ball. Roll the ball in the matcha coconut coating made ahead. Repeat until finishing all energy mixture.
    5. You can eat them directly like they are, or refrigerate for 10 minutes to let them harden up a bit.

【實作影片 Watch How to】

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免烤全素抹茶堅果能量球 (5樣食材) 5-Ingredient No-Bake Vegan Matcha Bliss Balls

Bon appétit!



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【食譜+實作影片】免烤全素抹茶堅果能量球 No-Bake Vegan Matcha Bliss Balls

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我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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